Each year, do you choose a phrase to focus your attention on with hopes of creating lasting change? Where do you begin looking for that particular term? Has it brought about transformation? Discover five reasons why one simple word can bring effective change to your life.
First, let me confess I am a goal-setter and thrive on setting daily, weekly, monthly, and annual goals in all categories. So, when I first heard of this practice of people choosing a particular word for the year, I thought it a bit ludicrous as it seemed too simplistic. The questions running through my mind were how one simple word would fit into my elaborate goal-setting ideas and how to search for that one magical word.
Set Yourself Up for Success With One Simple Word
The best way to choose a word for the year is to start with God. Many of us fall into the trap of jumping ahead of the Lord by rushing the process. We decide the term and expect God to put his stamp of approval on our target. Instead, we must quiet our souls to listen for His voice. After all, He may have something else in mind other than what we desire.
Will you let God choose your one simple word this year? Perhaps you will need to go back and revisit the phrase you chose. It may also require a willingness on your part to follow God’s plan. #onesimpleword #goals Share on XStop Fighting God
Do you fight the specific word Jesus keeps whispering in your ear? My desire this year was to keep my goal from last year, which was to listen. After all, I doubt I will ever master the art of listening. However, I fell in love with my progress of listening to God, nature, others, and more. Additionally, you can read about my goal for 2021 at “What is the Best Gift You Can Give Yourself?”
However, I listened as I approached God with a racing heartbeat and anticipation of His wise words. He consistently pointed out, “Maree, you are hearing what I want from you but struggling to obey in the areas where you are filled with fear and have deemed yourself ill-equipped. The time is now for a new word.”
Ouch, that stung a bit. And being the rule follower that I am, my pride took a hit as I trembled at the thought that Jesus would give me the simple word “obey,” then I would have to humble myself and share that term with you. Although, the term obedience fits quite well. After all, I heard God’s voice, yet I avoided setting action steps to hit the goal.
We must remember that God has a broader perspective than we do and knows what is ahead and how to prepare us. Strangely, I usually wrestle with the word God has for me, and then, by the end of the year, I don’t want to let it go. Does anyone else grapple with Jesus?
Trust your Maker; don’t let your pride or ambitions keep you from God’s purpose. He always has your best in mind. #pride #onesimpleword Share on XFive Reasons Why One Simple Word Can Bring Effective Change
1. Simplicity
One simple word is uncomplicated and easy to remember. Effortlessly, we can always keep this word at the forefront of our minds. Plus, we can use reminders like wearing the phrase on a bracelet or placing the word in a visible place within our home.
2. Inspiration
One simple word can inspire us to step out of our comfort zone and forge ahead into what seems impossible. You never know; the term might be the catalyst to get us moving.
3. Ignites Change
One simple word can permeate all areas of life and kindle growth and change.
4. Focus
One simple word can help us concentrate.
5. Helps Us Set Goals
One simple word can help us attain various life goals—spiritual, relational, career, financial, social, and more.
Maree’s One Simple Word for 2022
As dictionary.com defines, persist.
“to continue steadfastly or firmly in some state, purpose, course of action, or the like, especially in spite of opposition, remonstrance, etc.
to last or endure tenaciously
Maree’s Mantra for 2022
I will persist in what God has asked of me while letting go of the distractions that lead me astray.
Bible Verse for 2022
For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases Him.
Philippians 2:1 NLT
My Why
God has asked something of me that feels impossible, and I feel ill-equipped and fearful. Therefore, the task often goes undone while I actively pursue other endeavors. Although the work is good, it leaves no time for what is most important— the Lord’s will.
My Prayer
Lord, Give me a willing heart to be persistent in what you have asked of me and the wisdom to let go of the distractions that lead me astray. Amen

After choosing an exact word, this can be a great place to stop. This task alone may bring about the change God desires in you. However, let me encourage you to take it one step further and think through a Spiritual Goal where you can grow closer to God in the upcoming year.
There are numerous reasons to choose a specific phrase, but my favorite is simplicity and focus. Have you benefited from selecting one simple word each year? How has it helped you meet your goals? I would love to hear your answers.

Below is an example of my spiritual goal for 2022. This aim is most important, but I also set other targets.
Maree’s Spiritual Goal for 2022
To persist in holding God’s word in my heart empowering me to do God’s will daily and draw me closer to Him.
Bible Verse
Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.
Psalm 119:105 NIV
A Few Actions Steps
- Write out one scripture each week to ponder.
- Post the verse in a place where I will see it daily.
- Start each morning asking God what His will is for my day.
- To look back daily to see where I was persistent in following God’s will.
- Keep a list of verses that help me focus on my goals.
- Ask for support
My Why
I need God’s word stored in my heart so that when the task feels impossible, I will know He is near and will equip me.
As I mentioned, I thrive on setting goals, and I take my one word and use it to develop a variety of aims in many areas of life. Here is a free workbook with worksheets to help you set your goals.
Goal Setting: Choose the Most Important One First
Are you struggling to identify your life’s most important goal? The “Embracing Goals” workbook helps you prioritize a spiritual journey that leads to transformation. Say goodbye to failed resolutions and embrace personal growth with God at the center of your life. Commit, persevere, and align with His will to unlock unexpected success.
This booklet is available for purchase in our store.

Great post and creative idea!
Thank you for your words of encouragement. Blessings to you, Maree
Great tips! Thank you! 🙂
Thank you, Linda, for stopping by and commenting. God bless you! Maree
Great tips, Maree.
Thank you, Bab, I loved hearing from you. Maree
This is such a great post. Persisting is definitely a great word. I love how you challenge us to diagram out our spiritual goals for the year!!
Thank you for stopping by. Thank you for your encouraging comment. Do you have a spiritual goal or word for the year?
Persist sounds like there will be lots of coffee involved – but much being accomplished. Mine is prayer – the 3rd year but it has been different every year – there was the Year of Selfless Prayer, then the Year of Redeeming Prayer. This year it’s different – I cannot put my finger on it, yet – but each year is like a class that God enrolls me in – and I spend the entire year learning.
Yes, on caffeine, but no coffee for this girl. I love the smell, but I have never acquired a taste for it. Wow, prayer three years in a row. I like how it changes each year. I can’t wait to find out what this year will bring. Please do share when you determine what God has in mind. I hope you have a great weekend. Maree
Great post! what I can say is they must change if they are to get better. There is nothing permanent except change. I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.
Beautiful. Change is constant, and yes, each of us can create ripples that make a difference. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I loved hearing them. Maree
Grace. After years of words choosing me. Grace found me!
I love your word!!! I have been doing a bible study that is all about grace. Wow, am I blown away by the grace God gives us. I hope you will share more about grace throughout the year. I would love to learn more. Maree
Maree, I love your open word, and I love how you are so intentional with your process and with growing with your word this year. My word is Cling.
Jeanne, Thank you for your kind comments. I love your word, too. May you cling to God. Blessings, Maree
First, I think the scenic picture you chose is Lake Louise, Alberta. A very lovely place! As I was reading your post, I was thinking “oh yes” through it all. Your word “persists” has a lot of similarities with my word “intentional.” I also am a goal planner and have to be careful not to pick up too many tools to create my days, otherwise I spend too much time on planning over executing! I like your chart you created around your word, and you have reminded me about my intention around spiritual goals this year (and that I must pray first so don’t just jump in thinking I know best)!
I have never been to Lake Louise, but I have it on my bucket list. Have you been there?
Yes, our words are similar. And your explanation had me chuckling. I can’t tell you how many times I have failed to execute because I was so busy planning.
Thank you for your kind words,
Blessings, Maree
Thank you for sharing this fantastic system to develop and use a word of the year. My word this year is “rooted.” Now I can use the additional steps you’ve outlined to live out this word.
Theresa, I am so glad you found my steps helpful. “Rooted,” what a great word. My head is spinning with the growth that comes from a word like that one. I hope you will share what you are learning from this term later in the year. Maree
Wow! Absolutely love this! I am going in my prayer closet and get my one word. This is such a great concept.
I am so glad you like this post. Did you come up with a word? I would love to hear it. Maree
A great word for the year Maree & I love your expansion above on the process in incorporating it in your daily life with Scripture, prayer & goals!
Thank you, Jennifer. I know it isn’t for everyone, but it sure works for me in bringing about the change that God wants. I hope you had a great weekend. Blessings, Maree
PERSIST is such a powerful word, Maree. I’m sure you’ll learn some valuable lessons and get some things accomplished this year through it. My word is RELEASE. Just today I released some things that were so hard to let go of, but I needed to stop the clinging and release them to the Lord.
Oh, no, your words scared me. Now, I have to do something with my powerful word. RELEASE is a great word. Letting go to God is so life freeing. I can’t wait to hear more. Blessings, Maree
It is amazing how one word can be seen in so many different lights through the year and help us focus and see more and more of something, teaching us in the process. Words are not as simple as we sometimes think.
Theresa, Yes, I too love how God can teach us so much from a simple word throughout the year. Did you choose a word? Maree
If I have a simple word this year it would be “focus.” Truthfully I believe God has been leading me up to this. Not so much to focus on anything in particular.. but to focus on SOMEONE. Simply God! So many things that I’ve focused on in the past year, but none so formable as God. So many things that I’ve put before God, but none like God.
Focus is a great word, and I can’t think of anyone better to focus on than God. That was a word I considered. I hope you will share how your word is working out later in the year. Blessings, Maree