Does the Lord ever give you a task that feels impossible to complete? Your heart desires to be obedient, but obstacles keep getting in the way. What helps you make sure God’s plan gets accomplished?
Taking a Break to Make Sure God’s Plan Gets Accomplished
Over the next few weeks, I will be taking a short break from blogging, featuring posts, and commenting. However, when I return, I will reply to all comments. God put a rather large task before me, and I need to give it my full attention. Plus, I have family visiting, and I know spending time with them is part of God’s plan.

The link-up will still be here each week – so don’t forget to stop by on Friday.
Are you struggling to accomplish God’s plan? I would love to partner with you in prayer.

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Maree Dee – Embracing the Unexpected
Lauren Sparks
Lisa Burgess
Tammy Kennington
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Embracing the Unexpected | Maree Dee
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Good luck with your project and family visit. Enjoy the time off. God bless you, in Jesus name, Amen.
Thank you! I have been enjoying my family.
I don’t know if God has a task for me. I do however have a desire to help homeless people get off the street. God has not revealed how to do this while stuck in poverty myself. I have been praying for a way to accomplish my desire and glorify God in the process. I pray for God to give me a purpose but still nothing from the Big Guy. Severely Impatient person, fighting to be patient with God. If God is trying to communicate with me, He isn’t succeeding.
Thanks for the communication and may God bless you, in Jesus name, Amen.
I am praying that one day soon; you will hear from God and find a way to help the homeless. I can tell you have a servents heart and experience to understand.
Maree, sometimes taking a break from certain aspects of our routines is exactly the right thing to do to help us better focus on what God puts in front of us. I hope your time with family and working on your project is fruitful and filling!
Jeanne, Thank you. Yes, the time has been wonderful. Maree
Enjoy your family and project.
Thank you, Theresa. So far, I have been able to enjoy my family and make some progress on my project. I hope your week is spectacular.
Enjoy your break, Maree!
Thank you, I am enjoying it. Maree
I wish you all the best in the task before you and in your family visit. I hope you have a great week.
Thank you, Barbara; I am making progress and enjoying time with family.