What happens when you attempt to look back and remember what God has done in your life? Do you freeze up and struggle to recall.
Photo by Duy Nguyễn from Pexels

What happens when you attempt to look back and remember what God has done in your life? Do you freeze up and find yourself struggling to recall? Perhaps, you have journaled about it, but finding it buried within the pages will take some time.  

A Look-Back Journal

What if you started one unique journal where all you do is record the faithfulness of God? It could include those God moments where His presence was undeniable or when something happened, and you knew it had to be the Lord. Of course, this will help you— but imagine what a legacy this could be to leave behind for your family to read in future generations.  

“I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes,

 I will remember your miracles of long ago.”

Psalm 77:11

The Benefits of Looking Back

Remembering God’s actions in our lives is a valuable tool, especially when you are smack dab in the middle of the unexpected or a trial. It can give us the courage to do what seems impossible—settle our fears, envelope us with peace, and most importantly, get our thoughts on God and away from our circumstances. 

Looking back can serve as a reminder that God’s plan is good, He is with us, and He is for us. It helps us to turn our fears and worries into trusting Him with everything.

In Psalms 77, Asaph wrestles and cries out to God and then turns to remember how God has helped him in the past. In the end, he then turns to trust God in the unexpected.

What happens when you attempt to look back and remember what God has done in your life? Do you freeze up and struggle to recall.
Photo by Sem Steenbergen from Pexels
Looking back can serve as a reminder that God’s plan is good, He is with us, and He is for us. It helps us to turn our fears and worries into trusting Him with everything. #lookingback Share on X

When God Whispers

Last week, in my quiet time with God, He whispered in my ear to start this unique journal. A God moment had happened, a simple reminder that God takes care of the little things too. 

As I sat down to write a post about hope, the ideas and words were not flowing, and I wasn’t quite in the mood to sit still. When I get like that, I tend to do things that make no sense, like cleaning. Do you do this too?

So, I reached into my overstuffed file cabinet and pulled out a random file to clean out. To my surprise, sitting in this file was an old email exchange with Sara, who, at the time, was in her last few months of life. She had been too weak to attend a conference with me and had asked what we had learned. Would you believe this meeting was on hope?

Some would call this coincidence, but I call it a God moment. Inside that file, not only were their words to help me write a post, but it had numerous remembrances of when God showed up. Many, I had forgotten. Plus, Sara had taught me the true meaning of putting our hope in God.

When I read Barbara Harper’s article last week, the timing couldn’t have been better. She did a word study about what God tells us to remember, and she includes valuable verses and insight.  

Now For Our Featured Post

What God Tells Us to Remember by Barbara Harper

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Today, our featured post on Grace & Truth Link-Up is written by Barbara—“What God Tells Us to Remember” #graceandtruth #featuredpost Share on X

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Embracing the Unexpected | Maree Dee

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  1. There is such value in looking back. It always amazes me to note how faithful God has been to me, even when I might not have realized it at the time. Barbara’s post was encouraging to me as well!

  2. It’s always good to look back and see what the Lord has done. It’s the encouragement we need to move forward. Just don’t hang around in the past too long

    1. I agree we can’t hang around in the past too long but we can learn and grow from it. Thank you for stopping by. I hope you are having a grett week. Maree

  3. Maree, I’ve journaled a lot over the years, and many of my entries share my struggles and some of those “God moments.” I love the idea of dedicating a journal specifically to recording those God moments as a remembrance.

    I am an organizer when I’m procrastinating. It’s beautiful how God brought you to those words by Sara.

    1. Jeanne, Yes, the organizer comes out in me too. Today I sat down to write, and before I knew it, I was re-organizing my folders and files on the computer. Maree

    1. Jennifer, Glad to know I am not alone in the cleaning. I love your tradition to read back over your journal. Thank you for sharing that idea. Maree

  4. Thank you for featuring my post, Maree. I loved hearing about the journal and discovering the forgotten email. In OT times, people set up stones of memorial when God did something in their lives. A journal like this could be our modern-day equivalent.

    1. Yes, I agree. I hate to admit it, but the older I get, the more I can’t remember. Yes, I have tried stones, but then I forget what the stones represent. One could put a word on it. Thank you for blessings us with your beautiful post. Maree