Are you living a fractured life that needs some mending? Perhaps you have unresolved hurts you have left unattended and buried deep within your heart. The outside world may think you have it all together, but God knows the hidden fragments that hold you back from living life to the fullest.
Sometimes we resolve the significant injuries, forgive, and move forward. It isn’t easy, but since the pain is so apparent, we give our pain the attention it deserves. We put in tireless efforts to restore and rebuild.
But then, out of nowhere, an old unexpected hurt comes rising to the surface. One we deemed insignificant; therefore, we tucked it away. It always amazes me how minor aches can cause such intense pain when left unresolved.
Have you ignored and tucked away some hurts?
Small Hurts Matter Too
The small hurts matter too! They hold us back from the life God wants us to enjoy. They fester underneath the surface and come out when we least expect them.
God Cares About Our Fractured Life
We may let Jesus have the large broken pieces of our lives, but we hang on to the fragments. However, our God loves us and wants it all. Jesus understands even when no one else does.
Frequently, I ask God to reveal to me where I have sinned. Yet, I rarely ask Him to show me where I am living a fractured life.
Ask God To Reveal Your Fractured Life
Imagine if we changed up our prayers and started asking God to reveal all of the places where we are broken in our lives. What if we asked Him to restore us? My guess is we would become who the Lord designed us to be. We would live courageously, offer more to the world, and love deeper. We would be healthier.
Will you be brave this week and ask God to reveal to you where you live a fractured life?
Featured Post
Diane Shirlaw-Ferreira opened my eyes this week with a beautiful analogy using a broken plate. She thought she had gathered all of the pieces, and yet tiny fragments remained unseen. How many times do we do this in life?
Now for our Featured Post
“Being Broken – 7 Bible Verses for Dealing With Unresolved Feelings”
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Today, our featured post on Grace & Truth Link-Up is written by Diane Shirlaw-Ferreira— “Being Broken – 7 Bible Verses for Dealing With Unresolved Feelings.” #graceandtruth #featuredpost #graceandtruth #featuredpostAre You Living a… Share on XNow Let’s Link Up
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Embracing the Unexpected | Maree Dee
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Hi Maree,
I have said it before, and will again. The main fracture in my life that is causing pain and suffering is God’s lack of involvement in my life. My cup is so close to empty and I need God to refill it with some kind of sign. Yes I know that we are to live by faith, but faith runs out without the occasional refill.
Thanks and may God bless you and yours, in Jesus holy name, Amen.
I agree it is so hard when God feels distant. Praying. Maree
Mary, this is beautiful. Like you, I ask God to show my areas of sin, but I rarely ask Him to show me those places in my life that are fractured and need His healing touch. Thanks for encouraging me to do so!
Jeanne, I hope you had a wonderful Mother’s Day. When we get ready to ask God where our fractured parts are, we should pray for each other. Blessings, Maree
God has a theme going again Maree! This weeks postings are so relevant!
Bless you my friend,
Jennifer, I love it when God has a theme going. I think you added a new picture of yourself. It is darling. It was fun to put a face to your name. Blessings,
Thanks for sharing this, Maree. It’s true–ofttimes it’s the little things that cause us the most problems.
You are so right it is the little things many times that cause the most problems. Yet, it always takes me by surprise. How about you? Maree