A Truth to Ponder
Each year I find God has a truth he wants me to ponder. One year as I tried to give Easter just a glance, “Will You Let Easter Pass With Just A Glance?“ my heart was filled with gratitude & awe. Then last year the pain he endured for you and me sat heavy on my heart, “Will You Linger with Me in the Pain.” But this year has been different. Nothing has jumped out until I read Laura’s post last week.
Laura Thomas encourages us to slow down, cease our distractions and hear God’s call this Easter. As her words penetrated my heart, it left me with the desire to not only recognize the cross and the miracle of the resurrection but to slow down and see how personal it is. Jesus was praying for us as he approached the cross.
Jesus Prays for All Believers
“My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me.” John 17: 20 – 21
Today, I sit in awe of how personal the Easter story is to every one of us. Jesus thought of us. Wow, what a friend we have in Him.
What truth will you recognize this Easter?
Now for Our Featured Post
“Why Easter is Personal”
By Laura Thomas
Click here to read our featured post.
Now for this week’s link up! Let’s bless and encourage one another,
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Maree Dee – Embracing the Unexpected
Aimee Imbeau – A Work of Grace
Heather Hart – Real Women. Real Life. Real Faith.
Amelia Gilliland – A Healthy Living Blog
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Embracing the Unexpected | Maree Dee
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Each year, God reveals more and more to me through Easter. This year, I got to see Easter through the eyes of my children which an entirely different level of excitement and newness.
I don’t have any little ones around, and I sure do miss the excitement they bring to Easter. Glad you saw Easter through their eyes.
I love pausing to remember all Jesus did for me. I also had the chance to really walk out the journey to the cross this Lent. My life mirrored the walk of darkness into light.
Mary, I am so glad you walked into the light. I love pausing to remember all God is done, but, I know I don’t do it often enough.
Thank you for sharing Laura’s post with us, Maree. I do need the reminder to slow down and embrace Easter and all of its joy!
Laurie, You are not alone. Slowing down is hard. Happy Easter! Maree
His truth that I am His beloved 😀 how poignant is that!
Bless you Maree in this Easter truth, 😀
Thank you! Praying you have a beautiful Easter. Maree
You are so right – there are so many different aspects to Easter to ponder. I just find it overwhelming that He would pay the price for my sin so I could go free. I’m so undeserving.
Jerralea, I am right there with you. It is overwhelming. He would pay such a high price for me. We have a good God. Happy Easter! Maree
I sit in awe as well. Thank you for leading me to the throne. laurensparks.net
Lauren – Yes, it is pretty amazing all Jesus did for us. Resting in that thought tonight. Happy Easter! Maree