Have you ever noticed when jolted by unexpected circumstances, our fear response tends to unleash a strength and courage we never knew we possessed? We often surprise ourselves with our resilience. Yet, worry can creep in once fear retreats, eroding our vitality. Don’t let this happen to you—learn how to conquer worry in unexpected circumstances.
Understanding Worry
Worrying is like taking fear and adding past experiences, imagination, nightmares, thoughts, and feelings. While fear and anxiety can help us when we’re in danger or preparing for upcoming circumstances, lingering in a state of worry can be detrimental, trapping us in a vicious cycle, draining our energy, and hurting us in the process. It’s crucial to distinguish between fear, anxiety, and worry. Tap here to learn more.
Immune to Worry
Even if you believe you’re immune to worry, you’re probably not. The reality is that we all have concerns to some degree. While you might have a handle on things when life is stable, unexpected challenges will inevitably arise, shrouding our path in uncertainty.
Will you have the tools to conquer worry when it occurs?
Fear Ushers in Worry
When our worst fear comes true, it ushers in a slew of worries—even for the most steadfast among us. I experienced this the hard way when my children faced profound struggles with mental illness.
Suddenly, motherhood became overwhelming, and I felt helpless as their struggles exceeded my capabilities. No longer could I kiss away the pain, protect them from the unknown, or spare them from the suffering that was undoubtedly present and ahead.
It’s a terrible feeling when you desperately want to take away the pain of someone you love but feel powerless to do so.
“Mom Failure” seemed to be stamped upon my forehead.
Perhaps you’ve encountered a similar situation in which you desperately wanted to alleviate a loved one’s pain but felt powerless to do so. Where did you turn?
When Fear Turns to Worry
Our struggles may differ, but we all will meet the unexpected somewhere along life’s journey, leaving us with worries to confront once the initial fear subsides. When my children were first diagnosed with a mental illness, the fear hormones kicked me into overdrive. I threw myself into a whirlwind of research, training, and consultations with experts in the field. I pushed myself beyond what was humanly reasonable, hoping to regain a sense of control. Rarely did I slow down to breathe, let alone acknowledge worry.
I tried to push aside all uncertainty as if I had authority. Do you ever do this?
Then, as the bright future we planned became a distant memory, my soul ached. In those countless hours, I waited for a positive change; worries seeped in and tormented my mind with endless “what ifs.”
What if:
- My child doesn’t survive?
- Life never returns to normal?
- My child hates me forever for choosing treatment far from home?
- I’m not enough?
- God choose the wrong mom?
- Their mental illness is my fault?
- My child never gets better?
- My marriage can’t survive?
- I make a mistake?
- We run out of money for treatment?
- The doctor is wrong?
- I can’t keep my child safe?
What are your what-ifs?
This semi-non-worrier had met her match, and it was taking a toll. Concentrating on my concerns and attempting to ignore them left me emotionally drained and ill-equipped to support my family.
What Won’t Help You Conquer Worry
Pretending that worry isn’t there or focusing on it won’t help. We all have a role to play amid our unexpected circumstances. However, if we let concerns crowd out the voice of God, we will miss our opportunity to do what helps. Instead, we must learn to recognize worry and give it to Jesus.
Holding on or ignoring worry is a choice that drains us of the energy we need to fight our battles. Will you choose to let go of worry? #choices #worry #unexpected Share on XWe must learn to acknowledge and release our concerns to God. So let us confess worry and relinquish it to God, knowing we are never alone in our struggles.
As Isaiah 43:2 says,

How to Conquer Worry in the Unexpected
Worry is a natural part of life, especially when encountering unexpected circumstances. But instead of pretending it doesn’t exist or wasting precious time focusing on what might happen, let’s learn how to recognize and release it. Here are seven tips for helping you conquer worry and release it to God.
1. Identify Worry Behaviors
Many people don’t realize when they’re worrying, so looking for the signs is essential. The most common worry behaviors are avoidance and procrastination.
Some other problem behaviors to look out for are seeking reassurance in relationships, superstitions, developing compulsive behaviors, and experiencing physical symptoms like a twitching eye, stomach pain, or an unexplainable illness.
2. Notice and Name Your Thoughts
Rather than trying to push away your thoughts, please take a moment to acknowledge them. Write them down and say them aloud. Don’t get too attached to the thoughts; notice and name them as if they swiftly pass by as they float down a river.
By noticing and naming our thoughts, we can better understand them and start to let go of their hold on us. #thoughts #worry Share on X3. Accept Your Circumstances
All the worrying in the world will not change what is happening. However, accepting our circumstances can open the door to potential solutions and change. Acceptance doesn’t mean we like or agree with what is happening, but we recognize and accept reality for what it is. I say aloud,
“It is what it is!”
Please don’t take my word for it; practice acceptance and see if it makes sense. It may feel uncomfortable initially, but it can lead to growth and positive change in the long run.
4. Live in the Present Moment
We can’t change the past or predict the future, so why waste our energy on either? Instead, focus on the present moment.

5. Cultivate Gratitude
Gratitude is a powerful tool for combatting worry. Focusing on what we’re grateful for can help us find joy in the present moment. As Philippians4:6-7 reminds us
“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then, you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ, Jesus.” (Philippians4:6-7 NLT)
Use our prayer workbook and start a habit of naming three things that bring you Gratitude each day.
6. Fix Your Eyes on Jesus
God cares about our worries and doesn’t want us to carry them alone. Keep your eyes on Him, and know He will never leave you.
“Let us keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, on whom our faith depends from beginning to end. He did not give up because of the cross!”
(Hebrews 12:2 GNT)
7. Let Go of Worry
Letting it go is different than pushing away. You can’t release something until you have accepted it. This step is crucial to your well-being.
The best way to let go of our concerns is to give them to God, where they belong. This step means releasing our worries and placing our trust in the Lord. Some find it helpful to write down their apprehensions, put them in a box, or bury them.
For me, I clench my hands tight, palms up with my nails digging in as if I will never release the worry at hand. Then I pull them towards my heart, and with a quick movement, I open my hand and fling my concerns to God as if I am placing them at the foot of the cross.
Remember, God is in control, not us!
Here are seven tips to help us conquer worry and release it to God. #worry #conquer #release Share on X“Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.”
(I Peter 5:7 NLT)
It Takes Practice to Handle Worry
Remember, acknowledging worry and giving it to God takes practice. Start small and work your way up to tackling more significant concerns. And don’t worry if you slip up – it’s a journey, not a destination.
So why wait? Worry will hurt us and those we love. It creeps up like a thief at night and robs us of the joy and energy we need amid the unexpected. Start conquering worry today. Relinquish those concerns to Jesus.
As we acknowledge worry and release it to God, our hope will rise, and we will be better equipped to persevere in the face of the unexpected. #worry #unexpected Share on XWhat helps you conquer worry in unexpected circumstances?
Grace & Truth Christian Link-Up
Welcome to Grace and Truth: A Weekly Christian Blog Link-Up! Our mission is simple: to spread Jesus’ message through the power of words. Join our community of writers and readers as we uplift and inspire one another.
Now Let’s Link-Up
Exciting news, we have new hosts joining us soon, and I can’t wait to introduce you to them. If you need the details and rules for our blog link-up, click here. Also, don’t forget to check our Pinterest board to see which posts our hosts featured.
The Most Popular Post in April 2024 | Grace & Truth Link-Up
At Embracing the Unexpected | Maree Dee, we make it a monthly tradition to celebrate the top-clicked post from our Grace & Truth Link-Up. For April, I’m thrilled to announce Lisa Blair as the winner with her powerful article. We can’t thank you enough, Lisa, for sharing your insights on Daniel with our readers.
Now for our Featured Post
“Daniel: A Man of Prayer” by Lisa Blair

Mental Health Awareness Month
May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and Embracing the Unexpected | Maree Dee is honored to present campaigns, share resources, and engage in discussions to make a difference.
Will you show your support by participating in one or more of the activities on our page?

Embracing Faith & Mental Illness Community
Embracing Faith & Mental Illness is a Christ-centered online community for people who care for someone with a mental illness. We have four unique ways for caregivers to participate. You choose what works best for you.
Click here to discover four unique ways for caregivers to participate.

My wife passed July 1 2023 after two weeks of struggling due to cancer.i feel lost without her.My brother a couple of weeks ago.My sister last year.I have no real family left. I need someone to take care of my business but no one wants to.I am nervous it won’t be taken care of before I due. Jimmy Stanley
I understand that you have experienced a lot of loss in a short amount of time, and I’m deeply sorry for that. I will include you in my prayers and hope that you find someone to take over your business. If you don’t mind sharing, I am curious about the type of business you have.
Sending you blessings,
Maree Dee
Thank you for these words of encouragement. I’m also a “not-worrier.” It drives my husband crazy, especially when he finds out later I was having a tough time through something. Being reminded to lean into God and to practice conquering worry is just what I needed today.
Kathryn, It’s so nice to know I’m not alone. Yes, we drive others bonkers when we don’t worry. May you continue to lean into God. Maree
And you as well. The more we get connected to others that are “not worriers” because of Whose they are and not because of what they can (or can’t do) the stronger we will be!
I agree. It is all about who we belong to. Hope you’re having an awesome weekend. Maree
I think Corrie ten Boom’s quote is so powerful Maree! Thank you for sharing this post, it really is important to confront our fears & worries with the Lord’s strength.
Blessings, Jennifer
I love Corrie ten Boom. I had the opportunity to hear her speak when I was a little girl. The impression she made on my life was profound. Maree
I have tried to get control when confronted with worrisome situations. My brother had a mental illness and my son had leukemia. I researched and pursued diet and supplements–but it wasn’t enough. Over time my prayer life has increased. God desires us to be in relationship with Him.
Carol, Thank you for sharing. My prayers are with you. Maree
I’m so thankful God’s peace is greater than anxiety, Maree. Thank you for highlighting Daniel: A Man of Prayer.
Amen to God’s peace. Yes, God is greater than our anxiety. Maree
Somehow worry has become normal—as if we don’t have a sovereign and good God directing our attention to the birds and flowers for reassurance!
Michele, you are so right. Looking out my window right now reminded me of how God takes care of everything. Thank you for the reminder with your wise words. Happy Memorial Day to you. Maree