Is it even possible to be hopeful in the new year when it seems so unpredictable and unknown? Perhaps you are struggling with finding hope.
Photo by Yaroslav Shuraev from Pexels

Is it possible to be hopeful in the new year when it seems unpredictable and unknown? Perhaps you are struggling with finding hope in a future that holds so much of the previous year’s unpleasant happenings. You long for what you once had and wonder if life will ever return to how it used to be.

You are not alone. Stay there momentarily; recognize your losses, grieve them, and when you are ready, let’s discover how to be hopeful in the new year. It is possible!

Discover how to be hopeful in the new year. It is possible! #hopeful #newyear Share on X

Hope is Sometimes Hard to Find

Perhaps you are discouraged, overwhelmed, or carrying too many burdens. After all, it has been a challenging year for many. For some, illness has struck, money is tight, or a loved one has died over the past year. It has been an unexpected year in many ways, but we can’t let that hold us back.

We must each ask ourselves, why is it challenging to be hopeful in the new year? Let me encourage you to write down your burdens on small pieces of paper, and if you are courageous, please share them with us in the comments. 

Many times, hope can appear scary and confusing. We worry that if we put our faith in something happening and it doesn’t come true, we will feel like failures. It almost seems like expecting less might somehow diminish the disappointment.

A Lesson in Hope

Hope was hard to grasp at first. After all, my sweet friend, Sara, had a 5% chance of survival. What if I prayed and hoped for healing, and she didn’t make it? Would it mean my faith was weak and hope was useless?

Have you ever entertained these thoughts?

However, as I walked alongside Sara, we discovered hope’s true meaning, and my thoughts began to change. My sweet friend fought valiantly to survive her cancer. I admired her fight and was honored to see how hope could soar in her life even when the statistics pointed in another direction. Although it was painful, I found it a privilege to be a part of her world.  

Of course, we hoped and prayed for healing. But we soon learned about a different kind of hope, one that does not disappoint. It is the hope we find in God, not in our circumstances miraculously improving.

Our faith is not in a God who waves His wand and gives us everything we request. Instead, it is about a Lord who will never leave us and who loves us. Despite her circumstances, my sweet friend displayed a hope that soared because she placed it in God.

Together, We Learned:

  • Hope is possible at all times through all things.
  • We may not get the answer we want, and yet our hope can remain strong.  
  • The Lord’s plan is good and right even when we don’t understand it. 
  • God will never take us where He can’t sustain us.   
  • He will never leave us.
  • Putting our trust and hope in God will not disappoint. 

He promises to be by our side until our last breath on earth and, of course, to spend eternity in His presence for those who believe. I have no doubt God was with my sweet friend until the very end of her life on earth.     

 To clarify, I can almost hear your wheels turning. Not for one minute do I think God gave my sweet friend cancer. We live in a broken world, but God can bring good out of tragedy, and He has. We can hang on to hope every step of the way. God’s hope will not disappoint. 

On many occasions, I have struggled to find hope in a new year. It is easy to become discouraged. You can read “Finding Hope in the Darkness of the Unknown” here. It was a time when my child first began exhibiting signs of mental illness, and I needed to find hope like never before.

How to Be Hopeful in the New Year

Let Go of Your Burdens

As we enter this new year, let’s examine our burdens. Perhaps it is time to let God have them and start fresh. Unfortunately, letting go seems to be a practice we must continually practice, even with the ones we have already surrendered.

Maybe right now is a great time to take those slips of paper from above and place them at the feet of Jesus. Let God have it all. Burn them, bury them, flush them down the toilet—whatever it takes to let go of what is holding you back from finding hope. 

In 2020, we spent much time at Embracing the Unexpected, learning to let go. Please visit our page here for any posts you may have missed.  

Hold on to What Matters

Although our storms may toss us back and forth, God can keep us steady if we never let go of Him. However, we often let our grip on God loosen when we become discouraged or when He doesn’t answer our prayers in the way we think is best. After all, we know He can perform a miracle, but that is often not His plan for us or those we love. 

We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm, and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain,

Hebrews 6:19

Have you let God slip away? Has your hope for a better year gone adrift?  

Trust God with your circumstances. As long as our hope is in the Lord, we can be hopeful in the new year.  #trustGod #Hope #HopeintheLord Share on X

Scripture to Help Us Be Hopeful in the New Year

Is it even possible to be hopeful in the new year when it seems so unpredictable and unknown? Perhaps you are struggling with finding hope.
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We need to release our grip on many matters, but we must never let go of God. Trust Him with everything. Grab Jesus as you enter this new year. Don’t lose your grip. Cling to His hope and love, and let His peace and love wash over you. 

Be ready to endure the unexpected with a hope that soars.  #hope #hopeful #neewyear #unexpected Share on X

Please share with us how you plan to stay hopeful in the new year. Or where you might like a prayer to help ease your burdens. As we close out this year, let’s move closer to God and be hopeful for the new year. Below is a new tool to help you set a spiritual goal.

Goal Setting: Choose the Most Important One First

Are you struggling to identify your life’s most important goal? The “Embracing Goals” workbook helps you prioritize a spiritual journey that leads to transformation. Say goodbye to failed resolutions and embrace personal growth with God at the center of your life. Commit, persevere, and align with His will to unlock unexpected success.

This booklet is available for purchase in our store.

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Embracing the Unexpected | Maree Dee

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  1. A beautiful reminder to cultivate our hope in the Lord, to continue to trust in the Lord, and to surrender our disappointments to Him.

  2. This has been very encouraging for me. I am going through a valley and I need all the encouragement and support I can get. Please pray for me that I can find purpose for myself and help to live with the circumstances that I am in right now. I’ve never felt this way before and I am so scared. I so appreciate every word on these pages! God bless you

    1. Christine,

      I’m so glad to hear that my post encouraged you. I’m truly sorry that you’re going through a difficult time; valleys can be tough and isolating. Please know that I’m praying for you right now. May God guide you along the path He wants you to take, and may you feel His presence every step of the way.


  3. Maree,
    As the days go by, I’m feeling more & more hopeless & anxious. I’m grieving the fact that my son & his family are estranged from us among other things in my life. I have lost my passion that I once had for praying & going to church that I can’t even pray

    1. Diane,
      I am so sorry you are feeling hopeless and anxious. It must be so difficult to be estranged from your son and his family. Please do not give up on hope. I have seen some pretty amazing reconciliation in my own family when it seemed impossible. I don’t know if this helps, but when I find it hard to pray, all I say is, “Jesus.” He knows our heart. Plus, I never hesitate to seek out some support from a therapist. I need it from time to time.

  4. May I know what age your sweet friend died? And what cancer she was dealing with ?
    Thank you, Maree.
    My sister’s name is also Sarah

  5. Since December 21, 2018, I have been holding on to this scripture “All is Well,” 2 Kings 4:26. Keeping focused on Him. When doubt, fear started creeping in, I would blink it out and focus on Him!. Thank you for this 2021 reminder!

  6. Loved this post. My joy for the year 2021 is joy and I have been thinking a lot about the phrase “joyful expectancy” which I think, is very similar to hope. I feel that often there is a decision for me – whether I look at all the things that are hard, that could go wrong or at the promises of Jesus and all that he has done for me. I am aiming to do more of the latter 🙂

    1. Britta,
      I love your word. We can never have enough joy. I do think “joyful expectancy” is close to hope. I like it. Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to comment. It was great to hear from you. Maree

  7. I so appreciated your thoughts here. The word the Lord brought me to for 2021 is “Prevail” and this is the verse He brought me to: “rejoicing in hope, persevering in tribulation, devoted to prayer” (Rom. 12:12). As I stay devoted to prayer, He will cause me to prevail through any circumstances, and rejoice in hope. May you have a blessed 2021!

    1. Joanne, Thank you so much for sharing and for your kind words. I love your word and verse. Yes, He will cause to prevail; I have no doubt. Maree

  8. I’m sorry for your loss of your dear friend, that is a hard time to go through! But am encouraged that God ministered to both of you, as you journeyed together through the Valley of the Shadow of death.

    My hope for 2021 is purely to grow more in the Lord’s strength & joy in whatever the year will hold. For He already has a plan for my life & in that Hope I rejoice!
    May you be blessed mightily in 2021 Maree,

    1. Jennifer,
      Thank you! It has been over 10 years since that loss, but the lessons learned keep coming. I love what you are putting your hope in for 2021. Thank you for sharing. Happy New Year!

  9. Hi Maree,
    You asked us to share our burdens, here are mine.
    Poverty; God is capable of anything, but I am not. I can’t do anything without the funds to pay for it.
    No skills or talents; Without these I can’t do anything to help myself let alone helping others, or doing God’s works.
    Failure; not having anything ever succeed. Never winning anything.
    Lack of God in life; It is heartbreaking to never see, hear, or feel God in your life.
    Loneliness; No having anyone to turn to, no one to talk with, no one to love me or be loved by me. Have had no physical contact with anyone in many years.
    Depression; A result of all the above. Have forgotten how to smile.
    Hopelessness; (almost) No hope for this existence. My only hope is for eternal life. I need hope for a life not just existence.
    These burdens are existence long not just for the new year.
    Thanks and may God Bless You, in Jesus name, Amen.

    1. Kenneth,

      Thank you for sharing your burdens with our community. I am stopping in the middle of this comment to take the time to pray over each of them. Although I am glad you have the hope of eternal life, my prayer is you will see the goodness of God in the land of the living. Happy New Year. May this one be better for you than the last one. Maree