Am I able to smile when things get hard?
Why? Why not?
The answers might help in uncovering a beautiful smile hidden deep within.
To others, it may seem absurd one would crack a smile when surrounded by pain or unfortunate circumstances. I used to think I had FAKE stamped across my forehead every time I cracked a smile. But then I realized my joy comes from GOD, not my circumstances and yes “Joy” and “Pain” can coexist. One will not cancel out the other.
No, a smile won’t wipe away the pain, but it sure feels good to unleash a little bit of joy in the midst of the unexpected.
Today our featured post is from Stacey Pardoe with a beautiful article on hope. She introduces us to the dignified woman in Proverbs who smiles at her future even when life is hard.
“Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she smiles at the future” Proverbs 31:25
We too can find that same joy by uncovering the truths behind the dignified woman’s smile. It was just the boost I needed to bring back my smile today. I hope it will be for you too.
Please welcome, Stacey Pardoe. You can find her beautiful website here where she writes about Encountering God in the Ordinary.
Now for Our Featured Post
How to Hold onto Hope When Life Disappoints You
Click here to read our featured post.
Stacey, thank you for linking up with Grace & Truth. Grab a button and link back – I am sure your readers would love to celebrate with you!
Now for this week’s link up! Let’s bless and encourage one another,
Grace & Truth exists to point people to Jesus! We hope this link-up will be a source of encouragement every week. If you’re a blogger, we hope you’ll use this space as a way to meet new friends within the Christian blogging community. If you’re a reader, we hope that you’ll encounter new bloggers that love Jesus as much as you do! Most of all, we hope you’ll meet Jesus here.
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Maree Dee – Embracing the Unexpected
Aimee Imbeau – A Work of Grace
Arabah Joy
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6.) Each host will choose one link to emphasize and promote via their social media channels next week.
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Embracing the Unexpected | Maree Dee
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I have always smiled in the midst of the hard. It almost seems easier – to bring humor or just a hint of joy to a situation that is anything but. Maybe it’s how I was raised – or just a way God has wired me …
Great thoughts here, friend ♥
Blessings and smiles,
Your response didn’t surprise me at all. I can see you smiling away from here. Smiling as you release your book. Blessing and smiles right back to you, Maree
I try to smile and focus on the positive during hard times. Thanks for sharing on the #LMMLinkup.
Smiling is good. I know it brightens my day. Blessings, Maree
Sometimes I feel like we kinda have to fake it til we make it. But we don’t truly want to be fake. We can choose joy and praise without really feeling it? Interesting line. laurensparks.net
I agree sometimes faking it until we make it works. It is so easy to get in the habit of negativity.
I was having this discussion last night about joy, how people go on laughing but you know they have to be hurting about certain things, they really aren’t hiding it well or helping themselves.
I know for me “Joy” indeed can be felt alongside pain. It may look fake, but it isn’t. I just have to be careful to make sure I am allowing myself to feel both and not covering one up. Maree
Hi Maree,
God has a theme going again 😀 have shared two posts with similar themes to your & Stacey’s post above.
I have been away for a few weeks from link ups, so it’s nice to be back!
I am glad you are back. Maree
Hey Maree, smiling is usually not my first response when things get hard, so I’m thankful for the reminders you’ve shared here; in particular that joy and pain can coexist, that one does not cancel out the other. Thank you for hosting and have a great weekend!
Tiffiney, I am so glad we could remind you it’s okay to smile in the midst of hard times. I used to feel guilty smiling. Hope you have a fantastic day. Maree