Discover below which articles were the Summer 2022 most popular posts for Grace & Truth Christian Link-Up.

Are you ready to find out which titles caught our reader’s eyes? At Embracing the Unexpected, we enjoy looking back to see which blog post received the most clicks. Discover below which articles were the Summer 2022 most popular posts for Grace & Truth Christian Link-Up.

Perhaps you are unsure what a blog link-up is about, and you might wonder what is in it for me as a reader or a blogger. Please visit “Three Reasons to Participate in Grace & Truth Christian Blog Link-Up,” For all the rules and details, click here.

Discover which articles were the Summer 2022 most popular posts for Grace & Truth Christian Link-Up. #graceandtruth #bloglinkup #christianbloggers Share on X

We have three winners! I think you will love their articles. Tap the title to take you to their websites.

The Day I Was Diagnosed With Cancer: 18 Promises to Hold Onto When Crisis Hits

By Dr. Michelle Bengtson

How Do You Listen For God’s Voice In The Unexpected?

By Lisa Blair

You Can Keep It Short – And It Still Matters

By Lisa Burgess

NewFeatured Posts on Pinterest

I will feature a few weekly articles from our Grace & Truth Christian Link-Up on a Pinterest board. I hope you will click over and follow and discover the highlighted posts.

Don’t miss our featured articles on Grace & Truth Link-Up. Our summer 2022 most popular posts were from Michelle Bengtson, Lisa Blair, and Lisa Burgess. #graceandtruth #featuredpost Share on X

Getting to Know Each Other

Discover which articles were the Summer 2022 most popular posts for Grace & Truth Christian Link-Up.

Can you guess what my activities are from the picture?

I love a hike with God while capturing the beautiful world He created for us to enjoy and cherish. Although I believe joy and happiness differ, what a blessing when we do something that covers both of these.

Please share something you have done this summer that brought you joy or happiness.

Grace & Truth : A Weekly Christian Link Up

We hope our blog link-up will be a source of encouragement. We would love to have you join us each Friday for the Grace and Truth Christian Link-Up! Click here for the details, download our badges, and read the participation rules.

To receive a weekly reminder, subscribe to Maree Dee | Embracing the Unexpected by clicking here.

Grace & Truth Hosts

Maree Dee – Embracing the Unexpected

Lauren Sparks

Lisa Burgess

Tammy Kennington

Grace & Truth exists to point readers and writers to Jesus! Let’s bless and encourage one another.

Join us for the Grace & Truth Christian Link-Up. #graceandtruth #bloglinkup #christianbloggers Share on X

Save an image on your website to let others know you linked up with Grace & Truth Christian Link-Up.

We have three articles to highlight for our most popular posts—Second Quarter 2021 on Grace & Truth Christian Link-Up.

Upcoming Talk: When Your Loved One Has a Mental Illness Is Change Possible?

Feeling stuck, discouraged, or unsure if things can ever improve? This talk is for you. Maree Dee, Founder of Embracing Faith & Mental Illness, invites you to explore:

  • Practical tools to help you move forward with renewed hope.
  • Steps to take when progress feels out of reach.
  • How small changes can lead to meaningful breakthroughs.

Join us for this inspiring session via Zoom on Saturday, January 4, 2025, at 9:00 AM (Mountain Time).

We would love to have you join our community.

Embracing the Unexpected | Maree Dee

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  1. Thanks for sharing these posts, Maree!

    I also appreciate you keeping us aware of the importance of mental health. I was proud of my baby daughter today leading our Moms Demand Action meeting about suicide prevention. The statistics for suicide in Alabama are quite disturbing and have gotten worse over the pandemic years. 🙁

    1. Lisa, I love hearing that your daughter led something on Suicide prevention. I’m proud of her too. That is awful that Alabama has had an increase in deaths by suicide, and we have to keep fighting to save lives. I hope you have a wonderful week.