The time is here to see which post received the most clicks on our link-up. Each month, here Today, find out which article was the most popular post in October 2021 for our Grace & Truth Weekly Christian Link-Up. Each month, here at Embracing the Unexpected, we look back at the previous month and see what titles were catching our reader’s eyes. We measure the popularity by the number of clicks.
Today, find out which article was the most popular post in October 2021 on Grace & Truth Link-Up. #graceandtruth #bloglinkup #christianbloggers Share on XGrace & Truth Christian Link-Up
Featured Post
Jennifer received the most clicks on Grace & Truth Link-Up during October for her blog post. I can see why it is a topic many of us desire to attain—the quietness of the soul. She includes some great strategies to help us achieve that state.
“That quietness of spirit that comes from a soul assured that God is in control, no matter what comes.”
I would love to know what helps you to attain the quietness of the soul?
Most Popular Post in October 2021
“The Art of Quietness”
By Jennifer
Click here to read.
Don’t miss our featured blog post on Grace & Truth Link-Up for October. Jennifer received the most click for her article “The Art of Quietness.” #graceandtruth #featuredpost #graceandtruth #featuredpost Share on XDon’t Leave Yet—Share Your Blessing

I thought it might be fun once a month to answer a random question? What has been your biggest blessing in 2021?
We hope our blog link-up will be a source of encouragement. We would love to have you join us each Friday for the Grace and Truth Christian Link-Up! Click here for the details, download our badges, and read the participation rules.
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Maree Dee – Embracing the Unexpected
Lauren Sparks
Lisa Burgess
Tammy Kennington
Grace & Truth exists to point readers and writers to Jesus! Let’s bless and encourage one another.
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Embracing 30 Days of Gratitude
Discover how unlocking the power of thankfulness can help draw you closer to God and bring more joy into your life! Our 30-day gratitude workbook includes daily gratitude prompts, scriptures/quotes, and a place to record your thoughts. Our journal will be available free in November.

Such a good post of Jennifer’s! Thanks so much for highlighting – I’d missed it!
I, too, missed Jennifer’s post, the first go around. Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I am so glad you liked Jennifer’s post. Blessings, Maree
Thank you Maree for featuring my post!
And to answer your question above;
The biggest blessing for me this year has been the company of my husband throughout the long lockdown here in Australia.
He is truly a wonderful man & the perfect companion to be in isolation with!
Thank you for sharing your biggest blessing of the year. That is wonderful to hear.
It was an honor to feature your post. I spoke to my heart.