At Embracing the Unexpected, we like to look back at the previous month to see which blog post received the most clicks. Are you curious to find out which title caught our reader’s eyes? Discover below which article was the most popular post in March 2022 for our Grace & Truth Christian Link-Up.
Today, discover which article was the most popular post in March 2022 on Grace & Truth Link-Up. #graceandtruth #bloglinkup #christianbloggers Share on XGrace & Truth Christian Link-Up
Most Popular Post in March 2022
Do you have nights when sleep seems impossible to attain? Do you ever think it might be God trying to get your attention? Jennifer recently had one of those nights, and she shared some valuable wisdom you won’t want to miss. After you read her article, please come back and answer our questions below.
In the wee hours…He definitely had my attention!
By Jennifer
Don’t miss our featured article on Grace & Truth Link-Up. Jennifer received the most clicks for her article “In the wee hours…He definitely had my attention!” #graceandtruth #featuredpost Share on XA Question
What do you do in the middle of the night when you can’t sleep? Is there a particular verse that brings you comfort?

We hope our blog link-up will be a source of encouragement. We would love to have you join us each Friday for the Grace and Truth Christian Link-Up! Click here for the details, download our badges, and read the participation rules.
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Maree Dee – Embracing the Unexpected
Lauren Sparks
Lisa Burgess
Tammy Kennington
Grace & Truth exists to point readers and writers to Jesus! Let’s bless and encourage one another.
Perhaps you are not sure what a blog link-up is all about, and you might be wondering what is in it for me as a reader or a blogger. Please visit our page that explains the value, rules, and details.
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I have never really paid attention to the number of clicks/comments that a particular post received; I like that you take the time to do this and then highlight it here!
Thank you. It is fun to see what people are clicking in our link-up. Sometimes I have missed those posts and love reading them. I hope your week is starting great. Blessings, Maree
What a surprise it was to see my post featured above Maree! 😊
Blessings sweet friend,
It is always an honor to feature your writing. I hope your weekend was fabulous. Blessings, Maree