Do your palms begin to sweat, and your heart starts to pound the minute someone wants to challenge you on the existence of God? Admittedly, I stumble with an outright question of this nature when caught off guard. Immediately panic sets in, and I feel ill-equipped to answer. My first inclination is to dial up the pastor and request him to speak for me. Have you experienced this too when someone asks—how do you know God is real?
Why the Fear?
Well, for me, I don’t want to mess it up. More than anything in this world, I want others to experience the relationship I have with Jesus. And frankly, I want to see them in heaven. Yet, I so easily forget God will equip me with words. And I solely have to speak from my heart. It helps me to remember what God promised Moses.
Moses said to the Lord, “Pardon your servant, Lord. I have never been eloquent, neither in the past nor since you have spoken to your servant. I am slow of speech and tongue.”
The Lord said to him, “Who gave human beings their mouths? Who makes them deaf or mute? Who gives them sight or makes them blind? Is it not I, the Lord? Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say.”
Exodus 4:10-12

Practice Never Hurts
When I first said yes to a short-term mission trip in the Dominican Republic, I had no idea it might require me to share my testimony. After all, I had signed up to build a church, not evangelize. I assumed the pastor would take care of the speaking. So you can imagine the shock and fear that mounted when we began preparing to share.
Initially, it wasn’t easy to see how my words could impact anyone. Jesus had been part of my life for as long as I could remember. Therefore, my story lacked the dramatic change from before Christ to afterward. Once again, I thought someone else could do it better.
However, through the practice of writing it out, clarity began to show up. We practiced and practiced until it became second nature. I began to see my story mattered even if it wasn’t like anyone else’s. God had played a significant role in shaping me and helping me to persevere through many unexpected circumstances.
What helps you to jump right in and share your faith?
How Do You Know God Is Real?
Now, I know sharing your story of faith and answering a challenging question might be different. But what if we approached the task with preparedness. It might alleviate the fear and the desire to get it perfect. Will you join me in a challenge? Let’s write out how we know God is real. I have a beautiful example for you to read.
Featured Post
Sarah Geringer wrote an argument for the existence of God in a beautiful prayer of faith. Her words captured what was in my heart, and she inspired me to write out how I know God is real. I hope her poetry does the same for you.
Now for our Featured Post
“An Argument for the Existence of God”
By Sarah Geringer
Click here to read.
Today, our featured post on Grace & Truth Link-Up is written by Sarah Geringer— “An Argument for the Existence of God.” #graceandtruth #featuredpost Share on XWill you share with us in the comments one thought on how you know God is real?
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Embracing the Unexpected | Maree Dee
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Maree, I’ve struggled with sharing about how I know God is real too. Hubs and I have a number of unsaved loved ones in our families, and I’ve been praying recently on how to be intentional about sharing my faith with them. I like the idea of writing out how I know God is real. I’m off to read Sarah’s post.
We, too, have unsaved loved ones and those that have walked away. I am praying for your impact on your unsaved family members. I hope you enjoyed Sarah’s post. I still need to write mine out.
Blessings, Maree
I remember telling my college students they needed three things to believe anything – we were talking about how to build an argument. One of my non-traditional students bragged a few days later how he had talked a friend out of tithing because he couldn’t find three reasons why he should. I went into panic mode – what would I say to this student if he asked me to give him three reasons why he believed. For days and days, I tried to figure out what to say. I knew I could not philosophically persuade him – so how could I? I agonized over what my answer would be. Finally, I felt God whisper to me – what are three stories you have about what I have done for you? That student never asked – but about five years later, another student did and I was ready!
I am so glad you took the time to share your story. Not only was it helpful you had me laughing. I, too, would have gone into panic mode over the tithing. I remember a few times in life when I have tried to accept the person, not the behavior, and then later became worried that quite possibly they think I approve the wrong. Once after a child of mine overshared, I ran straight to my neighbors in a panic. She opened the door, and I blurted out, “Do they not know I’m a Christian and believe in the ten commandments.” She chuckled and told me they know what I believe. I still wonder at times. I get lots of oversharing from many. I know that had nothing to do with my blog post.
I love what God whispered to you. And the fact that He didn’t waste it. I’m so glad you had an opportunity years later.
Blessings, Maree
I was quite overwhelmed that day as it was sprung upon me & I had never spoken in an open air meeting before, especially in a foreign country with so many people from around the world present but God works through our overwhelm for His Glory! 😀
My story is on my website as a free booklet view Maree starting with Chapter One
Which starts with a short background for the main event that sent me to heaven.
Thank you ♥
I remember the time I went to assist a team establish a primary Health care clinic in a remote area of Tanna Island, Vanuatu.
However before my flight to Tanna Island I stayed with a Pastor in Port Villa. He decided to take the opportunity to have the ‘lady who was sent back from heaven’ give her testimony to as many of his fellow Nu Vanuatans as possible.
So apart from speaking in church services, he organized a big street testimony in the middle of the common in town!
Boy was that intimidating Maree! Because it was also the area where all the tourists hung out as well as Nu Vanuatans! God definitely stretches our comfort zones!
When I returned to Port Villa 5 years later, strangers came up to me remembering my testimony! Apparently I’m known as the lady God sent back from heaven…very humbling indeed!
We never know what God will do with our testimony…& that’s why we have them to share for we are living memorials to His reality. 😀
Thank you for sharing your story. It reminds me it isn’t about us or how eloquently we speak, although you probably were an amazing speaker. It is about God’s message to the people. Okay, now I want to know the entire story of the lady sent back from heaven. I’m not sure I have heard it. Have you written about it. If so, will you leave the link.
I often feel exactly the same way, Maree. But what encouragement from Moses!
Yes, there is so much to learn from Moses. Maree
Thanks for sharing this, Maree! I always love Sarah’s posts.
Heather, I too, love Sarah’s posts. I hope you are having a wonderful Sunday. Maree
I to just share my story and how God has helped me. And then remember it is not up to me to convince them that God exists, that’s God’s job. My job is to share with them.
Yes, I agree it is not up to us; it is up to God. But it so hard to let go of that thought when you desperately want the person you love to experience God in their life. Maree
I have found it most effective to share my personal experiences with God versus trying to prove His existence. I pray God tenderizes their heart to hear and that He sends another to water what I have planted.
Amen, to your comment, “water what I have planted.”I must remember sometimes we are only there to plant the seeds. However, I want to be prepared for those harder conversations and readily access why I believe God is real. Plus, it is a beautiful love letter to God. Thank you for your wisdom today. I am going to plant those seeds and pray they get watered by someone. Maree
I have found I am most comfortable when I share in the normal flow of conversation. As God prepares hearts and the conversation flows, He also prepares our hearts and fills our mouths with the words needed.
Joanne, I agree that is the best way to share. Recently someone I know called me over to a conversation that was not mine. It is someone who I care deeply for and want him to know the Lord, so my emotion and passion got the best of me. I felt caught off guard, and I wished I had said less and paused more to hear God’s voice. Maree
I enjoyed Sarah’s post, too. There was a man in our former church who spoke often on proofs of the existence of God and the accuracy of Scripture–a lot of scientific, philosophical, archeological types of facts. God gave him a great ministry of apologetics. He taught often in our church, and while I appreciated what he shared, I thought, “I could never remember all this stuff.” Then I realized that I don’t have to share in just the same way he did. God works through each of us through His Word and Holy Spirit and the experiences He brings in our lives. We might have different ways of sharing, but He’ll bring across our paths the ones He wants us to be a testimony to.
I am right there with you; I can’t remember all the scientific reasons. Partially because I have never needed proof, and I know some do. I love the last sentence you said, “He’ll bring across our paths the ones He wants us to be a testimony to.”