Would you like to know one action you can take today to help you thrive in your relationships? It may sound easy; however, without practice, it is hard to master. The secret is to be all there while in the presence of others. Find out why this act is valuable and a few tips to help you master it.
Would you like to know one action you can take today to help you thrive in your relationships? It may sound easy; however, without practice, it is hard to master. #thrive #relationships Share on XWhy is Being Present Valuable in Relationships?
When we are present, it builds trust, increases understanding, and creates more compassion. It is a beautiful way to express our love for one another. Do you have someone in your life who gives you their full attention? How does it feel?
However, being all there is not an easy task. Is it hard for you to be present while connecting with others?
“Being present means actually listening to their story and not nodding while thinking about something else.”
—Heather Chapman
One step that helps me is to block the time aside. Long before I was aware of the value of being present in relationships, I would spend fifteen minutes with each child at bedtime, where I was one hundred percent there. Those are some of my most cherished memories and theirs too.
Get Rid of the Number One Obstacle
One colossal distraction is our phones. It is incredible how easy a glance down can turn into minutes and leave the other person feeling unimportant. I’m sure we have all felt that sting when we try to connect with someone, and it appears as though our words aren’t as important as what is on their phone. But don’t for a minute think I have this defeated. It is unbelievable how addicting our phones can be without even being aware of the habit.
Lately, I have been trying to leave my phone in a pocket while spending time with others. How do you combat the tendency for preoccupation with your phone?
Be Present In All You Do
Overall, living in the moment is challenging yet extremely rewarding when attained not only in relationships but in life. I have worked at it for years and love it when a reminder comes across my path to reaffirm the value in putting forth the effort.

The key is we must practice it in our everyday lives and then carry it forward into our relationships. But please don’t take my word for it; try being fully present with others and see if it helps you to thrive in your relationships.
Will you share about a time someone was present with you and how it made you feel?
Featured Post
Heather Chapman wrote a fantastic post and shared it at Grace & Truth last week. It served as an excellent reminder for us to strive to be present in all that we do. She marvelously defines and gives us tips on what it means to be present in the moment, in relationships, and especially with God.
Now for our Featured Post
How to be Present in the Moment and Learn to Focus on Your Relationships
By Heather Chapman
Click here to read.
Today, our featured post on Grace & Truth Link-Up is written by Heather Chapman—“How to be Present in the Moment and Learn to Focus on Your Relationships” #graceandtruth #featuredpost #graceandtruth #featuredpost Share on XGrace and Truth Christian Link-Up Each Friday
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Embracing the Unexpected | Maree Dee
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You are so right, Maree. Being present is the one thing that is an absolute must! I’m going to see my granddaughters today and I definitely want to be present with them. Thanks for the reminder.
I hope you had a wonderful day with your granddaughters. I find that kids often teach us how to be present because they demand it and will let us know when we aren’t all there.
Being present is such a powerful way to show love. I have some dear friends, and my husband, who are amazing at being fully present when we are together. And yes, ignoring the phone can be so hard, but doing so speaks volumes to those we’re engaging wtih.
That is wonderful you have so many that surround you that are good at being present. Yikes, I thought I was doing better, and then someone just replied, “look at you on your phone.” I hope you are enjoying your weekend.
We have to make a special effort to set everything aside and give our attention to someone, but it’s worth it.
I agree it is so worth it.
If we could master that one thing of putting our phones aside, it would mean so much to our relationships. I look forward to reading Heather’s full article.Blessings, Maree Dee.
You are so right. If we solely put our phones down, that would make a huge difference. I hope you found Heather’s post insightful. Maree