Are you hesitant to share your testimony? We may love God with all our heart and desire the same for those who don’t yet know Him. However, sometimes, the mere mention of “sharing your testimony” can send even the godliest running in the opposite direction.
My First Mission Trip
I was over the top excited to finally go on a mission trip. As we prepared each month, I felt more and more comfortable in my skin until the leader gave us an assignment, which I felt was way beyond my capabilities. We needed to write out our testimony both in English and Spanish and practice it.
My cries of, “What – a testimony?” “But I don’t have one. I have been a Christian from a young age.” “I can’t woo the crowds with a before and after Christ story. Plus, evangelism is not one of my gifts.”
Obviously, I didn’t understand the word “testimony.”
We All Have a Testimony
Well, I have come a long way since that day, and oh my goodness has He given me a testimony just like you. Mine I never anticipated, nor did I consider it a “testimony.” My story is not one which includes a before and after transformation in Christ. And guess what that is okay. Mine is the story of embracing life through the unexpected with a God who never leaves me, always sustains me, and gives me peace.
We all have a story that needs to be shared. Each of ours will look different because it belongs to us. It doesn’t have to be riddled with pain, drama, and an ugly past. But if it does use it. Each of us can reach different people, but only if we are willing to share. Are you ready to share your testimony?
To this day, the word “testimony” still makes me squirm in my boots. But ask me to share how God works in my life, and I am all over it. I love telling people how He is my best friend, comforter, and strength.
But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them? Romans 10:14
Our Featured Post
Sarah Geringer wrote an insightful post giving us 4 simple tips to sharing our testimony. No matter if you are already a pro at this, you will want to read her article. After all, we don’t want to miss an opportunity to grow God’s Kingdom, especially over the holidays where opportunities may abound.
The next time you have an opportunity to share your faith, do what I do, and replace the word testimony with a story. It makes all the difference in the world. Share on XNow for Our Featured Post
4 Tips for Sharing Your Testimony
By Sarah Geringer
Click here to read our featured post.
Of course, after sharing a story, I still second guess myself. I beat myself up about what I didn’t say and what I wish I had said. But that is why I loved Tip # 4 from Sarah’s s list.
Are you hesitant to share your testimony? Why?
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Maree Dee – Embracing the Unexpected
Aimee Imbeau – A Work of Grace
Heather Hart & Valerie Riese – Real Women. Real Life. Real Faith.
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I love your perspective on this, Maree. I love the idea of taking the fear out by just replacing “testimony” with “story”. I’ve struggled to convey the message that little day-to-day stories are so powerful and you did an absolutely beautiful job!
Valerie, I agree, “the little day-to-day stories are powerful.” After all, that is where we live. Maree
No, I’m not hesitant in sharing my testimony Maree. I love sharing everything God is doing in my life because it’s so exciting! Hence being a blogger.
But I do need to be wise & heed the Holy Spirit’s timing of what I share! 😉
Bless you,
Jennifer – I love your excitement to share what God is doing in your life. Maree
I was one who used to think my story was not compelling. But God works powerfully in us all and wants us to share for His glory. laurensparks.net
Lauren, You are so right God does work powerfully in each of us. Maree
Thank you for featuring me this week! Blessings to you, Maree.
All the thanks go to you for writing such an inspiring and helpful article. I hope your Thanksgiving is terrific. Maree
Giving my testimony scares me, but sharing my story about how God has impacted my life, now that is doable. What a great way to think about sharing our testemony
Theresa – I am right there with you. It is doable to share our story. Blessings to you, Maree
I also really enjoyed Sarah’s post from last week. We forget sometimes that our testimony is our story–nothing more and certainly nothing less. Story is a powerful tool in the hands of God.
Michele – I love what you said, “our story–nothing more and certainly nothing less.” Comparing them is what gets me going in the wrong direction. I hope you have a blessed Thanksgiving. Maree
Thanks Maree and Sarah for sharing about your experiences in relaying your “testimony”. Like you, Maree, I don’t have a dramatic “before/after” story, but I do have many stories of God’s faithfulness in my life that I love sharing. The one GREAT thing about sharing you personal story is that people can argue “theology” to Kingdom come, but they can’t argue your personal story of how a triune God has worked in your life. Great post!
Bev – Yes, I agree people can’t argue our story. Yes, you do have many wonderful stories of God’s faithfulness. Blessings, Maree
Yes, sharing my testimony is unsettling to me, too. I can write it fine, but speaking face to face with someone who doesn’t know the Lord makes me uneasy, even though I want them to hear the gospel. I enjoyed Sarah’s post a lot–great encouragement there.
By the way, I don’t see the link-up button on any of the host’s blogs. Maybe I am a bit early?
Barbara, I hope you found the other host’s link-up button. I think you must be on East Coast time. I am always so excited when I wake up and see your smiling face and encouraging words Iin the comment section. Thank you.
For some reason, the word “testimony” makes me quiver and end up with a loss of words. I am trying to get over it and look at it as sharing who I love. Sarah’s post was fantastic; I am glad you like it. Happy Thanksgiving. Maree