Person jumping up |  Do you skip the most critical part of goal setting and fail to know where God wants you to grow? Let's change that today!

Do you love the invigorating energy of putting your all into striving for a goal and the grand feeling of victory when accomplished? There is nothing like it. However, do you skip the most critical part and fail to know where God wants you to grow? Let’s change that today.

Know Where God Wants You to Grow

After all, isn’t the Lord’s will what we ultimately desire for our lives? Yet, uncovering the Lord’s ideas will take pondering, listening, patience, and paying attention. And most importantly, we have to ask Jesus to show us.

Of course, sometimes it is hard to know precisely where God wants us to grow. Perhaps the message isn’t coming in clearly. However, one goal we can be sure of is that God wants us to grow closer to Him and become more Christ-like here on earth. Go ahead and start with a spiritual goal; you can always change your mind as the plan becomes clear.

Discover the most critical part of goal setting. #goal #growthisyear Share on X

It’s All About the Relationship

Do you ever have one of those conversations that you wish you could return and redo? In the early years of my walk with God, I had the opportunity to chat with a friend and listen to his thoughts on Jesus and heaven. Eddie looked at me, smiled with His eyes, chuckled a bit, and said, “All I care about is getting to heaven. I could care less whether I have a mansion or shack—being there will be enough. With a flicker in his eye, He leaned in and said, “I said the salvation prayer, so I expect to see you there someday.”

At the time, I smiled back, nodded in agreement, and we moved to a new topic. Unfortunately, our interactions were far and few after that, and I later learned my friend’s life turned dark and brutal, and he unexpectedly passed away. I have no idea if he ever discovered that there is so much more to a relationship with Jesus than receiving a ticket to heaven—I hope so.

Unspoken Words

Well, 25 years have passed since that evening, and here is how I would respond today. Yes, heaven will be spectacular, and a shack will do. After all, we will be walking with Jesus in heaven. However, I would ask him, don’t you want a little heaven on earth right now? Why wait until we die?

I imagine he would tilt his head to the side, place his elbow on the table, and rest his chin on this hand. With a furrowed brow, he would ask me to explain.

We have the opportunity right now to deepen our connection with God and bring a little heaven to earth through our relationship with Christ. He can fill us with a peace that makes no sense, strengthen us with a power that perseveres through unexpected circumstances, bring light into darkness, give us rest when we are weary and much more. But my favorite is that God walks with us every moment and never leaves us alone.

What would you have said to my friend, given the opportunity?

Let’s Not Skip a Deeper Relationship With God

We can seek to grow closer to our maker, God, and, in the process, become more Christlike. However, it will take effort and a conversation with the one who knows us better than anyone—the Lord. The post “Are You Growing Closer in the Most Valuable Relationship?” may help uncover what might be holding you back. 

beautiful sunset|  Do you skip the most critical part of goal setting and fail to know where God wants you to grow? Let's change that today!
(2 Corinthians 3:17-18 NIV)

Will you consider working on a spiritual goal first to know where God wants you to grow this year and then move on to other pursuits? Or if you have already set your New Year’s resolutions, will you revise them with God? Perhaps He has something else in mind. 

All goals are good, but starting with a Spiritual goal is paramount in the life of a Christian.

—Maree Dee

Why Choose a Spiritual Goal First?

Our desire may be for a more intimate connection with the Lord. However, we are human, and we pull away from God, disappoint Him, let ourselves get distracted, and fail Him time after time. Thank goodness He is a forgiving God.

Drawing closer to God through a spiritual goal will help us focus on Him. It certainly helps me. I thought you might like this song.

What are Spiritual Goals? 

With some research, I find the list extensive and varied; I have included some significant categories and a sub-list of ideas. I think choosing something that will help you develop a richer, more profound faith that draws you closer to God and keeps your eyes fixed on Him is what is essential. The goal can change, and you could choose a different one each month.


  • establish a daily prayer time
  • pray with others
  • start a prayer journal
  • take a daily prayer walk
  • practice listening to God
  • start a gratitude journal thanking God
  • write letters to God

Bible Engagement

  • read scripture daily
  • listen to scripture
  • memorize scripture daily or weekly
  • apply God’s word
  • join a small group
  • attend church
  • do a Bible word study
  • add a wallpaper or screensaver with a verse
  • Use a Bible Verse of the Day App

Avoid Sin

  • Stop conforming to the World’s standards
  • commit to stop sin in your life
  • seek forgiveness from God and others for your sins
  • aspire to obey God’s commandments 
  • strive to follow God’s promptings 
  • practice self-control
  • turn negative thoughts around


  • tithe
  • volunteer at your church
  • serve others outside your church
  • practice kindness to others
  • Be sensitive and kind to others
  • Use your gifts
  • love the unloved, lonely, and forgotten

Develop a Stronger Relationship with God

  • practice being still with God at a designated time
  • record in a journal what you hear God saying
  • practice Sabbath rest
  • choose one day to set aside electronics
  • fast and draw close to God
  • set aside a designated time to spend with Him
  • discover the joy of the Lord
  • cease striving
  • take in God’s grace
  • extend God’s grace to others
  • each morning, commit your day to God
  • choose each day to put your trust in the Lord
  • let go of your burdens and give them to God
  • take time daily to express your love to the Lord
  • practice loving God with all your mind, body, and soul

Develop the Fruits of the Spirit

  • choose one fruit a month to practice (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control)


  • delight in the Lord
  • look for the awe of God in everything
  • engage in corporate worship
  • discover new ways to worship daily 

Share the Gospel

  • go on a mission trip
  • mentor someone
  • share Jesus with others
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
(Romans 12:2 ESV)

How to Choose a Spiritual Goal

A few good practices can help when done in unison with the Lord. Step One—take a spiritual inventory; after; all, the past year might show us where change might enhance our connection. Step Two—set a spiritual goal with planned steps to attain the pursuit.  

In our downloadable Embracing Goals: How to Know Where God Wants You to Grow This Year, we have worksheets to walk you through the process. 

Then the LORD replied: "Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it.
(Habakkuk 2:2)

Goal Setting: Choose the Most Important One First

Are you struggling to identify your life’s most important goal? The “Embracing Goals” workbook helps you prioritize a spiritual journey that leads to transformation. Say goodbye to failed resolutions and embrace personal growth with God at the center of your life. Commit, persevere, and align with His will to unlock unexpected success.

This booklet is available for purchase in our store.

How Will You Benefit

When we follow where God wants us to grow, our relationship with Christ will deepen. The Lord will help us run the race well and be prepared to embrace the unexpected when it shows up. When we start with a spiritual goal, we will gain clarity, God’s to follow God’s will and improve our relationship with Him and others. He will help us to let go of bitterness and sin and find more joy along the way.

Don’t miss out on deepening your relationship with God this year. Know where God wants you to grow. #relationship #God #grow Share on X

Start Anytime

Waiting for the perfect time is not a smart way to grow closer to God. Start Now! #relationship #goal #spiritualgoal Share on X

Don’t let your faith focus solely on getting into heaven; let’s enjoy what Christ offers us right now. Discover where God wants you to grow and take steps in that direction. And remember, it is never too late to draw closer to God or set a new goal, and we can always hit reset and start over.

Sunrise |  Do you skip the most critical part of goal setting and fail to know where God wants you to grow? Let's change that today!
(Philippians 2:13 CEB)

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Embracing the Unexpected | Maree Dee

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  1. Beautiful, Maree! Our relationship with God is the fount which all the water flows into other relationships. And yes, our older self definitely answers differently from our younger selves as there is a deeper well we draw from in which we can give a drink to others.

    1. Yes, so true God’s plan is best. If only I could always slow down and listen to this plan. Praying you always discover his plan for your life. Thank you for joining us. Blessings, Maree

  2. Your post is full of wisdom – thank you! Love the list too. I’m glad to see a lot of my goals are listed there. Yes, bringing heaven on earth for ourselves and those in our care is what the Lord wants for us!
    Thank you for the beautiful song too. ♥

    1. Corinne, I am so glad you saw some of your goals listed there. Please do share any ones I don’t have listed. May you have a blessed weekend taking in the presence of God. Maree

  3. Maree, what an insightful post! I kept coming back to you thoughts about heaven. Years ago, I had a pastor who challenged me with this question: “Is heaven your destination or your motivation?” I realized I wanted heaven to be my motivation for living for God’s glory and in a way that also draws others to Him. This requires an ever-deepening relationship with Him. Thanks for this post, friend!

    1. Oh, Jeanne, I love the question your pastor challenged you with. I, too, want heaven to be my motivation for living for God. Thank you for sharing that jewel with us here. Blessings to you my friend, Maree

  4. Wonderful list and ideas. You’ve reminded me of a Spiritual Assessment I did awhile back that helped me identify where I was and where I was lacking. And I haven’t looked at it since! You’ve nudged me to look to where I need to grow in my spiritual life – a number one goal as all else flows from it. I can start with your workbook! Thank you.

    1. Lynn, If the assessment is shareable, I would love to see it. I need to draw closer to God this year, and I can’t wait to put my spiritual goal together this week. I would love to hear how you plan to grow in your spiritual life this year. Blessings, Maree

  5. I agree with you, Maree. While of course I look forward to heaven in the next life to come, I also think God wants us to have some heaven on earth in this life too. I’m grateful for opportunities to build our relationship with God and with others here and now, as well as knowing there are great things still to come.

    1. Amen! Lisa, I am right there with you. Thank you for reminding me to be grateful for opportunities to build our relationship with God and others here and now. I hope you are having a super weekend. Blessings, Maree

  6. Thank you for that challenge Maree!
    I think the One Word or theme for the year, for those of us who adopt this practice, helps to dig deeper into our relationship with the Lord. I know it has for me since 2018.

    And I’ve found that the Holy Spirit brings in such a rich teaching & revelation in all those categories above, as I journey through the year with Him on the theme that He has given me for that particular year.

    This year the theme is Season/s = in Hebrew, an appointed time.
    I’ve already learnt so much & am excited to fall deeper into my relationship with the Lord.
    Blessings sweet friend, Jennifer

    1. Jennifer, I can’t wait to hear more about your word and what God teaches you. I’m pretty sure I have my word for the year. I want to sit on it for a bit and make sure that is what God has in mind. Blessings, my friend, Maree