Circle of shoes | Find out today about Mental Illness: How to Step in and Help a Family Like Mine. We all can do something to support.

Do you know how to care for a fellow churchgoer, neighbor, friend, or co-worker if they are ill? How about if the illness has to do with mental health challenges? Are you suddenly at a loss for what to do? Find out today about Mental Illness: How to Step in and Help a Family Like Mine.

When Mental Illness Hits Home

We are that family! And families like mine desperately need your support. Many times we are shunned and left to go it alone. Yes, we often contribute to this lack of support by our silence and inability to ask for what we need. Will you help us change the “No Casserole” response to mental illness?

Every person has something they can offer to help a family with mental health challenges. Discover a few tips on helping. They may surprise you. #mentalhealthsuppport Share on X

Church Mental Health Summit 21

I had the opportunity to speak at the Church Mental Health Summit 21 and share “How to Help a Family Like Mine.” Listen in and discover how rare it is to have people step in and assist. Yet, a small gesture can make a significant difference in the lives of those hurting.

After listening, will you please take a moment and share this article on your social media or send this blog post via email to your church pastors or a friend? The share buttons are at the end of this post.

Mental Illness: How to Step in and Help a Family Like Mine

No one should ever have to walk through mental health challenges alone. Will you be the one who steps in to help? #neveralone #mentalhealthmatters Share on X

What suggestions do you have on how to help a family struggling with mental health challenges?

Perhaps you are curious about what I wish you understood about mental illness or what hurts the most. You can read my thoughts in “When You Don’t Know How to Help a Family Impacted by Mental Illness.”

Direct People Towards Help

Perhaps you know a family or friend who has a member diagnosed with a mental illness. One simple and meaningful way is to direct people towards help. Education, learning life-changing skills, and support are crucial for everyone in the family. I have a recommendation for a community of caregivers that never ceases to amaze me with their knowledge and willingness to walk alongside others.

Embracing Faith & Mental Illness is a Christ-centered online community for people who care for someone with a mental illness. To share this community with someone in need, click the graphic below and scroll down to the share buttons.

Embracing Faith & Mental Illness

 Click here to discover four unique ways for caregivers to participate.

Printable for Mental Illness: How to Step in and Help

Printable—Click the Graphic

Upcoming Talk: Soul Care for Mental Disorders: Ministering Christ’s Hope to Your Loved One

When your loved one is diagnosed with a mental disorder, you may wonder how to encourage them in Christ. In this webinar, Christine considers what compassionate soul care ministry can look like and shares five gospel truths to remember as you help someone navigate a post-diagnosis journey. 

Join us for this inspiring session via Zoom on Saturday, April 5, 2025, at 9:00 AM (Mountain Time).

We would love to have you join our community.

Embracing the Unexpected | Maree Dee

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  1. Such valuable information here, Maree! If we all would follow your advice, we could really make a difference. Your list of 10 Ways to help a family is superb!

  2. Maree, I so appreciate your transparency here, and I’m thankful for your resources. It seems like now more than ever, we need to be aware and to come alongside people/families walking through mental illness. Thanks for being such an advocate!

    1. Thank you, my friend, for your kind words. You warmed my heart with your encouragement. I agree more than ever we need to come alongside families, regardless of their challenges. Maree

    1. Thank you for your kind word. Yes, education is vital. Many people are so afraid of mental health challenges. When we understand more, it takes away the fear. Maree

  3. We as a church do need to help support those with mental illnesses. As well as other things. Sadly, sometimes the church’s response is to just ignore the unpleasant and pretend everything is good. My husband and I were talking today about how you watch films or read books about the church or friends or a community rallying around those going through a diagnosis, mental illness, or hard time, but sadly this is not always so. “Theresa,” my husband said, “I think that is more the exception than the norm.”

    1. Yes, but slowly we can change this truth. Thank you for taking the time on this crucial topic. It means the world to me. So many times we don’t help simply because we don’t know what to do. I am guilty do in areas I am not familiar. However, I have learned presence means the world.

      Blessings, Maree

  4. I appreciate your vulnerability about the past, Maree. And I appreciate the practical steps and valuable resources you have given us to move forward in supporting families dealing with mental health. This is so valuable!

    1. Thank you, Lisa, for taking the time to read and consider how we can all support families who have mental health challenges. It means the world to me. Blessings, Maree