When you look around, the world is full of suffering. We wonder, does our pain matter? After all, the despair around us is intense.

The World is Full of Suffering. Does Our Pain Matter?

When you look around, the world is full of suffering. A friend diagnosed with cancer, a momma burying her child, and then the horrifying scenes from Ukraine where people are without a home, hungry, cold, and dying. We wonder, does our pain matter? After all, the despair around us doesn’t seem to compare to our…

Shoes Stepping In | Find out today about Mental Illness: How to Step in and Help a Family Like Mine. We all can do something to support.

Mental Illness: How to Step in and Help a Family Like Mine

Do you know how to care for a fellow churchgoer, neighbor, friend, or co-worker if they are ill? How about if the illness has to do with mental health challenges? Are you suddenly at a loss for what to do? Find out today about Mental Illness: How to Step in and Help a Family Like…

Woman Looking out the window | You have tried everything to assist someone you care about. How do you help in the wait when your loved one won't fight their battle?

How to Help in the Wait When Your Loved One Won’t Fight

Have you ever found yourself watching someone unable or unwilling to stand up and meet their challenges? You try everything to assist, but they refuse to reach up for what you have to offer. As the pain and frustration rise, you ponder giving up. After all, how do you help in the wait when your loved…

Perhaps you wish you were adventerous, but you end up staying in your comfort zone. What stops you from launching into something new?

What Stops You From Launching Into Something New? | Link-Up

Are you an adventurous one who loves meeting new people, traveling to unfamiliar places, and trying new things? Perhaps you wish you were, but instead, you often end up staying in your comfort zone. What stops you from launching into something new? We use every excuse in the book – too old, not smart enough,…