Do you ever wonder if the gloominess around you will snuff out your light? We will face seasons where the darkness will try to overtake us and extinguish our fire. It may be due to our own decision, circumstances beyond our choices of those we love, or events beyond our control. However, we are not helpless and can still shine in this dark world.
Five Steps to Be a Light in This Dark World
1. Start with God: Remember Where the True Light Originated
First of all, remember God brought visible light to our world when He created this world. However, wouldn’t you agree God’s son gave us the best light? Jesus brought spiritual light to our souls and gave us an excellent example to attain.
“For God, who said, “Let there be light in the darkness,” has made this light shine in our hearts so we could know the glory of God that is seen in the face of Jesus Christ.” 2 Corinthians 4:6
Jesus is terrific at shining His light on everyone. It never matters who you are or your status—He loves us unconditionally.
Jesus Is the Light of the World
“Then Jesus again spoke to them, saying, “I am the Light of the world; he who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life.”
John 8:12
Jesus is our light, and He brought light to those around Him with His love.
Will you let God’s light permeate your soul and push out the darkness? #bethelight #darkness #light #Jesus Share on X2. Recognize: It Only Takes a Tiny Bit of Light to Make a Difference
Do you struggle with wanting to be a light in this dark world but feel as though your little flicker won’t be enough? So why bother? Stop yourself, and do not underestimate how your light can change the darkness. Each of us makes a difference.
Have you ever sat in a room so dark you couldn’t see your hands in front of you? Will you try it with me?
You will need a lighter and a candle to try this exercise. Find a room where you can have complete darkness. You might choose an interior bathroom or even a closet. But do be careful, don’t light your clothes on fire.
Go inside that space and turn off all the lights. Sit there for a few moments in the darkness.
Be aware of the darkness—how does it feel? What can you see? Do you like it? Is it uncomfortable?
Honestly, I despise the darkness.
Now light a candle and notice the changes. One speck of light can change the entire room. Notice how you begin to see the darkness retreat as the candle’s glimmer reveals the items in the room.
It is as if the darkness is backing up, and the light is moving forward. Notice it didn’t take too much effort to make a difference.
Light changes everything. Being a light in this world is possible! #light #bethelight #IntentionalChristmasLove Share on X
3. Be Willing
Be bold enough to shine your light no matter how small or insignificant you may feel. Remember, it takes only a flicker to change the room. Furthermore, you may brighten someone else’s life just with your smile.
We must be willing to see the light to be the light. #bethelight #light #IntentionalChristmasLove Share on X“Then Jesus told them, “You are going to have the light just a little while longer. Walk while you have the light before darkness overtakes you. Whoever walks in the dark does not know where they are going.” John 12:35
Ask yourself—am I willing to be a light in this world?
4. Choose to Turn on the Light
However, the catch is willingness won’t light up the room. We must choose to light the candle as we did in the dark room.
You will have to make a choice and turn on the light.
5. Now Go: Be a Light to Those Around You
Maybe you are not in the dark right now, but people around you are hurting and could use a little light to shine into their world. Will you be that person?
We can be a light in someone else’s dark world. By letting Jesus be our example, we can reach out. #bethelight #IntentionalChristmasLove Share on XWhen we did the exercise above, did you notice how the light reflects as it bounces off objects? If the item happens to be shiny, like water or a mirror, it will reflect the image. This type of light is called a specular light reflection.
Shine yourself up and reflect God’s light by loving others.
Look for those who need a little light in their life. It doesn’t take much.
“Feed the hungry, and help those in trouble. Then your light will shine out from the darkness, and the darkness around you will be as bright as noon.” Isaiah 58:10 NLT
Be the Light
We can shine in this dark world. However, we must remember where the light originated and step out with a willing heart. Don’t for a moment think a tiny little flicker won’t make a difference. It will!
Think back to a time when someone brightened your life with their light. Was it a big gesture or a small one? #bethelight #light #IntentionalChristmasLove Share on XI hope each of us will let Jesus shine in our world this holiday season and beyond. We can reflect God’s love for others through our light in this dark world.

Intentional Christmas Love
This December, let’s focus on what matters most: love. Join us each week for a new challenge as we turn our hearts toward God, ourselves, and others. Together, we can celebrate the true meaning of the season.
I love how so much of your post is about our choice. It’s so true that we have to choose to allow God to use us. It doesn’t just happen.
Valerie, Yes, I am BIG on choice. I believe we have a choice in just about everything. Yes, circumstances happen that are out of control, but we still have a choice around our attitude and how will we face it. Thank you for stopping by. Maree
I love these two points especially-recognize it only takes a little light to make a big difference, and we must choose to be willing. Our world could definitely use some more light!
Happy New Year Maree!
Rachel – Yes, our world sure can use some more light. I hope to be willing in 2019. I love your new look on your website. Happy New Year! Maree
I love this post, Maree. It is my dearest wish that I can allow God’s light to shine through me. This resonated with me.
Laurie – I am right there with you. I want his light to shine through me too. But I am sad to say over the last few weeks I’m not too sure it has. Thank goodness its a new day tomorrow. Blessings, Maree
“Maybe you are not in the dark right now, but there are people all around us who are hurting and could use a little light to shine into their world.” Praying this year will be filled with opportunities to love others and shine His light into those dark, hurting places. Thanks for sharing! Blessings, Tammy
Tammy – Thank you for stopping by. Happy New Year! Maree
I love that Jesus is our true, guiding Light. “Light changes everything.” Indeed! Praying you’ve had a blessed Christmas!
Lisa – Me too! I am so glad Jesus is our light. Happy New Year! Maree
Very timely and insightful post. Thank you!
Cindy – Thank you for taking the time to leave a message. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! Maree
a thoughtful post. I enjoyed reading it. Thank you.
Denise – Thank you for stopping by. Maree