Are you waiting for things to change before you choose to be content? Maybe you are waiting for the children to grow up, the illness to pass, the raise to come or your circumstances to become more favorable and then you will enjoy life. Maybe its time to stop waiting and find the key to contentment.
There was a time in my life when I believed contentment was to be found right around the corner. I would even state, “As soon as …… I will enjoy life.” No surprise life didn’t slow down, nor get more comfortable. In fact, it got harder and more painful before I realized I must find contentment in my everyday life no matter what the circumstances are.
So as I read Laura’s post, my head began nodding up and down in agreement. She nailed it with her 5 Life lessons for finding the key to contentment.
Please welcome our featured writer, Laura Mapstead who writes over at Natural Healing Hope Click here to read her post.
“Find the Key to Contentment and Start Enjoying Your Life.”
Laura, thank you for linking up with Grace & Truth. Grab a button and link back – I am sure your readers would love to celebrate with you!
Now for this week’s link up! Let’s bless and encourage one another,
Grace & Truth exists to point people to Jesus! We hope this link-up will be a source of encouragement every week. If you’re a blogger, we hope you’ll use this space as a way to meet new friends within the Christian blogging community. If you’re a reader, we hope that you’ll encounter new bloggers that love Jesus as much as you do! Most of all, we hope you’ll meet Jesus here.
Join us each Friday for the Grace and Truth Link-Up!
Maree Dee – Embracing the Unexpected
Aimee Imbeau – A Work of Grace
Dawn Klinge – Above the Waves
Arabah Joy
1.) Follow your hosts via their blog and social media channels. Following is not mandatory, but appreciated!
2.) Leave 1-2 of your most recent CHRISTIAN LIVING posts. Please do not link DIY, Crafts, Recipes, etc. We will delete these links. We also reserve the right to remove posts that don’t align with the theme or that are deemed by the hostesses to be inappropriate.
3.) Visit 1-2 other links and leave a meaningful comment! We want to encourage community, so please don’t link and run!
4.) All links are randomly sorted – feel free to link as early or as late as you’d like. The playing field is even!
Featured Post Requirements
5.) Grab a button or link back to encourage new linkers. It is not mandatory to link back, but it is required to be featured.
6.) Each host will choose one link to feature and promote via their social media channels next week.
7.) By linking up, you agree to allow the hosts to use your featured post image if you are chosen as a feature for next week. By linking up and leaving your email address, you also agree to receive e-mails relating to Grace & Truth.
Grab a Badge and Link Back
Now Let’s Link Up!
Link up below!