Do you know how to help prevent suicide? Of course, it can be scary to involve yourself, but please don’t let your fear get in the way. You could be the one to save a life, and every life is worth saving.
A simple step like adding the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline number (1-800-273-8255) to your contact list is a great place to start. Having a reliable resource readily available to call or share with a friend is vital. And remember, anyone can call this number.
However, let’s not stop there. By educating ourselves and spreading awareness, we will make a difference. Will you consider reading and sharing one of these posts with a friend or on your social media?
Blog Posts Related to Suicide Awareness
Suicide: Are You Worried You Don’t Have What It Takes to Keep Going?
What is the Truth About Suicide? | Guest Kayla Stoecklein
Do You Know How to Help Prevent Suicide?
When You are Not a Professional in Suicide Prevention
Finding Hope When You Want the Pain to End | Guest Post by Dr. Michelle Bengtson
The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline has a message for us on how we can do our part to reduce suicide. It is a five-step process that is simple and effective. During National Suicide Prevention Week, September 5th – 11th, 2021, I will talk about the five action steps to help prevent suicide on social media. Please join us so you will be ready to have a conversation and know what to do if someone you love is thinking about taking their life.
Join Us on Social Media
Are You Struggling with Thoughts of Suicide?
Perhaps you are reading this post and struggling with thoughts of suicide. Please know your life matters to God and others. Reach out to someone and share your pain.
Call the Suicide Prevention number at 1-800 – 273 – TALK (8255) or 988
Will you learn how to be the one to save a life? Please share with us any resources that you have found helpful in suicide prevention. Together we will make a difference.
Suicide Prevention: Will You Be the One to Save a Life? September is Suicide Awareness Month. Learn how you can be a part of helping to prevent suicide. #mareedee #embracingtheunexpected #suicideprevention Share on XVisit Our Suicide Awareness Page

September is Suicide Awareness Month—a time to raise awareness, break the stigma, and offer hope. Learn how you can recognize the signs, support those in need, and be part of the solution. Click to find a wealth of resources on suicide loss and prevention. Together, we can make a difference. Visit our Suicide Awareness Page for more information.
Embracing Faith & Mental Illness Community
Embracing Faith & Mental Illness is a Christ-centered online community for people who care for someone with a mental illness. We have four unique ways for caregivers to participate. You choose what works best for you.
Click here to discover four unique ways for caregivers to participate.

I look forward to reading more during Suicide Prevention week — having lived with mental illness all my life, this is a subject close to my heart. I know what hopelessness feels like and I want to be equipped to not only recognize it in others, but be prepared to offer/provide life-saving steps. Thanks for being such a devoted advocate!
Bev xx
I always love your openness and willingness to advocate for mental health. You are my hero. Thank you for joining in to help prevent suicide. Blessings, Maree
Hello and first, thank you for hosting the party for us!
This post was very emotional for me…I have. afraid who struggled with this situation but, thanks God, now is better.
I really enjoy your blog and Instagram.
Wish you a great day!
I am so glad you are better now. Thank you for being vulnerable and sharing. You are not alone in having these thoughts.
Thank you for your sweet comments. It’s fun having you join us for the link-up party.
Maree, thank you for sharing these posts. As the mother of two sons who, at one time or another, have considered suicide, you’re right. It’s important to talk about it. With my boys, we have a question that is kind of a code: “Are you in a safe place right now?” If the answer is no, we talk more and take necessary steps. Thankfully, we’ve only done that once with each boy. But, yes, this topic needs to be discussed. Thank you for showing the rest of us how.
Jeanne, I love your code, and I am glad you are willing to have those tough conversations. Maree
Thank you so much for the contact and resource information. I will save this link for future reference to share!
You are so welcome. Thank you for reading and saving the link. I hope you have a great day! Blessings, Maree
Thank you for these resources. I had not thought of keeping the Suicide Prevention number on my phone, either, but what a great idea to keep it handy.
I can’t take credit for the idea. I learned it somewhere along the way. But it sure has come in handy. I hope you have a blessed week. Maree
Maree, I have never thought about saving the hotline number on my phone. What a wise and compassionate thing to do. And I am doing it right now. Also, I”m going to feature you next week as I have written about World Suicide Prevention Day. Thanks for your thoughtful and informative posts about mental health.
Oh, thank you. I appreciate the feature, especially because it helps to spread awareness. I will make it a point to read your post next week. Blessings, Maree
Maree, thank you for your advocacy for suicide prevention. I have two close friends who lost teen-aged sons to suicide and recently lost a patient to the same. I enjoyed your series last year and learned so much. You have a wealth of information in the posts you shared, I have saved them to share with others too.
Thank you also for blessing me by sharing my post here this week.
Donna, I am so sorry for the many losses. It is devastating to lose someone, and then when it’s a suicide, it adds to the pain. Knowing that someone is in that much distress breaks my heart.
Thank you for reading and helping to spread awareness.