Did you declare “New Year’s Resolutions” and skip the most important goal? It is the goal that could change your life even if you don’t accomplish it 100%. However, it usually doesn’t hit the top ten resolutions people make.
The Most Important Goal
All goals are good, but choosing a spiritual one is paramount in the life of a Christian. Remember that becoming more Christ-like is a lifetime process. Setting a spiritual goal each year will help you move in that direction.Have you asked yourself - Where does God want me to grow spiritually? Share on X
Setting a spiritual goal is not a quick and easy goal to set. It will take some time and reflection with God to see where he might want you to grow. His answer might surprise you.
Listen for His voice. God will speak to you. #spiritualgoal Share on X
If you are not sure where to start? We have a packet to help you decipher what God wants for you this year. If you are a subscriber here at “Embracing the Unexpected,” you would have received it in your weekly email during January. If you are not part of our tribe, click here to receive your goal packet.
Steps to Help You Accomplish The Most Important Goal (Or any goal)
1. God First
Invite God into your process of any goal setting. After all, don’t you ultimately want His will for your life?
Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails. Proverbs 19:21
2. Consider the Timing
We can set goals in any season. So why we insist on doing them the final day of the year? I will never understand. We pressure ourselves into making New Year’s Resolutions because that is what we are “supposed” to do. The timing couldn’t be worse for the majority of us.
Most of us quite honestly are exhausted from the holidays. Maybe we even entertained a little family drama, which has worn us down emotionally. I bet many of us have overindulged in some form or fashion, so looking at December as an accurate indicator of our year will most certainly be a skewed perspective. It is no surprise we abandon most goals by February 1st. The unrealistic marks we set surely will end up with the stamp of FAILURE.
Find the time which works best for you. Don’t rush through your goal setting; let it take, however long it takes. The first few weeks of January seem to be an ideal time for me. Of course, this is after all the hoopla from the holidays has been cleared out.
3. Ponder the Past
New starts can be astounding. I love revamping, re-organizing, and dreaming about what the new year can bring. However, heading into a new year with only forward-thinking might make the chances of our success slimmer.
We must look back at the previous year to see where we have been, what we did well, and where we struggled. History tends to repeat itself. Is that what you want? Asking yourself some pertinent questions will help you move forward and get the results you want. Worksheets are included in the downloadable packet.
7. Keep it Simple
There are so many areas that one could make New Year’s Resolutions in (Spiritual, Emotional, Relationship, Health, Financial, etc.) and so many methods of setting them.
The overachiever in me would like to establish a target in every area along with steps to accomplish every goal.
However, this method has never resulted in the kind of success I desire.
One year I did it differently. I decided to keep it simple. I chose one word to work on for the year. To my surprise, choosing, I found out one word could apply to all areas of my life.
I found my one word could permeate all areas where I desired growth. It made the target not an all or nothing like most New Year’s Resolutions. I didn’t end up with a big stamp of FAILED – I won.
My word was “minimize.” I learned how to minimize in all areas of life. It wasn’t perfect, but it got me moving in the right direction.
Spiritually – I minimized my distraction when spending time with God.
To this day, my word from years ago still helps me. It is easy to remember one word. I love the “one word” for the year, but it isn’t for everyone.
All Ten Steps are in the packet. Click here to read “10 Steps You Don’t Want to Miss in Setting Goals.”
Maybe you are not a fan of choosing resolutions because you know your track record of failing stands firm. After all, only 8 percent of people are successful in accomplishing their New Year’s Resolutions. Nevertheless, don’t let that stop you from moving closer to God.
How about this year, starting with the most important goal, “A Spiritual Goal?” It will be so worthwhile as it will bring you closer to God. It will fill your year with more Faith, Hope, and Love even in the midst of the unexpected.
Do you set a spiritual goal?
Goal Setting: Choose the Most Important One First
Are you struggling to identify your life’s most important goal? The “Embracing Goals” workbook helps you prioritize a spiritual journey that leads to transformation. Say goodbye to failed resolutions and embrace personal growth with God at the center of your life. Commit, persevere, and align with His will to unlock unexpected success.
This booklet is available for purchase in our store.

Enjoyed your thoughtful words on setting goals. I agree–it takes time and focus to decide spiritual goals. I am thinking about mine.
Praying for you as you determine what your is. I struggled this year to find mine, but finally, I woke up and had a word. Maree
I appreciate this post. I decided not to call them New Year’s Resolutions, but re SOULutions because my focus this year is to do things which are good for my soul. Trust me it is a bite at a time, but I have found myself in this new year with new found joy of walking in the light of God and not allowing the enemy to guilt me or make me fear of not accomplishing a worldly goal.
Sheila – I am right there with you. I love your “SOULutions”. My goal is to clear the path for God to be #1. Maree
Excellent point. Without becoming more like Christ, what’s the point of the other goals? Thanks, Maree!
Lisa, Exactly!! I like the way you said it, “Without becoming more like Christ, what’s the point of the other goals?” Maree
My spiritual goal for the year is to practice intentional rest on a daily basis so that God has my ear and I have time and space to listen to him.
Anita – I love your goal for the year. Rest is always needed. It is my life verse because I need to remind myself of it constantly. Wishing you the best at finding intentional rest with God. Maree
I usually focus on a verse of Scripture, but truthfully I haven’t chosen one for this year. As I was just commenting to someone else, this has been an extra busy holiday season and I haven’t had much time to contemplate the coming year. Thanks for the nudge in that direction! New Year Blessings!
I am right there with you. Still trying to decide what my focus will be and then I need to find a verse. Wishing you the best in finding your focus for 2019. Blessings, Maree
This is my fourth year having a word for the year and I have found it really helpful. I like how I start the year with some idea of goals connected with the word but it also leaves it open for God to take in an unexpected direction, and he has certainly done that! My word for 2019 is Truth.
Yes, I agree. I will have to look back I am not sure how long I have been doing one word. I think about the same. I like your word. Maree
This: “Setting goals can be done in any season during the year, so why we insist on doing them the final day of the year, I will never understand. We pressure ourselves into making New Year’s Resolutions because that is what we are “supposed” to do. The timing couldn’t be worse for the majority of us.”
Have you been spying on me???
I wanted to get everything done this week, because it’s the first week of January and I’m on a mission. Only my kids are still home from school, and my husband was off one day this week, and it just wasn’t practical. You have no idea how freeing this post was for me. I needed to read this. Thank you, Maree.
You made me laugh? No, I have not been spying on you.
Although, it sounds like we may have a few things in common. I am so glad my post left you feeling a bit freer. Enjoy those kids while they are little, they grow up and go away too soon.
Hey Maree, just wanted to let you know I’m featuring this post tomorrow on Grace and Truth. {{Hugs}}
Heather, Thank you!!! I just saw your note I feel so honored. Maree
Maree, I love this perspective of not missing the fact that in choosing growth, we change our life even if we aren’t 100 percent successful in our goal…Yes, Yes, Yes!!!
Crystal – Yes, as we move closer to our goal it is a success. Praying you move closer to whatever goals you set for the year. Blessings, Maree
Yes, God first and Keep It Simple! This about sums up my approach to 2019.
Blessings to you , Maree!
Michele, I would say it is a great approach to the new year and pretty close to what I hear God whispering in my ear. Happy New Year. Maree
Love all your words and ideas of encouragement!
Dena — Thank you for your encouraging words. Happy New Year! Maree
Great post Maree! I do set aims spiritually 😀
Blessings for 2019,
Jennifer – Happy New Year! I would love to hear what your goal is for the year. I still haven’t determined mine. Maree