Do you thrive on productivity, setting goals, and checking items off your list? What happens when the unexpected occurs? Do you have space for unforeseen circumstances or a little unanticipated joy, or does that bring your world crashing down around you as you attempt to accomplish it all? Discover one way to offer yourself more grace and stop striving for more.
As I shared in my post, “Are You Willing to Change Your Ways to Discover Peace?” the chaos of my life closed in on me, and the inner peace seemed to fade away. I needed to pivot and cease my striving for more. God was whispering in my ear, “Maree, more grace.” It took me a bit, but eventually, I melted into God’s arms and basked in His peace.
A New Year With More Grace
But now that brings us to a new year, afraid to name new dreams while dragging the prior year’s disappointments, frustrations, and heartaches into this one. After all, the problems didn’t dissipate into thin air. Can you relate? Have you procrastinated in setting new goals or choosing a word?
What if there was a way to pursue some endeavors while we offered ourselves some grace?
As I diligently worked through the goal packet, listening to God’s direction and reflection, I hung tight to the lessons of the prior year, where God taught me to cease striving and offer myself and others more grace. Still weary from our previous year, yet torn with wanting to accomplish more, I struggled to discover what God had in mind for the new year, and grace seemed like the perfect word for me.
Wait For God
Patiently, I waited, prayed, and pondered what God had in mind. As I wrote numerous letters to God, pouring out my heart, He began to reveal the focus for me for 2023, and even if this is not your word, it might help you to offer yourself more grace and stop striving for more.
But first, you might want to read the details of why “One Simple Word Can Bring Effective Change to Your Life.”
My word is “Closer,” which may seem strange for someone who thrives on productivity. The word made so much sense as I started looking at all the areas where I would like to grow. You see, I want to continue to draw closer to God, closer to people, and closer to my goals, but that doesn’t mean I have to reach perfection or even accomplish the pursuits.
Moving closer to a goal is better than not moving at all. #goals #closer #stopstriving #grace Share on XHow One Word Can Work
As I reach for the cookie, I ask myself if this will bring me closer to healthy eating or further away. When the alarm rings at 5:30 am for Bible study, and it’s below zero, I ask myself if staying in bed will help me to attain closer friendships or keep me further away. Most importantly, I’m attempting to pause before jumping in to offer help, start working, or make a decision and ask myself if this is God’s will and if it will bring me or others closer to Jesus.
Grace is wrapped up in the word closer; we are not striving to attain perfection but instead to move one step closer to God’s goals. #perfection #grace #goals #closer Share on XHow Do You Know God Chose Your Word?
A question I frequently get asked is: how do you know what God wants you to choose? I feverishly work through the workbook, looking back, present, and forward, taking time to pause, ponder, and listen to the Lord’s voice, which is not audible. I then jot down words that come to mind and pray over them.
Wrestling with Jesus
Then, the wrestling with Jesus begins as He places a word on my heart, one I usually don’t want to choose. At first, I try to convince myself I’m not hearing God. So, I waste a little time as I look for synonyms with some eloquence and pizazz. Typically, arriving at the word entails a lousy night of sleep when I try to convince the Lord that another term would be better than the simple one He whispers in my ear, puts in my thoughts, and often confirms with scripture.
But this year, Jesus confirmed it a little differently. After I tossed and turned all night, I awakened with one word on my mind—closer. Nodding to God in acceptance, I said a quick prayer as I reached for my phone to see what the day had in store. The green button on my phone indicated a text, which seemed odd so early in the morning. As I pushed the message button, a beautiful picture filled my screen from Kathleen—she had colored a woman skiing, making the most beautiful turn on the mountain. Not any turn, one where her form was excellent as she leaned in; her shoulder was inches from the snow. I can’t ski like the woman in the picture, but I love trying to improve each year. And believe it or not, I had been working on getting closer to the snow, leaning in, and bending more. Unbeknownst to my friend, she confirmed what the Lord had put on my heart. Closer was my word.

I thrive on setting goals, and I use my one-word to develop a variety of aims in many areas of life. Here is a free workbook with worksheets to help you set your goals.
Goal Setting: Choose the Most Important One First
Are you struggling to identify your life’s most important goal? The “Embracing Goals” workbook helps you prioritize a spiritual journey that leads to transformation. Say goodbye to failed resolutions and embrace personal growth with God at the center of your life. Commit, persevere, and align with His will to unlock unexpected success.
This booklet is available for purchase in our store.

Choosing one word for your year might be enough to help bring about change and growth in all areas of your life. However, will you consider one more goal? How about choosing a Spiritual Goal? In “How to Know Where God Wants You to Grow,” I share a few ideas for spiritual growth.
I have included an example of my most important goal for the year.
Maree’s Spiritual Goal for 2023
To draw closer to Jesus in every waking moment allowing His joy, peace, and grace to permeate my soul while extending the overflow to others.
My Word
Maree’s Mantra for 2023
Moving closer to a goal is better than not moving at all.
Bible Verse
“You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,” declares the Lord, “and will bring you back from captivity. I will gather you from all the nations and places where I have banished you,” declares the Lord, “and will bring you back to the place from which I carried you into exile.”
A Few Possible Actions Steps
- Keep a list of verses about drawing closer to God.
- Each month, choose one item from “Develop a Stronger Relationship with God” to concentrate on.
- Pause throughout my day, with timers on my phone, to check in with God.
- Journal with God weekly.
- I will stop and ask myself, “Will this bring me closer to God or further away?” before starting a task.
My Why
I feel the need for more of God. A friendship where we laugh and share the moments of the day. I need to offer myself God’s grace to do that.
My Prayer
There is so much I want to accomplish this year, yet I desire more of you. You haven’t moved, but somehow, I lost some of that joy and peace in my survival mode, and I want it back. Please help me to be content taking small steps to big endeavors knowing you have me right where you want me.
Jesus, assist me in keeping my eyes fixed on you and my heart intertwined with yours so that when you speak, I hear you and know your will, even in the small tasks of the day. Guide me on when to set aside what gets in the way of moving closer to you and the pursuits you have in mind for me.
Thank you for being my Lord, guiding me through life, and never leaving my side. I want to move closer to you and be okay with small steps that only slightly get me to my other goals.
(Worksheets available in our Goal Workbook.)
If you have a word or a spiritual goal for the year, please share it with us.
We can offer ourselves more grace and stop striving for more by allowing closer to be enough. A change in our mindset, from failure to noticing we are moving nearer when we don’t fully accomplish our goals. After all, making more space for God is a beautiful pursuit. Don’t you think?
How do you offer yourself more grace and stop striving for more?
Discover one way to offer yourself more grace and stop striving for more. #grace #goal #stopstriving Share on XGrace & Truth Christian Link-Up
Laura Thomas has a way with words and tells beautiful stories that inspire others with hope, compassion, and more.
Now for our Featured Post
MY “ONE WORD” FOR 2023 by Laura Thomas
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Maree, I always appreciate the gentle wisdom and wise perspectives you share here. Learning how to give ourselves more grace will lead to us being able to walk (and rest) in peace.
Jeanne, You are right; more grace will lead us to walk and rest in peace. I love that. Miss you, my friend. Maree
Maree, thank you for your encouragement here. I love your story and how God leads you. It is essential to give ourselves grace. How wonderful to come closer to God rather than striving.
Deborah, Thank you for your encouraging comment. It is beautiful to draw closer to God. However, the struggle is real to quit striving. As I type this, I realize I skipped part of my quiet time with God this morning. I had every intention of returning to my time after my meeting but instead jumped in and started striving to get packed up to travel. I had the time but missed it. Maree
I have two words this year, “Deeply Rooted,” so I am desiring to get closer to God as well. I want so much more of Him moving forward. Thank you so much for this post Maree, you have the sweetest posts ever! Blessings to you sweet sister and I am saying a prayer for you as you draw closer to Jesus this year … 🙏😘💕
Oh, Donna, I love your words this year. Thank you for your wonderful comment and prayers; you made me smile. I, too, will pray for you right now. Isn’t it a great feeling to want more of Him? Loving my word this year. Maree
I love the outline you provide here to help us all really focus on our goals!
Thank you for your words of encouragement. I hope you are having a great week. Maree
Maree, thank you for this nudge toward grace. We too often can be our own harshest taskmasters. He loves us so …
That is so true, Linda, about being our own harshest taskmasters. I’m awful to myself sometimes. I hope you had a wonderful weekend.Thank you for sharing. Maree
“…we are not striving to attain perfection but instead to move one step closer to God’s goals”—I love this, Maree! And thanks so much for featuring my blog post this month! 🤗
Laura, It is always an honor to feature your posts. I’m so glad you are a part of our link-up. You have beautiful words to share. I’m happy you liked my words; thank you for sharing that with me. Blessings, Maree
Maree, I love how God gave you your word for the year!
It will be interesting to see what He reveals this year to you through your word.
Mine is ‘Season’ & already God has revealed so much.
Blessings, Jennifer
I look forward to hearing what God reveals to you in your word. I love my word; it helps me to pull closer to God. Blessings, Maree
I loved reading how God drew you to your word for the year that will bring you closer to His way for you! I’ve been drawn to Simplify for some of the same reasons you were drawn to Closer. I’ve had to give myself Grace in the “enough” department, as it seemed I didn’t have enough time to do the goals I set out to do. But God showed me what matters most – simply knowing and following His way, and being okay with what doesn’t get done, and being absolutely okay with cultivating the relationships He has placed in my life (that took my time away from some of my goals!). May God draw you closer and closer to His grace-filled ways, M!
Oh, Lynn, thank you. I am so glad you liked my journey to find my word. So far, choosing a word is working out fantastic this year.
I love your word simplify and the fact that you are cultivating relationships. I’m working on that one this year too.
Blessings, Maree
What a great way to approach goals. It’s all too easy to get perfection-minded when it comes to these things. What a great word, too! There’s much here for me to take to heart.
Donna, Thank you for your encouragement. It is a new approach for me trying to let go of the fail or succeed mentality when it comes to goals. Do you choose a word for the year? Maree