Does Rest Help You Capture the God Moments?
Does rest help you capture the God moments? Those sensational flashes of wonder where the presence of the Lord is indisputable. It certainly does for me. But sometimes, those moments seem rare.
Does rest help you capture the God moments? Those sensational flashes of wonder where the presence of the Lord is indisputable. It certainly does for me. But sometimes, those moments seem rare.
Do you desire to walk nearer to the Lord? Have you made it your life goal? Today, I share 12 Bible verses to help you draw closer to God.
The time is here to see which post received the most clicks on our link-up. Each month, here Today, find out which article was the most popular post in October 2021 for our Grace & Truth Weekly Christian Link-Up. Each month, here at Embracing the Unexpected, we look back at the previous month and see what…
Do you ever feel the need to hit pause on your daily routine? I’m curious, is it out of a need to rest, reset your priorities, hear from God, or something else. What does breathing space look like in your life? God has put it on my heart to hit pause and reset during August….
Do you schedule in time to rest and refuel after arriving home from a busy trip or long hectic week? What does that look like for you? My usual is to hit the ground running. But it seems as if I always pay the price with an illness. However, this time, I am attempting…
Is your to-do list long, where it would take a full staff to get to the bottom of it by year-end? Does it feel as if you are gasping for air as everyone around you pulls so tightly? Which leads me to the question—Are you sick and tired of being busy? Perhaps you have the…
Do you ever wonder how some people thrive in the middle of trying circumstances? I had always assumed they were just built that way until I realized firsthand—strong people wear out too. One crucial component to getting through the storm is resting. Do you happen to know how to rest in the midst of the…
Have you mastered being still with God? Or are you a perpetual work in progress in this area like me? You might understand and even experience the benefits, yet you still struggle to quiet yourself long enough to hear what God has to say. What if we reminded ourselves that there is so much more…
Are you missing something with your busyness? Did you know all your productivity may be robbing you of some BIG things which could enhance your everyday life? Our featured post this week shed a great deal of light on the benefits of being idle. Dr. Michelle Bengtson’s post caught my eye – “Being LAZY is…
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