Do You Have What It Takes To Embrace the Unexpected?

Do You Have What It Takes To Embrace the Unexpected?

Are you living in the midst of the unexpected? If you are not in the middle of the unanticipated, I can guarantee you it is on its way. No matter how much we plan and prepare the truth is life is unpredictable. The bigger question is will you have what it takes to embrace the…

The holidays are here! What if you have a family member that struggles with mental illness? You may be entering this holiday season with caution.

Helping Someone With a Mental Illness Navigate the Holidays

The holidays are here! For some, this brings excitement and anticipation of wonderful gatherings full of joy, family, friendship, and love. I say if that is you—embrace it and enjoy every second of it! However, what if you have a family member who struggles with mental illness? They might have a different outlook.   Mental…