Is your to-do list long, where it would take a full staff to get to the bottom of it by year-end? Does it feel as if you are gasping for air as everyone around you pulls so tightly? Which leads me to the question—Are you sick and tired of being busy? Perhaps you have the “Busy Disease.”
Let me introduce you to someone who struggles with this ailment.
Meet Mrs. Busy—Aka Maree Dee
Mrs. Busy would convince you she thrives on being busy. She loves accomplishing and especially hearing the ding on the computer of another task completed. Okay, she has even been known to put something already completed on her list solely to cross it off. So you won’t find her sitting idle when caught in an unexpected time of waiting. Mrs. Busy always brings along her bag of things to accomplish. She feels useful, productive, and oh, so relevant when being busy. Does this sound at all like you?
But could we be missing out on something quite spectacular by this busy way of life?
One would think, with all of our modern-day conveniences, we would have more time to enjoy life. But instead, we seem to think it allows us more time to add to our overflowing schedules. #MareeDee #busy Share on X
What Does Our Culture Say?
Society encourages us to be busy. We get kudos and pats on the back for how much we can juggle, which only fuels our “busy disease.” We then strive to be super mom, amazing church lady, terrific wife, superb ministry leader, best friend to many, etc. With all of our striving, we grow tired of being busy.
Honestly, I stand in amazement of others who are more productive than myself. Don’t you?
Let’s Pause for a Moment
However, will you pause with me for a moment and consider – are you missing out on something? Aren’t you exhausted? Perhaps, inside, you are screaming for a different way of life.
Mrs. Busy used to think she loved this dynamic lifestyle until she learned a new way of life.
A Change of Thought
It all started with my family. Would you believe they insisted on turning the lights off while I joined them for a TV show? I found it incredibly challenging and impossible to multitask in the dark. Plus, with no more commercials, the ability to jump up and get something done in another room was eliminated.
This darkroom was where I began to ponder. Is the desire to be busy robbing us all of something much more substantial in our everyday life? Maybe there is a longing inside of us, which we are not even aware exists.
However, I wasn’t quite sure I was missing out. Because quite honestly, I liked being busy. Plus this was my way of life so how could a change this drastic be good?
An Experiment
So I set out on a quest to experiment with experiencing life in a new way. Right smack dab in the middle of busy I would pause, be in the present moment, and embrace all it had to offer.
“Pausing in the moment is the idea of being present to what is going on around you.”
Mary Geisen
You have to try it – It is magical!
How to Start Experiencing the Present Moment—Free Printable #Mareedee #presentmoment Share on X
As I started practicing being in the present moment, I noticed how the trees swayed in the wind, and the leaves glistened and fluttered on the trees. I felt the sun warm my skin on a bright day. The way it makes me feel to hear children laughing. As I looked all around me, the colors became vibrant, the sounds more joyful, the touch of another more precious.
Life Became Sweeter!
As you begin to learn this new way of pausing, the world will take on an entirely new look. One must be careful, though, because the minutes pass quickly. If we are not paying attention, a beautiful moment will slip right out of our reach.
Although, we can’t necessarily plan or anticipate what we will find in these moments. We can stop what we are doing, look around, and embrace the present moment. No doubt, we will find a moment of blessing in the present.
These are the times that quiet the soul, connect us with God, and bring a wave of indescribable peace and gratitude. And to think – it is right here available in the present. But we have to pause long enough to capture it.

Even in the Pain
Even in the midst of some excruciating times, we can find a moment of blessing. Sometimes it will be a smile that warms your soul, a bird chirping, a touch from a friend, a scripture recalled, or a whisper from God. The possibilities are endless.
Be Still to Capture the Moment
We can all find these extraordinary moments of blessing wherever we are. However, we must be still long enough to capture them. We must stop being busy. These blessings will surely bring peace of mind, encouragement, strength, love, and more than you can imagine.
Of course, I do not have this mastered. Those closest to me would argue Maree still has the “busy disease,” and they wouldn’t be entirely wrong. I am a work in progress.
However, I do pause and capture a lot more moments of blessings. These times enrich my life and give me much more satisfaction and value than another ding from the computer of a task completed.
Helpful Ways to Capture the Moment
- Ask God to reveal to you the blessings in this present moment.
- Go for a walk without your phone, and see how many things you can observe.
- Practice pausing throughout your day.
- Put a sticky note next to your computer – “Be Still.”
- Spend time with a small child. Life is an adventure through their eyes.
- Schedule some time to be still and look around.
Please share with us how you capture the present moment?
Sick and Tired of Being Busy
Of course, this practice doesn’t completely solve our problem of being sick and tired of being busy. However, it is an excellent start to learning the value of slowing down in the midst of our busy lives. We will add value to our lives by taking the time to capture the moment.
Next, you might need to tackle your “busy disease” by learning to say “no.” Click here for an article where I first started using “no,” putting my people-pleasing tendencies to rest and stopped being so tired and busy at the holidays.
Believe it or not, we can expect moments of blessings, but we have to slow down long enough to look for them. Otherwise, we will miss them.
Be still and know that I am God. This scripture is so difficult for most of us to do, Maree. I love all the points you’ve shared here. I had to stop and read over what you said about pain. (Topic for my next book) God has a purpose and an interest in every aspect of our lives. However, we must be still long enough to include Him, or He may slow us down. I was asking someone about a printable. I love yours. I downloaded it for future reference. Have a fantastic weekend, and God bless you. Beautifully written post.
Horace – Thank you for your kind words. I am so glad you like the printable. Interesting, I am sitting here tonight dealing with some painful circumstances, and your words have encouraged me to sit with God and trust there is a purpose in the pain. Thank you. Maree
This is so helpful, Maree. I love your 5-step printable and the list of ways to slow down close to the end of your post. The past few months, I’ve gotten more intentional about resting in the evenings AND on Sundays. It has really helped improve my wellbeing!
Betsy – I too love my Sundays. I try to quit all work by five, but I haven’t been very successful. You have encouraged me to try harder. Thank you, Maree
As a general rule, I typically watch how much I schedule for myself, Maree Dee, always allowing some margin in my day and week. But lately, I’ve really overloaded my schedule because I’ve got a significant surgery coming up in late October that will have me sidelined for 8 weeks. So I’ve tried to pack in all sorts of events and projects before that date, knowing I won’t be able to do them after. Yikes! I’m feeling the heat! So your words are that calm that my storm needs! Lol! Thanks for sharing and I’ve pinned this and have scheduled it to pin several more times in the week to come! Love it!
Beth – Praying right now for your upcoming surgery. I totally understand overloading to get it all done. I am glad my post could put a little calm over it all. Blessings, Maree
I love to wander outside with my camera. I’m always hoping to see a bird, but when they don’t cooperate, I look for other wonders of creation–a grasshopper with watermelon eyes, a tarantula, a drop of water on a leaf, you name it. I always feel refreshed afterwards!
Anita – I have been wanting to do just that but haven’t gotten out the door with my camera. You have inspired me. I am heading back to Utah on Saturday and plan on going for a fall drive. I love to stop and take pictures of the beautiful fall colors. Thank you for the encouragement. Maree
Thanks, Maree! These are great tips. We do miss out on a lot if we keep rushing around. Even a short time to pause in the middle of it all can make a big difference.
Lesley – Yes, a short pause helps. I hope you have a few today in your schedule. Maree
I know busy as well. I also am learning the beauty of presence and slowing down. That is the season I am in right now. It is hard, good, and God’s way of working on my heart.
Mary – Your posts have been inspiring me along this journey of the beauty of presence. Maree
We wear busy like a badge of honor. Thanks for sharing a better way of being in the world.
Pinned this for another read later.
Michele, I confess I once did wear busy like a badge of honor. Now I don’t but instead, try to pretend I’m really not that busy when I am. Oh, isn’t balancing difficult. Blessings, Maree
I have learnt the hard way to Be still & know He is God! Being present in His presence is a process of surrendering our busyness.
Jennifer, I seem to learn the hard way too, usually in the form of some illness which takes me off my feet. And then when I surrender it all and sit at the feet of Jesus. I wonder what got into me. I know its best and necessary. I agree we have to surrender our busyness. Blessings, Maree
I am a recovering “Mrs. Busy” (sometimes she still comes out…such as when I clean the bathroom while brushing my teeth)….homeschooling is actually what helped me to really slow down…now, people get annoyed with me how slow I walk through Costco and stuff. Now, that I have slowed down, it really opened my eyes to how busy and fast everyone else is! Slow down and enjoy this life! Hopefully, more people can embrace your words here because they are missing out!
Melisa, Okay, you caught me too. Of course, I do stuff while I am brushing my teeth also. Mrs. Busy has come out in me this week. Wouldn’t you know it is the week I have a post about it? I had to stop everything today, ask for prayer, and reboot. I am so glad you stopped by. Blessings, Maree
Maree, this was such a great post. Last year I was diagnosed with High Functioning Depression and it was all due to feeling overwhelmed and like I was sinking in the busyness. God spoke to me during this time and told me I had to learn to be still. That verse, “Be still and know that I am God”, became my life verse. I still meditate on it today in times of busyness. Thank you so much for sharing!
Angela, I am so glad you were able to determine what your depression was caused from and make the changes you needed. Thank you for sharing. It is nice to know we both have the same life verse. Thank you for your encouragement. I am so glad you stopped by. Blessings, Maree
Yes to all this! Even Jesus who only had three years for his earthly ministry took time to get away and rest!
Yes, He did. What a great reminder. Thank you. Maree
Maree, I just love all your thoughts on capturing the moments. The Lord has shown me over the last few years, that I need to be more present in the present. And to know the difference between busyness and being about the Father’s business. 🙂 Thanks for this beautiful reminder.
Karen, Good point, “know the difference between busyness and being about the Father’s business.” I sure can mix it up. It is hard to decipher sometimes when it looks like God’s business. Yet, sometimes it is not us who He had in mind to complete it. Thank you for adding your wise words. Maree
Oh Maree, this is so rich in wisdom and common sense! How much have we missed along the way because we were so busy running to and fro.
Bless you for sharing these needful words with us. ..
Linda, I know for sure I have missed quite a bit, but I am determined to do a better job going forward. Thank you for stopping by. Maree
What a great post and a relevant topic for most of the women I know…including myself. Thank you my friend, for always, always always, always… (I am a slow learner) reminding me of this “busy disease” and how destructive and unhealthy it can be. I struggle with it ALL the time, but know that what you say (or write) is TRUTH! Just last night, I put down the computer…I was working on emails for a ministry…and went and danced like a child in the kitchen with my grandchild. It was WONDERFUL, freeing, and such a blessing from so many angles. Again, thank you for reminded me and all of us women the importance of “Being in the Moment” and “Capturing the Moment”.
🙂 Debbie
Debbie, That is why we have each other. I struggle too. I love that you were dancing in the kitchen. Too bad I didn’t show up to join you. I would have enjoyed dancing with you, and P. Kam used to have a way of demanding those moments out of me. He taught me so much. Yes, even though we are busy at times, we do need to capture as many moments as we can. I am so glad you stopped by here to read and comment. Love you, friend, Maree