Do you ever wonder if you might be missing out on the value of God’s full strength? Could your desperate need for independence be a significant roadblock to tapping into all the Lord has to offer? Do the words, “I can do it” seem to roll right off your tongue as you jump right into problem-solving without a mere inquiry into what God might have in mind?
Well, you are not alone. We have something in common.
Could your desperate need for independence be a significant roadblock to tapping into all of God's strength? #strength #independence #roadblocks Share on X
God Built Me Strong
With this God-given strength, I have developed a fierce desire to be independent. Of course, this has proven to be helpful on more than one occasion. But more times than I care to count, it has gotten in the way when I fail to seek God first.
Have you ever noticed how sometimes our most significant strengths can end up being a detriment? #strengths #embracingtheunexpected Share on XSometimes the excitement of a task or a problem to solve gets me running at full speed ahead to figure it out. A plan arises, I jump in with both feet and start moving forward. Then somewhere along the journey, I look up for God’s approval. However, it isn’t His plan it’s mine, and many times He has something else in mind.
Do you ever do this?
Missing Out on God’s Strength
Admittedly, sometimes I forge ahead, pretending I can’t hear God. But, what meets me is more frustration, overwhelm, and pain. Plus, my strength is not enough; it runs out. It might be why God impressed on my heart this year to seek Him in everything, even the little things.
Featured Post
Our featured article this week is from Carlie Lake. Her words caught my attention.
Carlie ever so gently reminds us we can trust God’s hand, but we must reach up and take it. His strength and wisdom are always available to us. We no longer have to keep missing out on ALL of God’s power and wisdom. She ends her post with a beautiful prayer worth reciting.
Now for our Featured Post
“Are You Trying to Walk All Alone?”
Click here to read our featured post.
Please share with us how you make sure you aren’t missing out on God’s strength?
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Maree Dee – Embracing the Unexpected
Heather Hart & Valerie Riese – Real Women. Real Life. Real Faith.
Lauren Sparks
Lisa Burgess
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Embracing the Unexpected | Maree Dee
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Oh, boy! Can I ever relate to the need for independence! God is teaching me dependency on him. I’m a slow learner.
Anita – You are in good company. I, too, am learning. Maree
I can understand why that sentence caught your eye, Maree. I have too much of an independent streak too. I’d rather not have to depend on anyone. But I know that’s a crazy way to live. Some of my greatest joys have come from receiving help from others. God is so faithful to not rebuke us when we ask for help, but to simply provide it with open arms.
Lisa – So true. I love helping others but struggle in receiving. I am working on it because you are so right great joy comes from letting others help us. Maree
Yes, I am little miss independence too, since I was a young teen, it does prove very useful. But dependence on God has become a first & foremost… I’m still on this learning curve though 😉
Bless you Maree,
We are on the same learning curve. Nice to not be alone.
Hi Maree Dee,
First off let me say that I know that I need God in every aspect of my life. I am not trying to be independent of God. The problem is that God never responds, never tells me what He wants, never answers a prayer. I have no choice but to forge ahead since all I seem to get from God is silence. If I make mistakes about what God wants of me, I blame God for not speaking up, not showing me the path. Who does God blame when we don’t follow His plan, surely not Himself for not telling us. I can only guess at what God wants and pray that I manage to Glorify Him. God’s silence is the problem. Thanks and God bless you in Jesus name. Amen.
I am so sorry you are finding God to be silent. That would be so frustrating. I do find He talks to me in many different ways. Sometimes it is through the wisdom of others, scripture, or quiet voice as I sit silent waiting for Him. Sometimes I even start a letter- To Maree from God and I wait to see what thoughts come to mind. This morning as I was reading the Bible, the words popped right out at me. Honestly, they were words I needed to be reminded of on this particular day. They weren’t necessarily easy words nor did I want to obey them but I did. And it has been a blessing.
I will definitely be reading Carlie’s post because I used to be known for my independence. I’ve spent the last 40 years trying to kill it off! Instead, I’m dependent of Christ … for EVERYTHING!
You made me smile with your comment – “I’ve spent the last 40 years trying to kill it off!” It is so nice to know I am not alone. When things are really hard I have no problem being totally dependent on God but in the everyday part of life I struggle. I am working on it. Maree
Thank you, Maree, for the feature; I’m so blessed by you. We’re in this together, for sure. Trying to walk alone has been a long-term struggle for me; I’m so grateful for God’s patience and His continual presence with me. Praying for the strength 🙂 and humility to admit our weakness and accept His strength. Blessings!
Carlie – Your comment warms my heart. It is so nice to know I am not alone. I loved your post. Thank you for linking up with us here at Grace & Truth. I love reading your posts. Maree
It’s not for nothing that Scripture says,”When I am weak, then I am strong.”
When I go charging into a project or a plan with my guns blazing and fail to seek God’s enabling first, things don’t usually go very well…
I love that verse. The same thing happens to me when I fail to seek God first.
One of our early pastors used to say that for every strength there is an offsetting weakness. How we need to yield both our strengths and weaknesses to Him and seek His strength.
A very wise pastor. Yes, we do need to yield our strengths and weaknesses to God. Maree