Women kneeling down | Have you ever taken the time to consider why most resolutions fail and how to fix them? Or have you given up on them altogether?
Photo by Nemke on iStock

Have you ever found yourself at the start of a new year full of determination and hope for your New Year’s Resolutions, only to have them unravel before February even begins? If so, you are not alone. I know I have. Year after year, I’d set ambitious goals—eat healthier, exercise more, read more books, grow in my faith—and I’d already feel discouraged by mid-January. The cycle of excitement, struggle, and guilt was exhausting. But have you ever taken the time to consider why most resolutions fail and how to fix them? Or have you given up on them altogether?

Millions set ambitious New Year’s resolutions every year, hoping for a fresh start. Yet by February, most have already abandoned them. Why? #goals #resolutionsfail Share on X

You’re not alone if you’ve ever failed to keep your New Year’s resolutions. According to a Forbes Health survey it shows that only 1% of people successfully keep their resolutions for 11 or 12 months. But here’s the good news: it’s not about willpower or perfection. It’s about how we set our goals in the first place. I’ve learned (the hard way) that when I invite God into my goal-setting process, everything changes.

Six Reasons Why Resolutions Fail

1. Did You Set Goals at the Right Time?

We often pressure ourselves to set goals on January 1 simply because everyone else is. But honestly have you ever noticed how exhausted you feel after the holidays? Between the busyness, family dynamics, and overindulgence, the start of the year might not be the best time to make life-changing decisions.

By the end of the holiday season, I’m often exhausted—emotionally drained, physically sluggish from too many treats, and mentally overwhelmed by the pressure to start fresh.

Calendar page with female hand holding pen on desk table |
Photo by Kwangmoozaa from Getty Images Pro

The truth is, there’s nothing magical about January 1. God invites us to start anew in any season. Ecclesiastes 3:1 says,

“There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the heavens.”
(Ecclesiastes 3:1 NIV)

If now isn’t the right time to set big goals, that’s okay. Listen to God’s timing, not the world’s pressure. I still have yet to set my goals for 2025.  Understanding this has been a relief, a light in the midst of the pressure to conform to the New Year’s resolution tradition.

We can set goals in any season, so why do we insist on setting them on the year’s final day? #goals #resolutions Share on X

2. Did You Pray About Your Resolutions?

I used to assume that if a goal was “good,” God must approve. But then I realized that I was making plans and expecting Him to bless them instead of asking Him what He wanted for me in the first place.

When I finally surrendered my goals to God, things changed. Instead of striving for strength, I felt peace knowing He guided me. Proverbs 3:6 reminds us,

Tan Background | Most Resolutions Fail
Background from Canva

Have you taken the time to ask God what He wants for your year?

Choosing God’s goal will be better than selecting a worthy goal. #God #goal Share on X

3. Did You Reflect on Last Year?

I rushed into new goals for years without ever pausing to look back. But one January, I sat down and honestly reflected on the past year. I asked myself:

  • What went well?
  • Where did I see God move?
  • What challenges did I face? What did I learn?
  • What added a sense of purpose to my life?
  • What was missing from my year?

Please grab a pen and journal and take time to answer the questions or use our workbook. So, when next year rolls around, you can see your progress.

“Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” (Psalm 90:12 NIV)

Taking time to reflect helped me see where God had been at work and where I needed to grow. Before you set new goals, take a moment to look back.

4. Did You Set a Spiritual Goal?

It is easy to focus on external goals—things we can measure and check off a list. But God cares more about who we’re becoming than what we accomplish. It is not a quick and easy goal to set. One has to take some time to contemplate with God and then listen to His voice about where He would like us to grow spiritually. His answer might surprise you.

One year, instead of setting a dozen resolutions, I asked God to show me one area where He wanted me to grow spiritually. His answer surprised me: trust.

That year wasn’t easy, but it was transformative. Every challenge became an opportunity to trust Him more.

What about you? Is God nudging you toward a deeper relationship with Him this year? Maybe it’s a stronger prayer life, more time in His Word, or stepping out in faith in a new way. In our post “How to Know Where God Wants You to Grow,” you will find a list of possible spiritual goals.

5. Did You Focus on Habits Over Outcomes?

One reason resolutions fail is their reliance on motivation instead of habits. I’ve learned (again, the hard way) that motivation fades, but habits create lasting change. Instead of saying, “I’m going to read my Bible every day for an hour,” start with, “I’m going to read one verse each day.” Small, consistent habits lead to significant transformation over time.

James Clear, author of Atomic Habits, says, “You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems.” And as Christians, our foundation is Christ. What small, daily habit can you start that will draw you closer to God?

6. Did You Keep It Simple?

Sometimes, we overcomplicate our resolutions. We set multiple goals across every area of life, create detailed plans, and then get overwhelmed before we even begin!

One simple approach? Choose one word to focus on for the year. For example, a past word of mine was “minimize”—a single word that influenced all areas of life.

If you tend to overthink or over-plan, keeping it simple might help.

It’s Not Too Late to Adjust Your Resolutions

If you’ve already set resolutions, take a moment to reflect: Have you skipped any of these steps? It’s not too late to realign your goals with God’s direction. Our workbook includes additional steps that will help you help you fix your goals so your resolutions don’t fail.

If your resolutions are already slipping, take a deep breath. You’re not a failure. #failure #goals #resolutions #mareedee Share on X

Maybe, like me, you need to approach goal-setting differently. Ask God what you want for me. Reflect on where He’s already been working. Start small and build habits that last.

God’s mercies are new every morning. (Lamentations 3:22-23). If your resolutions aren’t working, it’s not too late to start again—with Him leading the way.

Don’t let your resolutions fail. Let God lead you to set goals rooted in faith and designed for lasting change!   

Stepping stones across a pond | Most Resolutions Fail
Photo by Baona from Getty Images Signature

Actions Steps

Comment below: I’d love to hear your spiritual goal or word for the year. Share it and let’s encourage one another! You might even find a new friend to become an accountability partner.

Download the Goal-Setting Workbook and take the first step toward a God-honoring year! Available for free in January and for purchase all year.

Share this with a friend who might benefit in their faith-filled goal-setting journey!

Goal Setting: Choose the Most Important One First

Are you struggling to identify your life’s most important goal? The “Embracing Goals” workbook helps you prioritize a spiritual journey that leads to transformation. Say goodbye to failed resolutions and embrace personal growth with God at the center of your life. Commit, persevere, and align with His will to unlock unexpected success.

This booklet is available for purchase in our store.

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Embracing the Unexpected | Maree Dee

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  1. Whether or not we practice New Year’s resolutions or just make a plan for a better Monday, I love that God is always there to meet us in our resolve for good.

    1. Michele,
      Amen! I love your thoughts on creating a plan for a better Monday. We are truly blessed to have a God who loves us so much and is always there for us. I’m so glad you stopped by and shared your words of encouragement with all of us.

    1. Boma, it’s wonderful to see your comment here. I agree, with God’s help, it is possible to achieve those resolutions. I am praying for your success this year. Maree

  2. Yes I gave New Year’s resolutions up decades ago Maree, especially after I started practising Clinical Counselling & knew the psychology behind the tradition.

    Since blogging I have adopted the habit of a WOTY/theme & find that this is an amazing way that the Holy Spirit highlights many things in our lives & the world around us.

    This year my WOTY is ‘Explore’, & I’m already having fun in exploring the areas God is highlighting to explore with Him.
    Blessings, Jennifer

    1. I would love to hear more about the psychology behind the New Year’s Resolutions tradition. Have you written anything on it? I am going to do a little research myself. I, too, love the habit of choosing a word. What a fun, exciting word you have for the year. I can’t wait to see how that unfolds. My word for the year is pause. I’m going to write about it soon. Happy Valentine’s Day! Maree