Have you ever heard of grace hoarding? I hadn’t either, but after reading our featured post for today, it became apparent it is a real thing. Before you are too quick to dismiss this new title, let me ask, “Do you ever try to store up grace for tomorrow?”
Would You Store up Grace?
When the Lord gave the Israelites manna for the day, I shudder at the fact I might have been one of those people trying to store it up for tomorrow. At first glance, it would have made perfect sense. After all, why not be God’s helper, so He doesn’t have to work so hard?
Look at what happened to the Israelites when they tried to store up grace –
Then Moses said to them, “No one is to keep any of it until morning.” However, some of them paid no attention to Moses; they kept part of it until morning, but it was full of maggots and began to smell. So Moses was angry with them. Exodus 16:19-20
Planners Sometimes Get It All Wrong
If you are a master planner like me, we can get our agendas wound so tight we squeeze God right out of the design. At first, it might be hard to notice because “God time” is right there on the schedule. However, with a closer look, you will see our reliance is not on HIM; it is on ourselves.
Of course, God wants us to plan; however, sometimes in our devising, we lose sight of trusting Him. The Lord wants us to have total reliance on Him, and this includes his providence of daily grace.
How about you - do you try to store up grace by over planning? Share on X
I hope you will click over to our featured post today where Susan McIlmoil does a fabulous job of explaining the many ways we end up being grace hoarders. A few might surprise you. She sprinkles beautiful reminders in her post like this one:
Whether tomorrow is good, bad or just okay, tomorrow’s grace is right where it needs to be—in tomorrow. Susan McIlmoil
Please welcome Susan, who has a website “Carry on my Heart” where she shares about choosing faith over fear in the everyday.
Now for Our Featured Post
“Are You a Grace Hoarder?”
By Susan McIlmoil
Click here to read our featured post.
Susan McIlmoil, thank you for linking up with Grace & Truth. Grab a button and link back – I am sure your readers would love to celebrate with you!
Now for this week’s link up! Let’s bless and encourage one another,
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Aimee Imbeau – A Work of Grace
Heather Hart – Real Women. Real Life. Real Faith.
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Embracing the Unexpected | Maree Dee
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I have never been much of a planner ahead of time but I do find I have a hard time deviating from schedule once I do set one! I never thought of it this way!! Great post and thanks for linking up at Worth Beyond Rubies!
Diane – Thank you for joining us here today. I always look forward to reading your posts. Maree
Fresh insight by Susan. Love the entire article. I’ve never considered that grace is something to hoard. But after reading this post, it makes sense that we want to gather it up and try to make it last for the coming days. When we just need to rest in the grace of the day.
Karen – I agree. Susan brought a new perspective to Grace. I loved it. Maree
I’m afraid I might be one of those grace hoarders too! It goes along with my planner personality. I did link up the “What If” post. I pray it blesses someone.
Mary – Yes, the planner personality can get in the way. However, I have learned to plan (it makes me feel better) but hold it loosely and allow for God’s grace. I am so glad you linked up your post.Thank you for joining us. I loved it. Maree
Such a thought provoking post Maree! Wow I’ll have to give that one some time in deep reflection. 😀
Bless you,
Jennifer – Yes, I think you have to let it soak in. I am still pondering it. Maree
This really made me think! laurensparks.net
Yes, I agree it got me thinking too.
Thanks for featuring Susan’s post. I had missed it last week and that was a good one! I’m guilty of hording grace, but usually I keep it for myself and don’t want to give it to others. **hangs head in shame** I’m working on it.
I love your honesty! You made me smile.Maree
So much of life is planning so we are not caught short. Buying pickles before the current jar is finished so we don’t go without. Buying 2 pairs of our favorite pants so we have a spare on hand. Filling up the gas tank before it reaches empty. Working extra hard so I can rest extra long. But we can’t store up grace. Such a great concept. It is always readily available, though.
Theresa, Oh my goodness, we have lots in common with our planning. I have been slaking in my planning for a change, but I am not sure I like it. But at the same time working on trusting God will give me grace for the day. I hope you had a grace-filled weekend. Blessings, Maree
This touched a nerve in my planner’s heart! Ouch!!
Liz, Me too! I love to plan. Maree
I had not heard it out quite that way, but, yes, I am often guilty of what-if-ing myself into a sorry state. Thank God His mercies are new every morning.
Barbara, Yes, amen to new mercies every morning. Last night I couldn’t wait to go to bed so I could start fresh today. Maree
Thanks for sharing this post, Maree! It’s an act of faith, isn’t it, to soak up all the grace that’s in the room and then trust that more will be given for the next day, the next trial. God is lavish!
Michele, I love what you said, “It’s an act of faith.” I hope you had a weekend full of grace. Maree