Do you ever try to hang on to a time in life or struggle to embrace the next season? Yep, I was one of those mommas’ that didn’t want her baby going off to Kindergarten. I remember it well! As I grasped for ways to make time slow down, the minutes kept clicking, and the first day of school was upon us.
I loved the messy carefree time when we noticed ladybugs, ants, made messes, took naps together, cuddled, and read books. This season of parenting was “my sweet spot.” Nothing would convince me to move willingly to the next stage of life. After all, I had already relinquished two of my children into the familiar school routine, and I had no desire to release my baby and move forward with him.
There Are Seasons for Everything
Everything has its own time, and there is a specific time for every activity under heaven:
Ecclesiastes 3:1
I always shed a few tears each year as the first day of school approaches, but this was different. I felt as though the dam was going to break.
Of course, I had successfully sent my two daughters off into the big world without mommy—but this particular school year was different. So different, and I dreaded it.
Ethan, my last child, would be entering all-day Kindergarten. Darn, I knew I should have had that fourth child even though the doctor said it was not a good idea. You are probably thinking, I am one of those moms all wrapped up in her kids’ lives with no life of her own.
On the contrary, I had a career, business, husband, and friends. Okay, my kids were where I loved spending most of my time. Thank goodness I was able to work part-time during that season I loved so much.

Of course, I wanted him to grow up to be who God created him to be, but still, I didn’t want this season of life to end or change. It was my “sweet spot season.” The season where we could stay in pj’s, attend mommy and me classes, build legos, and pick up his sisters together.
Do you have a season in parenting that you like the best?
As we approached that inevitable day, my struggle was intense. My method of trying to wish it away and choke back the tears wasn’t working. My sweet friend noticed my despair and offered a bit of wisdom to carry me forward.
She ever so sweetly said, “Maree—the next seasons of life are good too!
Struggling to Embrace the Next Season—Remember, the next seasons of life are good too. #seasons Share on XShe was someone I trusted who was two years ahead of me in this parenting journey. I had watched her embrace the following stages of life, and yes, they were good for her. So I decided to take a leap of faith and cling to her words.
Recently, that same child who ended my carefree time at home by going to Kindergarten graduated from college. Once again, those same feelings welled up inside. I didn’t want this season to end. Now he would enter the working world with no more carefree days plus a wallet where he could afford his own meal.

Yes, I was excited and proud to see him graduate from college and move forward with his life. However, the tears welled up, and I wrestled again with another season ending. It was a season I loved and adored, and I wasn’t sure the next season of life could ever be as good as the last.
Then my friend’s precious words from long ago rang in my head, reminding me—the next season of life will be good.
As you often hear, there is a season for everything, and wishing it not to come about doesn’t work.
Even with a lifetime of remarkable examples of how each stage had beauty, I still didn’t want to recognize this truth.
And then……
I received this text out of the blue from my son, who now works full-time.

So those words from long ago can ring true, and the next season of life can be just as good. Ethan has grown into a hardworking man, has a life of his own but remains kind, caring and still wants a little time with his mom now and then.
So all of you momma’s out there struggling to let go of the season you love – remember it is okay to embrace the next season while cherishing the memories of the last one.
Of course, sometimes we find ourselves in challenging and painful seasons, but good can come from them even in those. We only have this moment guaranteed—so do not waste it living in the past or future seasons.
🙂 Those seasonal changes can be so difficult! I love the season our girls are in now–young, married adults making exciting decisions for themselves. FYI, your tweets just include one word.
That does sound like a great season. I hope to reach that someday. Thank you for the information on the tweets. I will go and fix that.
No matter how old our children get, we will always be the one they need to chase away the monsters and blow wind in their sails.
I love what you said. Yes, our children do still need us. Thank goodness. Maree
You are so right-the key is in embracing each and every changing season.
I hope you are embracing with gusto whatever season you are in. Thank you for taking the time to read and comment. Blessings, Maree
I like your friend’s refrain. Reminds me of something I read by C. S. Lewis about aging. As we aren’t able to do some of what we did in our youth, new interests present themselves. The next seasons are good too!
Oh, I needed that reminder about aging. I’m not too fond of getting older. But you are so right, that season can be good too.
I’m going through a new season myself. There’s always a learning curve! Even good change can be difficult but I do want to find reasons to be thankful for each season I am in.
Praying for you in your new season! Ah, yes, gratitude is key to appreciating the season we find ourselves in. Thank you for sharing.
I am so struggling with the unknown of the next season! Enjoying my me time now, when I’m soon to become a mama to two boys! So nervous about the future and the unexpected! Love your post!
That is so exciting. Congratulations! Do you have other children, or will these two boys be the beginning of motherhood for you? One of my greatest honors was raising three children, even thru the unexpected.
Blessings to you,
I just love this! I am a mom and grandma who has always been very busy with my own life, but still struggled many times to let go in different seasons too. I so appreciate your advice to enjoy the blessings and embrace the new season at the same time. Thank you!
How blessed you are to be a mom and a grandma. I bet grandparenting is amazing. I can’t wait.
This is a great encouragement, “Remember it is okay to embrace the new season while cherishing the memories of the last one.”
Thank you for commenting. I needed to hear my own words this morning. We put our family home up for sale last week and are permanently moving hundreds of miles away.
Thank you, Maree
I also desire to hold onto certain seasons longer than I should. I am finding that as I get older and my sons get older I am loving the relationship we have now. The truth is that all seasons are good. Thank you for the reminder.
Mary – I am so glad you are finding all seasons good. Plus, you have grandchildren. What a blessing! Maree
My adult daughter invited me to have lunch and go to an art exhibition with her today. It is so special when they chose to spend time, even though they don’t have to. I love being friends with my adult children! It’s a beautiful season.
Yes, it is a beautiful season. I hope you have a wonderful day with your daughter. I agree it is amazing when they choose to be with us. Maree
We are seasonal people, aren’t we? I feel as though ours is getting ready to shift. xo
Yes, we are, and we resist change a bit. I didn’t want ski season to end and guess what – I have loved my summer. Maree
This week is the start of a new season for us again in several aspects and, admittedly, I’m struggling to embrace it. The truth is, if we spend our lives constantly waiting for the ideal season, we’ll live lives of perpetual discontentment and miss out on a wealth of blessings in the present.
Jana – You are so right. I used to always live in anticipation of the next season and I missed so much in the current season. We must pull out all that this season has to offer. Thank you for your words. They have blessed me today. Maree
Sharing this! It is such a great reminder that there is good to be found in EVERY season.
Yes, every season hold something special in it. I hope you’re pulling out all you can out of the season you are in now. Maree
Maree, this is exactly where I am today. New chapter, but so thankful for the memories of the last!
Thanks for linking up at InstaEncouragements!
Patsy, Thank you for tweeting. I love what you said, “New chapter, but so thankful for the memories of the last!” Yes!! Blessings, Maree
Amen to this, Maree! I really struggle with change most of the time, and so letting go can be very hard for me! These were encouraging words of truth for this mama who is struggling to embrace a new school year and a new schedule! Thanks for this today!
Stacey – Sending prayers. It is so hard when our kiddo’s head back to school marking another year. But the next season is good. Mine are grown and gone, and I still miss the days when they were little, but I know each season brings something beautiful. Blessings, Maree
Hi Maree, As I read this post, I thought to myself, I could’ve written this. I can relate to EVERYTHING you shared here!
I am currently in the empty nest phase. At the moment anyway, it’s not one of my favorite seasons. My favorite was when I was a stay at home mom when my daughter was born and through my homeschooling years. I think it might be harder for homeschool moms in the empty nest years because our children were with us for the most part 24/7. That’s not to say that empty nest isn’t hard for everyone, I’m sure it is, but I do wonder if mine was especially hard because I homeschooled.
But indeed, the next season is good as well. It’s all about eternal perspective and choosing each day to find joy.
Thanks for sharing.
Karen – Yes, an empty next can be hard for anyone. However, I bet the day to day dynamics are so different after homeschooling. You probably have to get used to a quiet house all day and night. It does seem harder. Praying for you as you adjust. How long has it been?
You are so right that seasons are hard to move on from – but the next season is good too. Praise God. Blessings, Amy
Yes, each season has its goodness. Praying for you to find wonderful things in your next season. Blessings, Maree
Man, yes… It seems like every season is hard to leave the past few years. It’s good to know I’m not alone, and that the coming seasons will be good, too. ❤️
Laura, I know exactly what you mean. However, I am finding the next season to be quite an unexpected surprise of goodness. Blessings, Maree
I loved this! It’s just what I needed today….Our next season isn’t unfolding the way he hoped or expected, and while I know that God has this, it’s not easy when things don’t work out as we hoped they would! Your words reminded me to embrace what’s coming next, even if it’s not what we had planned! Thank you!
Stacey – I agree it isn’t easy when things don’t turn out the way we expected. The pain is real, but I do find when I embrace what is next it makes acceptance a whole lot easier. Thank you for stopping by and chatting. Maree
I was sad when mine started school, but elementary school has been my favorite season. My oldest is now in middle school, the age I dreaded most. Last night I got to sit with her and her sweet friend in the car to and from youth group. I loved talking and laughing with them, so maybe it won’t be so hard!
Love that you get to be friends with your kids now 🙂
I loved the car rides too. My son went to a private school a distance away so carpooling necessary. I loved it. I have fond memories of the music, laughing, and conversations we had. Enjoy the good in the middle school year even if you do have a little ugly. I all comes with the territory of parenting. Blessings, Maree
Maree, it can be so easy for us to fall in love with the seasons we are in, but sometimes we can forget how much good is waiting for us in the next season! I know that change can be hard for me, so sometimes a shift in seasons is the last thing we want, but it may end up being the best thing for us! I’ve slowly been learning to embrace the change instead of running from it. Thanks for sharing, I’m visiting you today from #TellHisStory Linkup.
I have found your words to be so true in my life. “Sometimes a shift in seasons” has been the best thing ever. It even applies to the seasons that have been so challenging and unexpected.
Maree Dee, I just love this post. Everything about it! I recently had a friend say something simple, yet profound, to me. God used her words to comfort and redirect me at the same time. So grateful for friends who are willing to bravely speak truth into our lives.
Sarah, Yes, I am so grateful for friends that will speak into our lives. So glad you stopped by. I am so glad you had a good friend that was able to have words of comfort for you. Blessings, Maree
O! Maree Dee I love getting confirmation via a blogpost. I’ve been praying Eccl 3 for something very specific in our life and bam…you reference it today. Thank you for being His mouthpiece. Neighbors at Kristin’s.
I love it when that happens. It made my heart smile. Thank you for stopping by and letting me know.God sure works in mysterious, wonderful ways.
Such great wisdom that the next season is good too!
Thank you!
I hope you went hiking!
Well kind of, we went for an hour walk/hike on a paved path and then to dinner. It was marvelous. Blessings, Maree
I needed this reminder today as my oldest child goes off to preschool! Definitely trying to embrace the new season!
Praying preschool is a success for both your oldest and for you. I am so glad my reminder helped. Blessings, Maree
As I read this I cried, but also grateful to be reminded to enjoy each season knowing that God has us . My house used to be full of 3 girls plus lots of their friends . I have twin nieces that lived with me and a daughter a yr younger than them. Today, like your son they have all moved on . My daughter was the most recent ….in May . I was missing them tonight and feeling sad but now I am reminded to enjoy each season. Thank you for your encouragement .
I am so glad I could remind you to enjoy each season. I bet it is quiet around there after having a full house. I hope you do enjoy a little peace and stillness. You deserve it. Blessings, Maree
I enjoyed your post in that it is a reminder that our children often know what we need even before we do. You are a great mother and have raised a beautiful caring son. God knew what you needed and when. Thanks for sharing.
Janet, Thank you for your comment. You were too sweet. I love it when you stop by and leave a comment. Blessings, Maree
Maree, such a good post. It is amazing how the changing seasons of family life can be so emotional. So glad to stop here tonight. Blessings!
I am so glad you stopped by too. Hope you have a fantastic weekend. Blessings, Maree
I thank God for all of the seasons. Our son started his junior year of high school this year and it makes me lose my breath, knowing that he’s almost ready to head off to college. Giving it all up to God and knowing he will comfort all and be with us. 🙂
I am so glad you are giving it all up to God. The time goes by so fast, doesn’t it? Maree
Helping boy #3 pack up for college last night, I fought tears and thought, “I’ve done this twice already. What’s wrong with me??” But there is no fast track through this process of letting go. It seems to happen season by season (as you have so beautifully pointed my heart toward Ecclesiastes) and one event at a time. Praying along with you that we will keep our hearts open to feel all the feelings God designed us to have, and then to trust Him with our actions and attitudes around the experience.
I know exactly what you mean. I used to cry the first day of school every year, and it made no sense. I was excited my kids were moving forward yet sad they were leaving a season behind. Praying for your heart as you send your third off to college.
I so resonate with this.
I have an only child. Each stage of him leaving and growing up came with bittersweet feelings.
Now he is married and lives 1000 miles away. my heart hurts still at the distance but it holds all the good feelings and feels so proud of the man he has become.
He is coming down tomorrow to see me and take me out for the day. I am so looking forward to spoiling him like i did when he was wee.
You made me smile; I am so excited for your day tomorrow. What a treat. Praying your day is everything you want plus more. Blessings, Maree
Amen to all of this, Maree. I was one of those moms who cried when my kids went to kindergarten, too. My only one left in school is in 10th grade now. And, it’s so true…there have been many good days. — When I was in that younger mothering part, I thought it was my sweet spot, but I also really love the older child phase. Where you can connect and talk — and hike 🙂 — It’s a beautiful and exhausting thing, this motherhood. 🙂
You said it well, “Motherhood is a beautiful and exhausting thing.” I feel blessed God graced and entrusted me with three wonderful children. You are so right it is nice when you can connect and talk and even better when they grow up, and you can be friends.
Maree, I LOVE this post! It is so timely. I have one in college and her younger brother just got his driver’s license and heads out the door all by himself now, independently taking himself wherever he needs to go. I don’t know why it hit me at this point, but it has. I’ve felt the wistful sadness of seasons ending. But I know from experience that the next season will be full of good things and possibilities I can’t even imagine. Your post was so encouraging to me today, Maree. I’m looking so forward to your guest post on my site this coming Monday! Thank you!
Oh, I feel for you that new driver’s license can be a scary time. Praying for safety. I am not surprised it hit you at this point. I know for me with the last one it hit me at all different times. It would come on out of nowhere. I am so glad my post was encouraging to you. I know my friend’s words have carried me through the years. I have also learned it is okay to embrace the sadness along with the new season. Both can be true at the same time.
Thank you for the opportunity to guest post on your site. I hope to be able to have you guest post on my site soon. I just can’t seem to catch up enough to think ahead. FYI – I named you in an award that I will send to you next Thursday.
I have friends who are always pining away about their kids growing up and missing the younger days… and i hear other parents talk about that ‘wonderful day’ when their kids will be grown. I decided a long time ago to embrace where they are right now… and enjoy what IS. But yes, I know what it is to think about that ‘next season’. I’ve homeschooled all my kids from Kindergarten. My 4th and last child will graduate high school in 2 years. Transitioning out of being a homeschool mom after 24 years will be an adjustment, but I’m trusting God to open the door to new adventures on the horizon after that chapter in my life closes. thanks for your post.
You are a super mom. Wow, I am impressed you have homeschooled all of them. I did it two years more out of need than desire. I found it rewarding but difficult. You are not kidding that will be a big transition and adjustment. I have no doubt God will open doors to new adventures for you.
I have to admit it took me a bit to decide to embrace life right where I was. It was a skill I had to learn. I am so glad you learned it early on. We can waste so much precious time in looking ahead or back.
Every season has good, but it is wonderful to look back at our “sweet spots.”
Debbie – I agree, every season has good in it. I also find each season is so different with each child. Have a wonderful evening!
Blessings, Maree
It goes so very fast, but every season is wonderful. Love spending time with our grown up kids and their spouses and now so blessed to have 5 grands. Three of them were born in March. I’m so busy spending several days a weeks with all the grands. Loving this season and savoring memories of past seasons, and yes we just enjoyed a week’s vacation in Colorado with our son, his wife, her parents, and their 4 year old and twins who are 5 months.
As you said the “next seasons of life are good too”. They truly are.
It does go so fast. Wow, you must be busy with three grandchildren all born in March plus two more. I do look forward to that stage, just not quite yet. Thank you for the reassurance that the “next seasons of life are good too.” Thank you for stopping by and adding your encouraging words for all of the seasons to come. Blessings, Maree
Oh my goodness this is so sweet! I am sitting here picturing my son (5th grade) saying these words to me and about teared up. Time does fly but I am glad that friend told you these words. I need to remember this too.
Meg – Time does fly by. I hope you cherish and enjoy every minute you can with your son. Maree