Are you quick to judge when you see behavior which doesn’t meet the social norm? We all tend to do it from time to time. However, what you might not know is how much it hurts. What if instead of forming a quick opinion, you paused and tried to seek the truth behind what you see?
Admittedly, I used to judge others, especially parents, quite frequently until I walked a similar path.
Oh, how I wish I could go back in time and apologize for my critical thoughts. Back then, I didn’t often bother to look for the truth behind what I was seeing unfold before my eyes.
As I read our featured post for today, the tears came streaming down my face as a flood of memories came back as if they were yesterday. It is painful when others make assumptions about my child or me when they do not bother to know the truth. It cuts deeper than most can imagine.
Have you felt the pain when someone judged you before seeking the truth behind the behavior?
We Have No Idea
We have no idea what another person is going through. They may be fighting a battle you can’t see. A word of encouragement goes a long way and may be the catalyst to keep them going.
There is always more to the story – seek the truth behind what you see.
Now I am not saying bad behavior is excusable, but maybe if you understood how far a person has come or what their struggle is all about, your response might be different.
We have no idea what another person is going through. They may be fighting a battle you can't see. A word of encouragement goes a long way and may be the catalyst to keep them going. Share on XIt Hurts
The wounded one sees the stares, the rolling of the eyes, and observes the silence. It is hard to shake the comments and assumptions made as they tend to linger on for quite some time.
We Remember the Encouragement Too
I can remember the lady who leaned over and said, “You got this momma don’t give up.” Or the friend who consistently texted me, “You’re doing the right thing.” The smile from a stranger who brought a little joy into a very dark moment. The many friends and family who continue to pray and remember to ask about each of my children with curiosity and love.
Sometimes we might be unable to seek the truth behind the behavior; nevertheless, we can at least give the benefit of the doubt. Share on X
The Truth Behind the Behavior
Grab your kleenex and head over to Emily Wood’s website – Splashes of Joy, where you will meet one amazing momma who tells us the story behind her child’s behavior. It will make you think twice before you jump to a conclusion the next time you see a child with undesirable behavior. Plus, she leaves her readers with a challenge and a list of great ways to encourage another parent raising a special needs child. Thank you, Emily, for your vulnerability and pointing us to seeking the truth behind the behavior.
Now for Our Featured Post
“You Never Know”
By Emily Wood
Click here to read our featured post.
Emily, thank you for linking up with Grace & Truth. Grab a button and link back – I am sure your readers would love to celebrate with you!
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Aimee Imbeau – A Work of Grace
Heather Hart – Real Women. Real Life. Real Faith.
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Embracing the Unexpected | Maree Dee
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I, too, have made a rash judgement on the behavior of someone in public. And we often do the same things based not only on how things look, but also on how a person looks…if they look different than us. Crazy the assumptions we make on what our eyes see and ears hear. Loved your words and Emily’s post. Thank you for sharing it.
Thank you for taking the time to add your words to our conversations. It is true we do it based on looks too. I am so glad you pointed that out. .Maree
Great post Maree!
I too have members of my family who have developmental & behavioral issues…We need to love God’s love, good Mama’s are doing above & beyond their best for their child in very challenging behaviors & circumstances. Judgement pierces their hearts…
Love goes a long way.
Bless you,
Jennifer – Yes, you are so right, “Judgment pierces their hearts.” I am sure you understand. Love is the answer.
This illustrates perfectly that old adage about what making assumptions does. laurensparks.net
Yes, Lauren, it does. I hope you have a fantastic weekend. Maree
I have to keep this in mind when I meet people who are living a life or doing things I would “never” live or do. It’s so easy to pass judgement. God always gently nudges me with the thought, “You literally have no idea Brittany. Worry about you. Let me love them.”
Brittany – I love the nudge God gives you. Yes, we need to worry more about ourselves. Maree
This is what we all need to remember every day: “There is always more to the story – seek the truth behind what you see.” It would make us more compassionate and kind human beings. Thanks for sharing this with us.
Lisa – Yes, it would make us more “compassionate and kind.” I am working on it. Maree
I’ve been on both sides of this. We rarely know the story or the person behind the behavior before we make a judgement. 100% truth, my friend. Our society would be so much better off if we all stopped judging each other.
Yes, Susan, I agree with your words. “Our society would be so much better off if we all stopped judging each other.” But it is hard to do. I catch myself all the time and I know how damaging it is. Maree
That’s so true – in parenting as well as other areas. We rarely know the whole picture in isolated scenarios.
Barbara – Spoken like an expert. Thank you! Maree
So true that not knowing is the basis for so much judgment.
I was a TOTAL parenting expert before I had children of my own. Wow, have I ever learned a lot and become more gracious in the process.
Haha – I was right there with you being a “TOTAL parenting expert before kids.” God does teach us a ton through parenting. Thank you for sharing. Maree