When it comes to trusting God, do you say the words that all Christians are supposed to say – “I trust God in all things?” But then you glance down and notice your fingers clenched tight and your knuckles turning white, and you realize you do not rely on anyone, let alone God, whom you can’t see. How does one trust God in all circumstances?
In life, we have all faced situations that are completely unexpected and out of our control. These experiences are a great training ground to depend on God in all things. If we can learn to put our assurance in God, we can find that peace that transcends all understanding.
It Starts With a Relationship
Who do you put your trust in? Aren’t they the people you know? We need to make sure getting to know God is a priority. Friendship takes time; it takes a commitment to the relationship. It is about talking, listening, and learning about the other person.
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Cry Out To God
God has huge shoulders! We can go to him with anything. It may feel irreverent to cry out to God, yet the Bible invites us to do so. In God’s word, we see many examples of people lamenting to God. The Psalms are full of David crying out to the Lord. Then in Luke 10:40, Martha asked, “Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself?” “Tell her to help me!” Even Jesus in the garden asked, “Let this cup pass from me” in Matthew 26:39.
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Expressing our grievances to God is okay. However, we do not want to grumble about him. Of course, it won’t solve our unanswered prayers, but it will drive us to a place where we can find peace.
O my people, trust in him at all times. Pour out your heart to him, for God is our refuge. Psalm 62:8
Remember all that God has done before to help.
It is so important to keep a record of what God has done in your life and the lives of those around you. It will benefit you to remember that God is with you and for you. Try journaling so you have something to look back at and see how faithful God is. I start mine with
“I will remember”……… and list out all the things I can think of where God has helped.
One must choose to trust God!
“We Share on XFor we walk by faith, not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7
I remember a conversation with a wise friend who helped me understand how to put this into practice. My child had been diagnosed with a serious illness that could very well result in death. My wise friend kindly pointed out that the best way to get through this was to embrace the unexpected news and entirely trust God.
I thought to myself, doesn’t he know I do trust God! But he explained a different kind of faith that I never had fully allowed myself to experience.
He stated, “I would need to decide upfront to be one hundred percent in trusting God and relying on my faith even when the results were not what I wanted?”
At home that night, I cried out to God, remembering all that he had done so far, and then –
I said it aloud, “I Will Trust You, God!”
I would love to say it was a one-time decision, and I never have to go back and work through the steps. But when things whirl out of control as they do, I have to remind myself that I have already decided to put my trust in the Lord with my child. I often hear myself saying,
“I don’t like this God, but if this is what it takes, I am all in.”
Our assurance in God applies not just to the big things or when prayers are not answered. It also applies to our everyday circumstances. It is easy to struggle in the places where we see a little wiggle room or think we have some control. In reality, we know we have no real power, and this thinking keeps us stuck in a place of fear, worry, and anxiety.
An excellent example is found in Psalm 77. Asaph wrestles and cries out to God and then turns to remember how God has helped him in the past. In the end, he then turns to trust God.
I encourage you to learn how to trust God in all circumstances.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.
Where do you struggle the most in trusting God? What helps you trust in God?
A Gift for You
This powerful prayer packet includes worksheets for using the prayer acronym T.R.U.S.T. and more. For more information, visit our “Embracing Prayer” page.

This is a good article. I agree that is a conscious decision to trust the Lord again and again.
Nice to know I am not alone in my thinking. I am so glad you stopped by. Wishing you an amazing week. Maree
Hi Maree,
I try to trust God in all circumstances. So far that trust has produced only hardship and pain. This life has taught me that God doesn’t take care of our needs. Some will argue that God has given me a roof, food clothing, etc, but what about the emotional needs, purpose, meaning, happiness, contentment, peace and piece of mind. These are also needs, but God ignores them. A life of endless poverty is what I get for trusting God. What has God done for me in the past? As far as I can tell that would be nothing except Jesus. But Jesus wasn’t just for me, so I don’t think that counts towards what God has done for “me”. It hurts (greatly) that God doesn’t care enough to help me. God loves me, but won’t help. That doesn’t make sense.
Thanks Maree, and God Bless You, in Jesus name, Amen
My heart breaks that you are not able to feel God’s care for you. It must be a horrible way to feel. I wish I were wiser to add some depth to this conversation. I pray you will seek out a little wisdom from a pastor who might be better able to help. I know God doesn’t want you to feel this way. I believe, without a doubt, He cares for you and loves you deeply. I do think Jesus had you in mind when He died on the cross.
My circumstances are not the same, but I, too, have walked through some terrible painful hardships and sill do to this day. God didn’t take it away. I pray He does, but so far it hasn’t happened. However, I can say I wouldn’t be standing here today without Him. He has given me a peace that makes no sense many times while standing in the middle of horrific circumstances. Plus, many of those things have built me up for what was next. Paul, in the bible, had something too that God didn’t take away. Unfortunately, God never promised He would take our pain and hardships away while on this earth. But He did promise to be with us every step of the way.
Keep searching for that peace; keep asking God. Praying for you Maree
I am learning and I’m sure will continue to do all the days of my life to trust God in all circumstances. Not to depend on man or women for help. I am learning to ask God first! As he can work through people to assist me with what I need. We all get shaken when we have obstacles,needs,losses, and struggles that come in our lives. I am learning to lean or him and find peace in the midst of it all.
I too am learning. I find when it is something big totally out of my control it is easier to trust. It is the small things I waiver in. Don’t you love it when you find that peace that makes no sense? I was just reading about that today. Blessings, Maree
I guess I lack the most trust in thinking God will take care of me. Sounds silly, but my whole life I thought I could control life if I worked at it hard enough. This year is my year to trust and surrender in ways I haven’t before!
No, it doesn’t’ sound silly to me at all. I too thought working hard would do it. I still do sometimes. It wasn’t until no matter how hard I worked I couldn’t get another to change or want to get better. I was devastated, and I realized I was working on my strength. Praying for you as you trust and surrender this year.
This is full of wisdom, Maree.
I am pinning this up. Thank you for putting this together.
Blessings to you Maree.😘
Thank you for pinning and your words of encouragement.
Keep coming back to God and crying out to Him, even when we can’t find the words. His Spirit within us will speak for us.
This is so true. I love sitting with him and just quietly saying his name. Glad you stopped by. Maree
My daughter lives eight hours away from me and more than once I’ve received a text message from her that says, “If the hospital calls, I’m okay.” That’s it! No more explanation than that! I think she does it on purpose to get this mama’s heart beating! If I did not have a relationship with God where I commit her into His care everyday, I would be a basket case. Trusting God, I think is a biggie for parents because we so like to be in charge of our children’s welfare (no matter how old they are). I’m so glad God understands that and hears my prayers. Thank you for the post!
Laura, That would be a difficult situation not to worry. I am so glad you have God too. I think you are right we do like to be in charge of their welfare at all ages. Maree
I must decide. Yes indeed. If we wait until we are in the moment, it is too late!
Yes, the best lesson I ever learned was to announce it first before I needed the trust.
Maree, I love this that you said, “God has huge shoulders.” That’s a great picture to have of Him. You are so right that we have to be brutally honest before Him, a very difficult place to come to at times. Psalm 62:8 is such a good verse!
Leslie, Sometime I even write down on a piece of paper, GOD IS BIG! I am so glad you stopped by to read and comment. Maree
Yes, I’ve said those words but not really believed them as they rolled off my lips. Trusting God is a choice. It’s hard in all circumstances. I’ve never had faith that is unmoveable. I have to constantly remind myself of what God says and look at what He’s done.
You might be surprised about that kind of unmovable faith. It comes out when needed, but it seems to be in the BIG things, not the small things. I find in the small things it is harder to trust. I am like you I need to keep reminding myself of what God says and he has done even in the small things. Thank you for chatting with me on the blog.
Hello Maree! What a wonderful post. Our choice to trust God truly is an ongoing process. I know He is faithful, past circumstances tell me so, but, at times, I still have to say the words out loud, “Okay, God, I’m going to trust you in this.” So nice to visit and meet you today 🙂
From your next door neighbor here at God-sized Dreams.
Great post, Maree! Glad to meet you!
Thank you! It is nice to meet you too.
I love your comment.
Nice to meet you, Maree. 🙂 Love Ps. 62:8 especially, but some of these same verses are what I use to trust God. It’s the releasing control part that’s hard. We must put off doubt and put on trust. Saying it as many times as we need to train our brain to think like the Word says.
Kelly – Nice to meet you too. I am right there with you about how releasing control is so difficult. I find even after I release it is as I start pulling it back in. I think that is why declaring my trust out loud helps me so much. I like what you said about training our brain to think that way. Thank you for commenting I look forward to future conversations.
It sure puts feet to our faith, doesn’t it? And, like you, it seems like it’s a daily decision a lot of times. Why is it so easy to forget that He’s faithful enough for it all…that we can just let it go and trust? So grateful for His patient love. Thank you for sharing these lovely words with #ChasingCommunity today, Maree. ((hug))
Brenda – I am right there with you.I am so thankful for his patient love. I love the Chasing Community. Thank you for hosting it. Maree
“How do we trust in God? It starts with a relationship.” AMEN!! Beautiful post! I will be sharing this on my facebook page. From your neighbor at Chasing Community.
Elaine – Thank you for sharing. I am a little embarrassed to admit I first wrote this post where I got right down to what to do when circumstances call for trust. I started to post it, and I realized, wait a minute the relationship has to come first. How on earth can you trust someone you don’t have a relationship with. I will head over to Chasing Community to visit my neighbors. Thanks for stopping by. Maree