Well, Thanksgiving is officially behind us, and we are quickly heading into our Christmas season. We still have no idea precisely what that will look like with this pandemic. No doubt it will be a different Christmas from those in the past. How will you inspire delight in this Christmas season in the middle of the unexpected?
I am a big believer that before moving forward; it is always a good idea to take a quick look at the past, plan loosely for the future, and remind ourselves to live in the present moment. Do you do this? It might help to make your Christmas the best it can be.
It is wise to take a quick look at the past, plan loosely for the future, and remind ourselves to live in the present moment. #Christmas Share on XLooking to the Past
Since we recently wrapped up Thanksgiving – let’s hear what worked over the holiday. How did you connect with those who were not present? Did you take the time to embrace the sadness with the blessings? What would you have avoided? Please share; we can all learn from each other.
Inspire Delight in This Christmas
As many of you know, I am a huge planner. However, the unexpected seems to wreak havoc on the best-laid plans. However, we can still make plans and be flexible when life changes. In addition, it isn’t a bad idea to make a few contingency arrangements.
Living in the Moment
The best idea is to learn to live in the moment. It is all we have promised.
“If you must look back, do so forgivingly. If you must look forward, do so prayerfully. However, the wisest thing you can do is to be present in the present. Gratefully.”
—Maya Angelou
Featured Post
Ashley Rowland wrote a fantastic post giving us four simple tips to enjoy our upcoming holiday. Her ideas are sure to inspire delight in this Christmas season. Number two is one I plan to add to the festivities. How about you?
Now for our Featured Post
By Ashley Rowland
Click here to read.
Today's featured post on Grace & Truth Link-Up is written by Ashley Rowland – “4 Simple Tips to Enjoy the Moment This Christmas.” #graceandtruth #featuredpost Share on XWe would love to hear your ideas on how you will find delight in this Christmas season.

Intentional Christmas Love
This December, let’s focus on what matters most: love. Join us each week for a new challenge as we turn our hearts toward God, ourselves, and others. Together, we can celebrate the true meaning of the season.
Our Thanksgiving was actually relaxing. I made pies (my contribution to the meal) on Wednesday, we did our traditional Thanksgiving morning breakfast—just the four of us—and later on Thanksgiving day, we drove to meet at my sister’s house. It was a much smaller gathering than usual. We are traveling to see family this year, and we’re not sure how it’s going to turn out. Hubs’ mom isn’t doing well, so . . . this trip is important to us. We’ll have to see how things go where she lives. And, we’re staying in a hotel rather than with her. I’m sure Christmas will be simplified in every way this year.
Your Thanksgiving sounded perfect. I am sorry to hear your husband’s mom isn’t doing well. Prayers, you can go and see her and that everyone stays healthy. We have spent a few Christmas’s in a hotel. I was pleasantly surprised at the blessings of a simple Christmas and time together. Thank you for stopping by.
This may be one of the hardest Christmases for me to find delight, but I am determined!
You go girl. Praying for you! Maree
Thank you so much for the feature, Maree!
It was an honor to feature you. I loved your post. Maree
The unexpected arrived on my doorstep last week Maree shared in my post
‘Receiving that phone call we all dread!’
Thank you for sharing your heart in your post. I am praying for you. Maree
Our oldest is planning to be here Christmas, unless firmer lockdowns don’t allow travel between our states by that time. It would be so sad if he couldn’t come–it would be the first Christmas he wouldn’t be here. Plus he lives alone, and I get concerned about the long term effects of that with such limited contact with others. But in the back of my mind I’m trying to come up with contingency plans to make it special.
I am praying your oldest can come home for Christmas. I would love to hear your contingency plan. It sure looks like this Christmas will be different for most.