Will you take the time to remember the best gift ever this Christmas? It is easy to become distracted and overwhelmed with preparations during the holiday season. Add the struggles and grief, which often intensify during the holidays, and Jesus is sometimes left out. Yet the Savior is the reason for the season.
The best gift we will ever receive is Jesus Christ, and He is that gift that never stops giving. #Jesus #bestgift Share on X“Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!” (2 Corinthians 9:15 NIV)
Before I learned a new set of rules, I would put God on hold until Christmas parted. I often counted the days down until the chaos would pass. Knowing then, I would return to abide with our Savior and bask in His peace and love. However, I missed so much joy and love in the present moment. It was as if I had a wrapped gift and refused to open it up until later.
God wants us now, not later, when the chaos or mess has passed. He wants us to open up the wonderful gift of Jesus and live each moment with Him today. #bestgift Share on X
Four Ways to Help Open up the Best Gift This Christmas
1. Set Aside Time With God
Dedicate daily time to sit with the Lord and remember the best gift we will ever receive is Jesus. Spend time in scripture, prayer, and listening to His voice. This season I am reading Jesus Calling for Christmas by Sarah Young. Inside the cover, you will find 50 seasonal devotions and beautiful pictures that remind me of what an awesome creator we have.
What are you concentrating on in your time with God?
2. Abide with God
Jesus wants to walk with us hand in hand every moment of the day and experience our joy, heartache, struggles, and triumphs. As the busyness or challenges of the season come upon us, bring your thoughts back to the miraculous gift of Jesus.
3. Remember God’s Faithfulness
Take the time to look back and record how the Lord has been faithful in your life. Include those God moments where His presence was undeniable or when something happened, and you knew it had to be the Lord. You can choose a period of time, like the past year, or let your mind wander to a lifetime of blessings. A look-back journal is a valuable tool, as explained in “What Happens When You Look Back?”

4. Intentionally Love God
Let’s slow down this Christmas season and express our love for God through small intentional steps. The idea might sound like another task to add to a long to-do list. However, the peace, joy, and love we will receive will help us experience and remember the best gift ever. For more ideas on how to love God, visit our post for week one of Intentional Christmas Love.
Discover four ways to help open up the best gift this Christmas season. #Christmas #bestgift Share on X“For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16 NIV)

Intentional Christmas Love
This December, let’s focus on what matters most: love. Join us each week for a new challenge as we turn our hearts toward God, ourselves, and others. Together, we can celebrate the true meaning of the season.
My prayer and hope for each of us this month is that we will set aside time and keep our focus on Jesus and feel His love, peace, and joy as we head towards celebrating the miraculous gift God gave us. Perhaps you have extra struggles or hurt this year; I would love to partner with you in prayer.
Please share with us what helps you to keep your focus on Jesus and remember the best gift ever.
Grace & Truth Link-Up | The Most Popular Post in November 2022
Each month at Embracing the Unexpected, we look back at the previous month to see which blog posts received the most clicks. Last month’s most popular article is from Maryleigh Bucher, who blogs at Blue Cotton Memory—Letting Go and Letting God. She shares a touching story and reminds us that every day is a “Remember God Day.
“The Listening Trees” by Maryleigh Bucher
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Embracing the Unexpected | Maree Dee
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Lamentations 3:21
Thank you for sharing. I love this verse. “Yet this I call to mind
and therefore I have hope:” Lamentations 3:21
Blessings, Maree
Thank you Maree, I did! ☺️
A looking-back journal to remember God’s faithfulness…I love that! Merry Christmas, Maree Dee!
Thank you! I hope your Christmas was amazing. Happy New Year! Maree
Jesus. All we need, nothing more. How blessed we are to call Him Savior, Friend, Lover of our souls.
Amen! We are so blessed. Happy New Year! Maree
Maree, thank you for sharing these four ways to help open up the best gift this Christmas. Indeed Jesus is the best gift Ever! Glory Hallelujah. Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Visiting today from G&T.
Thank you! I hope your Christmas was full of Jesus. Happy New Year! Maree
Thank you Maree for that lovely reminder to keep the Lord’s joy & peace as our focus this Christmas season.
Blessings sweet friend, Jennifer 💖
Jennifer, I hope you had a blessed Christmas. Happy New Year! Maree
One of my favorite scriptures is in Lamentations. It says, this I recall to my mind therefore I have hope. I’ve learned that taking time to remember God goodness and the way he has shown up in my life gives me hope for the current circumstances.
Thank you for sharing that beautiful truth. Do you happen to know precisely where it is found? I would love to write it down and pin it up for me to see daily. No worries, I can look for it if you don’t know the exact location. Happy New Year! Maree