We will all mark time for something in this life; it is inevitable. Our delay will sometimes be with eager anticipation for something fabulous, and other times it will be arduous and painful due to unexpected happenings. Whichever it is, we need to know how to embrace the wait well. Find out six steps to help.
Do you wait well?
Waiting is inevitable! Do you know how to embrace the wait well. Find out six steps to help. #wait #waiting Share on XOne of My Favorite Tips to Embrace the Wait Well
Live in the Present Moment
We can’t allow what we are waiting for to rob us of the present moment. We must push away the constant thoughts that cloud our minds.
Remember, two thoughts can be true at the same time. We can be waiting for something and still find joy and happiness in the current moment.

Featured Post
Please meet my friend, Jeanne Takenaka, who wrote a beautiful post on waiting. She gives us six incredible steps to helps us maintain a healthy mindset in the delay. Let me encourage you to click over and read her post. We have all had a year of anticipating life to return to normal. Her tips serve as a great reminder even if we think we know how to embrace the wait well.
This nugget of truth was a great reminder for me this week as I wait with eager anticipation to hear back on a writing endeavor.
“Trust God’s timing and His path.”
Jeanne Takenaka
Now for our Featured Post
“Waiting: How to Maintain a Healthy Mindset—6 Steps”
By Jeanne Takenaka
Click here to read.
After reading Jeanne’s post, I hope you will drop back over here and share which healthy mindset helps you embrace the wait well. Or perhaps you would like prayer on something you are eagerly waiting for God to change
Today, our featured post on Grace & Truth Link-Up is written by Jeanne Takenaka— “Waiting: How to Maintain a Healthy Mindset.” #graceandtruth #featuredpost #graceandtruth #featuredpost Share on XMore on Waiting
If you are looking for more on this subject, please visit our page on waiting. You will find several posts and a pdf you might find helpful.
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I appreciate you sharing Jeanne’s post, Maree Dee. I appreciated these insights, “When we wait, we learn to trust. Or, we end up frustrated.” And, “In the meantime, I will work to maintain a heart that trusts God for each and every step forward in the waiting. I’ll do what He’s called me to do and trust He’ll take care of His role.”
I am so glad you liked Jeanne’s post. It was such an insightful article. I loved the nuggets you pulled out. I hope you are having a great week.
Maree, you share some great thoughts on waiting well, too. 🙂 This:
“We can’t allow what we are waiting for to rob us of the present moment. We must push away the constant thoughts that cloud our minds.” I’m too quick to allow aspects of the wait to rob me in the present moment.
Thanks so much for featuring my post!
It is so difficult not to let the wait rob us of the present moment. I have to work at it all of the time. I loved your post. It was fun to be able to share it with our readers. I am so glad you are part of Grace & Truth.
Blessings, Maree
I enjoyed that post of Jeanne’s too. Waiting is a part of life, but we have to live the rest of life while waiting.
We sure do. Waiting for Jesus to come back. I hope you had a superb weekend. Blessings, Maree