Woman running on a mountain | Doubt creeps in, and you wonder, will I fail to persevere. Find out a tip that has helped many run the race when life feels unbearable.
Photo by Kalen Emsley on Unsplash

Has life turned upside down on you, and it seems too challenging to move forward? Or do you worry that the next unanticipated event will take you under? Whatever the unexpected challenges are, illness, loss, or a daunting project that exceeds your current capacity, doubt can creep in and make you question your ability to persevere. But rather than giving up, will you try a suggestion that has helped many run the race when life feels unbearable?

Discover a recommendation that has helped many continue the race when life feels unbearable. #perseverance #runtherace Share on X

Although our circumstances may differ, we must agree that we want to persevere well and never give up. Otherwise, the idea I convey won’t help. But first, let me share one unexpected circumstance and the origin of the valuable information I received.

My Journey: Navigating My Child’s Mental Illness

The moment I heard the words, “Your child may have a mental illness,” shock and disbelief filled my mind. As a parent, I couldn’t begin to comprehend or grasp the magnitude of this statement. Little did I know this journey would test my resilience and faith like never before, and at times, I would feel so inadequate.

Initially, upon diagnosis, I was determined to find a quick fix for my child’s struggles. I frantically searched for answers, grasping at any shred of wisdom to make sense of something that felt so foreign. I had no prior knowledge or experience; at the time, I wasn’t even sure if such a condition truly existed. 

I had always believed that success at anything is achievable through sheer determination and willpower. But in the face of this illness, that mantra seemed to crumble. Suddenly, the unimaginable had happened in my own home. 

As I delved deeper into the world of mental health challenges, I found myself in uncharted territory. With fierce determination, I threw myself into the task at hand, leaving no stone unturned. I devoured countless books, sought advice from experts in the field, prayed, and did everything I could to find the best possible help for my child. 

There was no rest for me, not even for a minute. After all, my child was hurting, and I was her momma. I sought wisdom and guidance from every possible source, hoping that someone out there would have the desperately needed answers.

When Quitting Is Not an Option

Guilt, sadness, and a longing for the life we once had filled my heart and mind. Even though overwhelmed by worry about what had transpired, our current struggle, and what the future might hold, I knew quitting was not an option for me.

I soon realized that determination and mind over matter would not cure mental illness. I had met my match. No matter how much I loved my children, I couldn’t fix their illness. I was not God, nor did I have the power to wash away the pain.

I desperately needed help, a tool of some sort. It was tough when those around me opposed my efforts, withdrew, or even when my child wanted to give up.

How do you run the race when you can’t see the finish line and few are cheering you on? That’s where my friend’s wise advice came in.

How to Run a Marathon of Unexpected Happenings

My sweet friend could see my unwavering faith yet knew I would never last the long haul at the rate I was traveling. She then shared the valuable lesson she learned from participating in a marathon. 

At first, I didn’t understand the value of this information as I am not a runner and don’t know what it takes to finish the race. She explained, “Maree, you’ve started the biggest race of your life, which you desperately want to finish. It’s crucial to focus only on the next mile marker. When you look too far ahead, it seems impossible—concentrate on making it to the next milepost and no further. Then, when you arrive at that mile marker, look to the next.”

Mile post marker | Doubt creeps in, and you wonder, will I fail to persevere. Find out a tip that has helped many run the race when life feels unbearable.
Photo by Adam Webb from Getty Images on Canva
When life is tough, we must grab hold of Jesus and focus solely on the next mile marker. #perseverance #milemarker #runtherace Share on X

What advice have you received to help you keep going?

Perseverance is not a long race;
it is many short races one after the other.

Walter Elliot

We Must do Our Part

Our faith tells us that God will bring us through, which is true. However, we also have a part to play when life feels unbearable. We need the Lord and tools to keep moving forward. With both, we can persevere well in the worst of times.  

When You Are a Planner

Planning is my forte, so this lesson didn’t come easy. I used to pride myself on planning at least ten markers at a time. But the fog of uncertainty thickened and obscured my sight, and the finish line became out of focus. It was unbearable to look to the future when the present held so much pain and uncertainty. Have you ever felt this?

Although planning is not a bad trait, we must hold our plans loosely. When in a crisis, getting through the moment is enough of a strategy. But what about when the crisis has passed, and you are ready to resume life?

Jumping Back In

Sometimes, when the unexpected hits, life as we know it comes to a big halt or at least a slower pace, as during the worldwide pandemic. Once we push through and persevere, things can quickly speed up. Responsibilities and commitments may bombard us and leave us feeling overwhelmed. This tool of focusing on the next mile marker comes in handy in those times, too.

We Can Run the Race of Life

It has been over eighteen years since we started down the road with mental health challenges in our family. And I am forever grateful that God sent my friend with precisely the right words at the right time. Focusing solely on the next mile marker has been a valuable tool for me in various situations, like waiting for the news on cancer or sitting by my momma’s bed after surgery.

Mountain side with blue water | Doubt creeps in, and you wonder, will I fail to persevere. Find out a tip that has helped many run the race when life feels unbearable.
Photo by Kalen Emsley on Unsplash

(Hebrews 12: 1-2 NIV)

It’s incredible how living in the moment and shortening my view to the next milepost helps me run the race and brings peace amid the unthinkable. But don’t just take my word for it—try it yourself.

Your family may not have mental health challenges, but life gives us all the unbearable moments. Eventually, you may find yourself on a path where the finish line is nowhere in sight. I encourage you to stay in the race in those moments and don’t look too far ahead. Sometimes, that means solely surviving one hour at a time (the mile marker) before we set our sights on the next milepost.

When life comes crashing down around us, we must fix our eyes on Jesus and concentrate on arriving at the next mile marker.  #milemarker #perseverance Share on X

I would love to hear what helps you run the race when life feels unbearable. Then check out How To Run: Seven Life Lessons From A Marathon Runner guaranteed to help you progress with endurance. After all, how we run will determine our success.

Running Shoe | Doubt creeps in, and you wonder, will I fail to persevere. Find out a tip that has helped many run the race when life feels unbearable.
Photo by Luisa Schetinger on Unsplash

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Upcoming Talk: How to See Your Blessings as a Caregiver

Caregiving can be one of life’s most challenging roles. Yet, in the midst of the difficult moments, unexpected blessings are often waiting to be discovered.

That’s why I’m excited to invite you to a special talk titled “How to See Your Hidden Blessings as a Caregiver” with Maree Dee, founder of Embracing Faith & Mental Illness. Maree will share insights from her journey, offering practical wisdom and heartfelt encouragement to help you shift your perspective and find hope in caring for someone with a mental illness.

Embracing Faith & Mental Illness Community

Embracing Faith & Mental Illness is a Christ-centered online community for people who care for someone with a mental illness. We have four unique ways for caregivers to participate. You choose what works best for you.

Click here to discover four unique ways for caregivers to participate.

We would love to have you join our community.

Embracing the Unexpected | Maree Dee

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  1. It is SO hard to watch our children struggle. I have been there and realized also that all my determination wasn’t enough. Jesus is our Rock through all of life’s circumstances. Thank you for this beautiful post … 🙏💕

  2. Your post is so powerful! I love your quote, “When life is tough, we must grab hold of Jesus.” As long as our eyes are on Jesus, fear and worry can not overtake us.

  3. Your post brings CS Lewis’s Screwtape to mind. One of his dirty tricks is to convince us to quit, thinking that we can’t possibly endure one more minute when we may very well be almost to the other side of a valley. Thanks for your always encouraging and strengthening perspective on hardships in life.

  4. Powerful post, my friend! When I find myself in an unexpected hard place, I have to focus on Jesus. There is no other way for me to find pockets of rest and relief for my emotions along the way. “Our faith tells us that God will bring us through, which is true. However, we also have a part to play when life feels unbearable. We need the Lord and tools to keep moving forward. With both, we can persevere well in the worst of times.” You have a powerful ministry, Maree Dee. Thank you for your heart to help others to persevere … 🙏💕

    1. Donna, thank you for your beautiful comment. Together, we can persevere, but of course, with our focus on Jesus. I agree that with our eyes on Jesus, we will find rest and relief along the way. I know when I take my eyes off of Him, I find myself lost. You are in my prayers. Maree

  5. Maree this post is so good. It’s a road few understand unless they have walked it. Not to mention the shame or defensiveness that can be involved because there are many who still think it’s the parents fault their child has a mental heath problem. I know your ministry will help and is helping so many.

    1. Thank you for your kind words. You are absolutely right. It’s not uncommon to blame parents, which only exacerbates the issues. Fortunately, there has been some change in the professional world, and there is data to prove that when caregivers participate in care, the outcomes are better. We have to keep educating those who don’t understand and tend to jump to judging. Blessings, Maree

  6. Thank you so much for sharing with such honesty and transparency. This is such an important topic, and I think too often people are afraid to talk about it. The reality is that sometimes our situations just seem hopeless! Great insight and wisdom, friend! Such a blessing!

    1. Kristen, You’re very welcome. I completely agree. It’s often difficult to discuss mental health issues. Sadly, this only leads us to suffer in silence when, in reality, many others face similar challenges. Together, we can support one another. Blessings, Maree

  7. Great advice from a Marathon runner Maree! And in life, I believe, we run many such marathons, one step at a time, bit by bit, little by little has always been my focus having gone through so much devastating loss. And at the moment I’m grieving the loss of my Dad who recently passed into glory is all I can do…but God is the One who carries me through these Valleys of the Shadow of Death. Praise Him!
    Blessings, Jennifer

    1. Jennifer, Yes, you are so right; we run many marathons in life. I’m so sorry for your many losses and especially for your most recent loss of your Dad. I’m praying for you. May you find comfort in your memories? I’m so glad you have God to carry you through. Hugs, Maree

  8. Your friend’s wise advice – to face the unexpected challenge thrown at you – like a marathon race was a great tip for perseverance, Maree. Sending you a big hug for all the hard days you have experienced and saying a prayer for grace to continue to run your Momma race well.

  9. The next mile marker reminds me of praying for our daily bread – we are to ask only for what we need for today. Do not add tomorrow’s worries to today’s. ❤️ Thanks for sharing this story and insight!

  10. Maree, this is great advice. Some health challenges have taught me to appreciate small accomplishments and not press so hard. A true miracle from God that brings peace and joy.

    1. Debbie,
      Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Not pressing hard can be a huge challenge for many, including me. Your words remind us that we will find peace and joy with God. And yes, that is the miracle.
