Is your life moving too fast? Does your to-do list seem endless—where ten more tasks appear for every one you check off? Life’s demands can leave us feeling stressed and overwhelmed. Often, when caught up in busyness, our relationship with God suffers, and it becomes harder to hear His voice. But what if a simple pause could help us find God’s presence in a busy life?
Feeling overwhelmed by life’s demands? Maybe the key isn’t doing more but pausing more. #SlowDown #FaithJourney Share on XNow, I’m not suggesting we neglect the people we love or the responsibilities God has entrusted to us. However, taking intentional moments to pause might be a radical act of faith in today’s fast, hectic world. When we slow down to cease our striving, we allow intentional space for God, which is bound to usher in His presence, renew our strength, and increase our intimacy with Him.
“Be still, and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10 NIV)We often push through busyness, thinking God understands. But what if He’s waiting for us in the pause? #BeStillAndKnow #FaithInAction Share on X
When We Fail to Pause
Technology got the best of me one recent Sunday, and let’s just say it wasn’t pretty. I sat at my computer trying to send an Evite. Nothing worked. Minutes turned into hours, and my frustration grew with each click. Before I knew it, I boiled over in an unprecedented rage, tears and all. Then I stomped around and declared, “I can’t do this! I’m overwhelmed! I can’t keep up with my busy life.”
Ever been there?
Where Did I Go Wrong?
Even though I knew better, I made some critical mistakes. I skipped my Sunday rest, missed church, and even failed to invite God’s presence into my life. After all, I was busy, and I thought the Lord would understand. Instead, I spent the day feeling miserable, frustrated, and completely drained. The problem wasn’t solely the invitation—it was the deeper issue of busyness pulling me away from Jesus.

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”Are you busy doing things for God but not spending time with Him? Sometimes, we trade intimacy for productivity. #FaithOverHustle #relationship #intimacy #productivity Share on X
(Matthew 11:28 NIV)
The Cost of Busyness on Our Relationship with Jesus
It is easy to fall into the trap of doing for God while forgetting to simply be with Him. Even in our quest to grow spiritually, we can spend all our time reading about God without actually sitting still to hear His voice and know Him intimately.
When we let busyness take over:
- God’s voice becomes inaudible – We stop recognizing when Jesus speaks.
- Emotional distance develops – We stuff our emotions and stop sharing our true feelings with God.
- Burnout happens – God hasn’t asked us to help every cause or person. Even Jesus didn’t heal everyone.
- Our prayers lose power – When we disconnect from the Lord, our prayers feel ineffective.
“Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed—or indeed only one.”A busy life doesn’t mean a full life. True fulfillment comes when we make room for God’s presence. #PauseWithJesus Share on X
(Luke 10:41-42 NIV)
The Power of Pausing with God
God’s presence is powerful, especially in a busy life, and the benefits are immense.
When we intentionally slow down, we:
- Renew our strength – Not only do our bodies need rest, but so do our souls. Pausing in God’s presence restores our strength (Isaiah 40:31).
- Gain clarity and wisdom – Stepping away from the chaos allows us to hear God’s guidance (Psalm 46:10).
- Increases trust – Slowing down reminds us that God is in control, not us (Exodus 14:14).
- Deepens our connection –Pausing prepares our hearts to be vulnerable with God and usher in His presence.

Our greatest fear should not be of failure but of succeeding at things in life that don’t really matter.
—Francis Chan
How to Build a Habit of Pausing with Jesus
Creating a pause habit doesn’t require hours of solitude. Instead, we can find small but powerful moments to connect with Jesus throughout the day.
1. Morning Pause
Before letting your feet hit the floor in the morning, take a deep breath and acknowledge God’s presence.
2. Move Your Phone
Charge your phone in a different room so your first reach in the morning is for Jesus—not notifications. Or delete apps that distract you from time you could spend with Jesus.
3. Pre-Prayer Pause
Breathe in and out three times slowly to quiet your heart.
4. Sit Still in Prayer
Allow time in your prayers for silence to listen for God’s voice.
5. Take a Nature Walk with Jesus
Take a stroll, pausing along the way to notice God’s beautiful creation and reflect on His goodness.
6. The Gratitude Pause
At any point in your day, pause to thank God for something—big or small.
7. Set a Timer
Schedule a 5-minute break to step away from tasks and read a Bible verse or pray.
8. Sunday Sabbath
Honor God by making Sunday a day of rest—a time to pause, reflect, and realign your heart with Him.
How do you habitually pause with Jesus in your busy life?
Pause and Seek God Today
The world urges us to hustle, strive, and do more. However, God invites us to be still and know Him. Will you take the bold step of pausing today? Let’s encourage each other! Comment below:
Be on the lookout for our new blog posts, exploring how small pauses throughout the day impact relationships, productivity, and peace.
My Word and Spiritual Goal for 2025
Choosing a word for the year helps anchor your spiritual focus. Mine is ‘Pause.’ What’s yours? #OneWord365 #FaithGoals #WOTY #mareedee #spiritualgoal Share on XMaree’s Spiritual Goal for 2025
I long to connect with God more intimately by pausing and dwelling in His presence. I seek time without an agenda—to share my true feelings, stand in awe of His creation, meditate on scripture, and listen for His gentle voice.
My One Simple Word
Maree’s Mantra for 2025
Pause. Breathe. Listen.
Verse for the Year
“I love those who love me, and those who seek me find me.” (Proverbs 8:17 NIV)

My Why
Lately, God has felt distant, and I yearn to draw nearer to Him—to feel His presence and tender care. I don’t want to rely on my words but speak His words. I don’t want to chase my plans but follow His will.
A Few Action Steps to Live This Out
- Monthly focus – Choose one scripture each month to meditate on.
- Daily inquiry – Begin each day by asking. “Jesus, what are Your priorities for me today?”
- Prayer reset – Pause and count to five before praying, making room to listen for His voice.
- Honest journaling – Pour out my true emotions before God daily.
- Intentional decisions – Before starting any task, pause and ask, “Is this what God wants me to do first?”
My Prayer: Pausing to Take in the Lord’s Presence
T – Thank You, Jesus, for the gift of Your presence. I don’t want to rush past you.
R – Forgive me for when I don’t pause to receive Your love, wisdom, and peace.
U – Help me to pause before reacting, striving, or filling my schedule.
S – Still my heart to hear Your voice.
T – Teach me, Lord, to take hold of You and rest in Your presence.
This prayer format comes from our prayer workbook, which you can receive as a gift.
Need help setting a spiritual goal? Our workbook, available in our store, will guide you through the process.
Please share with us how you find God’s presence in a busy life. #busy #God Share on X
Grace & Truth Christian Link-Up
Welcome to Grace and Truth: A Weekly Christian Blog Link-Up! Our mission is simple: to spread Jesus’ message through the power of words. Don’t forget that for every post you add, we ask that you read and comment on two.
Now, Let’s Link Up
To discover our hosts, details, and rules for our blog link-up, click here. Also, don’t forget to check our Pinterest board to see if one of your posts is featured.
Join our community of writers and readers at our Grace & Truth Christian Blog Link-Up as we uplift and inspire one another. #graceandtruth #graceandtruthbloglinkup #christianbloglinkup Share on X
Upcoming Talk: Soul Care for Mental Disorders: Ministering Christ’s Hope to Your Loved One
When your loved one is diagnosed with a mental disorder, you may wonder how to encourage them in Christ. In this webinar, Christine considers what compassionate soul care ministry can look like and shares five gospel truths to remember as you help someone navigate a post-diagnosis journey.
Join us for this inspiring session via Zoom on Saturday, April 5, 2025, at 9:00 AM (Mountain Time).
Love the acronym and practical suggestions!
Even Jesus told His disciples to come apart and rest for a while; rest must be a necessary thing. Thanks for the reminder. Many blessings to you!
I started following your blog a couple months ago because, well, it resonated with me. And, full disclosure, because I started a blog and am figuring out how other people do it. (Like you, I have a story to tell). Plus, I realized we live in the same area (I live in Ontario).
A little bit about me. I had a massive stroke 4 years ago, and I’m working on getting better. While mental illness is different from having a brain injury there is an overlap for sure.
It amazes me when things click in my brain. My broken brain. Words, ideas, verses, I latch on to them. Words have become so important to me. For me, a “word for the year” has become more than a clever exercise, but more like a way of life.
This adventure I’m living in started with one word, “come”. That word sort of miraculously appeared. “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Like I said, your post resonated.) That happened when I couldn’t read, I couldn’t write, and I couldn’t talk very well. Four years later, I can sort of write, sort of read, and sort of talk. Yippee! I guess. But that word “come” has become a part of the foundation of my new life, and another word has become apparent. I see it often when I read my bible, see it in the things I have already written. Over and over again it appears. Yep, it amazed me when things click in my brain. Anyways, my word for this year is “listen’’. Come and listen.
I’ve always tried to be a good man, trying to do the right things, sort of working out my salvation, but I realize what God wants is for me to just come and to listen.
Your word, pause. Well It happened to me. My busy world is on pause. Maybe forever? And that is okay. All that God wants right now is for me to come and listen.
I know you are a busy woman. But, If you want, the story of how the word “come” came to me is told of the home page of my blog, http://www.chairsontheporch.com
Thank you for being so transparent here Maree. I have found the Sabbath rest so important in this season of my life, something although I had tried, was often neglected in the busy years of raising family, working full time & busy ministries.
My WOTY is Explore & I have been enjoying exploring so many everyday things around me in new ways & seeing them in a new light!
Blessings, Jennifer
Pausing is powerful! I’ve always been a busy-body, but I’m learning to pause so that I can listen. I’m still a work in progress.
What a beautifully written and encouraging post, Maree, and so on-point for the launch today of Come & Dwell over at InstaEncouragements.com!! 🙂 In the midst of our busy lives, it’s so easy to overlook God’s presence, yet He is always near, inviting us to slow down and abide in Him—and come and dwell with Him. I love how you emphasize finding Him in the ordinary moments—what a powerful reminder that He meets us right where we are. Thank you for sharing such practical and heartfelt wisdom! Your words inspire us all to be more intentional in seeking Him throughout our days. I will be sharing!
I thought life was fast-paced when all my kiddos were in the nest (5 boys), but WOW – it’s zooming even faster now! I’ve been reaching for that emergency break to stop — I’m thinking it’s not so emergency anymore. It’s everyday ordinary breaking to stop. Great tips to a Holy slowdown!
Oh, Maree, this entire post is such a blessing. You made it impossible for excuses, and put us all right in front of the Father. Every suggestion you have made is exactly what we needed to hear. We all proclaim that we are “so busy” to anyone who will listen. But God isn’t buying it. Thank you so much.
Great recommendations for building a habit of pausing with Jesus, Maree. There is gratitude in my heart for His faithfulness to respond to us – when we draw near to Him, He is faithful to draw near to us.
Sometimes it’s just a matter of paying attention, isn’t it?