The time is here to see which post received the most clicks on our link-up. Each month, here Today, find out which article was the most popular post in November 2021 for our Grace & Truth Weekly Christian Link-Up. Each month, here at Embracing the Unexpected, we look back at the previous month and see what titles were catching our reader’s eyes. We measure the popularity by the number of clicks.
Today, find out which article was the most popular post in November 2021 on Grace & Truth Link-Up. #graceandtruth #bloglinkup #christianbloggers Share on XGrace & Truth Christian Link-Up
Featured Post
Linda Stoll received the most clicks on Grace & Truth Link-Up during November 2021 for her blog post. She shares some insightful resources, articles, and more. I found the graphic on “what to say” extremely helpful.
Most Popular Post in November 2021
“On the Porch #23 *A Surprise Announcement”
By Linda Stoll
Click here to read.
For November, don’t miss our featured blog post on Grace & Truth Link-Up. Linda Stoll received the most clicks for her article “On the Porch #23 *A Surprise Announcement.” #graceandtruth #featuredpost #graceandtruth #featuredpost Share on XA Random Question
I thought it might be fun to answer a random question? What is your favorite Christmas decoration? Why?
One of my favorite decorations to unpack each year is our family’s Jesus stocking. Seeing it hanging reminds me to love others God’s way. Individual family members write down tasks done for others out of love. Click here and visit my holiday favorites if you would like to get one too.
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Intentional Christmas Love
This December, let’s focus on what matters most: love. Join us each week for a new challenge as we turn our hearts toward God, ourselves, and others. Together, we can celebrate the true meaning of the season.
Not really, although I do enjoy putting up the wreath on our front door each year.
I like it’s Evergreen foliage & little pinecones with the gold ribbons that are woven through it.
It reminds me of the gold thread of God’s blessings throughout the years which are eternal (Evergreen).
And is a delightful greeting for others who come to my front door in this season ☺️
Your wreath sounds beautiful. Thank you for sharing the meaning it brings you. It warmed my heart. Merry Christmas. Maree
Thank you for hosting Maree, I love the idea of a Jesus stocking!
Bless you,
Thank you! Do you have a favorite decoration? Maree
Your Jesus stocking is such a lovely idea – wish I had thought about that when my kiddos were little! My favorite Christmas decoration? That’s a hard one. There’s a Christmas angel my mom made I love – and my grandmother’s hand-made Christmas balls. The First Christmas Ornaments my husband and I put on The Family Tree together. I love the red and white Christmas tree in The Thinking Room – but I don’t think I can pinpoint one that is my favorite. Maybe it’s the food and homemade eggnog?
You named many precious decorations. What treatures they all are. Thank you for sharing. Blessings, Maree
One of my favorites are mangers or nativity scenes. They come in so many styles and are made from so many different materials. Our church hosts a meet-me-at-the-manger event the first weekend in December, and you can see hundreds of nativity scenes from around the world.
Theresa, I love what your church hosts. I would love to see those nativity scenes. I’m sad mine is packed away in storage. I didn’t think that one through as we were packing up. I will still be another year before I see it. Blessings, Maree
Maree, thanks! This is fun!
I am so glad you like it.