Have you ever been blindsided by unforeseen challenges? Those moments when pain, fear, and uncertainty hit you like a tidal wave, leaving you wondering if you will survive. The life you once knew suddenly becomes a distant memory, and the unexpected burdens threaten to destroy everything in their path. How will you find the strength to endure?
The load we carry in life can take many forms— perhaps a recent divorce, coping with a disability, sharing in someone else’s struggles, or something else. Whatever the burden, how you carry it is crucial. But wait, you might ask, what does the word, burden even mean?
In simple terms, it is—”that which is carried.” But don’t let the visual fool you; the load can be internal, like unseen emotional turmoil. Maybe you haven’t experienced these dark feelings yet, or the intensity is different. Still, it is inevitable that we will all face challenges we never envisioned. Will you stubbornly hold them tight and bear it all alone? If so, you are on a path toward self-destruction.
When we carry our burdens solo, we risk allowing those hardships to consume and destroy us. We need both God and the support of others. #unexpectedseries #unexpected #burdens Share on XMy Unexpected Trial
Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine one of my children would require mental health care outside our home. After all, I set out to be a mom who devoted her life to nurturing healthy, happy children. Mistakenly, I believed I had control over such outcomes. There was so much I didn’t understand.
As I sat waiting to visit my child in a treatment center thousands of miles from home—the difficult questions began to surface. Why does God allow such pain in this world? Where did I fail as a mom? Why did He allow my child to go through this suffering?
The questions were endless, but the answers were few.
The loud buzz jolted me from my thoughts as the heavy door swung open. Glancing around, I noticed something amiss—where were the other mothers? After all, it was visiting hours.
As I made my way to my child, I felt a gentle touch against my hand from a few other children asking if they could sit beside me. Then, they would solemnly state some rendition of, “My mom doesn’t visit anymore. It is too hard for her.”
Not only was my burden heavy where my child was concerned, but now my heart ached for these children who had no visitors. At that moment, I realized the weight of this illness threatened to crush my spirit and rob me of joy and happiness. Above all, I feared it would diminish my ability to support the one who needed me most—my child.
I didn’t judge the absent mothers; I understood their absence. After all, the sights, sounds, and battles you fight within those walls are experiences no momma should ever face. Witnessing your child’s agony is almost unbearable.
To clarify, I do not consider my children burdens for one minute. However, the illnesses they carry are struggles that impact everyone close by.
I knew these burdens threatened to destroy me. How could I navigate this unfamiliar terrain alone? Who would offer support? The defeat and sense of failure overwhelmed me.
Past Burdens Carried in Silence
I used to carry my burdens alone, hidden in the silence and secrecy of my tears. Part of it was ugly pride. “I can handle it” had been my mantra.
Another problem was faulty beliefs I had picked up along the way. When others’ struggles appeared grander than mine, I would tuck my wants, needs, and hurts away as if they didn’t matter. I feared wasting God’s time on my trivial burdens. Intellectually, I knew this wasn’t accurate. Jesus cares; He doesn’t measure our worthiness—He cares for all of our burdens, big or small.
Do you compare your troubles to others, convinced yours aren’t worthy of God’s attention?
A Blessing in Disguise
My burden was immense, unfamiliar, and painful, which proved, in a way, to be a blessing in disguise because It left me with only one choice —to turn to God.
Facing life's challenges alone should never be our default. We need God more than ever when unexpected burdens hit us hard. #unexpectedseries #unexpected #burdens Share on X
The solution sounds simple: release your troubles to the Lord. However, accomplishing this task is far from easy.
Don’t Allow Unexpected Burden to Destroy You
Indeed, unexpected hardships are challenging, but they do not have to destroy us. Here are four choices we can make to help us navigate these burdens with grace and resilience.
1. Acknowledge the Burdens
God promises to help us carry our loads if we surrender. However, we must first acknowledge and articulate our burdens. Pretending they don’t exist or questioning their validity hurts us more and leaves us to bear it all alone.
Dig deep and peer down to what is underneath the struggle of recognizing the burden. Could it be pride, feelings of unworthiness, or a lack of trust?
2. Trust God
Fully surrendering our burdens requires trusting God with the plan, no matter the outcome. We choose to trust Him if sickness remains, healing happens, or even death occurs. We must believe He has our best interest in mind and will sustain us.
Trusting God in the middle of our ugly, painful circumstances can sting a bit when we know He permitted them to occur. However, to fully trust, we must relinquish control and surrender everything to the Lord.
Not only will God sustain us, but He will also comfort us, and we will never be alone. #unexpectedseries #unexpected #burdens Share on X"Trust in him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge." (Psalm 62:8 NIV)

Questioning God
Our constant questions to God aren’t wrong. They build intimacy with the Lord. Yet, we must be okay with our unanswered inquiries and believe we have a trustworthy God and that His plan is best.
Click here to receive the complete download of the powerful prayer packet using TRUST as a guide.
3. Choose to Surrender to God
We must choose to lay our burdens down at the feet of the Lord. Then, we will not only survive but can thrive amidst the unexpected and find the hidden joy God has for us.
A visual I often use to help me release my grip is a Moses Basket. Whatever I struggle to release, I visualize placing it in the basket. Then, I go to the water’s edge, and with a swift push, I float my burdens down the river, giving God complete control. To read more about Jochebed and this brave act, tap “The Best Thing to Do When Life is Difficult.”
4. Choose to Let Other People In
God created us for connection. There is incredible power in sharing our burdens with others. Scripture is clear: we are not meant to bear our burdens alone.
"Carry each other's burdens, and in this way, you will fulfill the law of Christ." (Galatians 6:2 NIV)
Do you find it challenging to allow others to share in your hardships? I do, too. Yet, remember, by refusing help, we rob others of joy and the opportunity to fulfill Christ’s law.
Sharing life with people we trust is crucial. Groups with a common shared struggle or hurt can provide invaluable support. There is nothing quite like being with people who understand, where explanations aren’t necessary— their nod says, “Me too.”
The more we practice letting others share in our burdens, the easier it becomes. #unexpectedseries #unexpected #burdens Share on XAmid a recent medical crisis with a family member, I found myself thrust back into the role of full-time advocate, spending nights in a hospital chair. Exhaustion gnawed at me, sleep eluded me, and I felt stretched thin. Relief came when my adult son arrived, offering a much-needed respite. What a gift he provided to all of us. Additionally, I enlisted prayer warriors to stand with us. Prayer is powerful.
The Unexpected Burdens Remain
Of course, incorporating God and others won’t wipe away the pain or excuse us from doing the hard work. However, isn’t life more bearable when shared? With God as our anchor, we will find comfort, resilience, and strength to help us persevere through any trial that comes our way. Moreover, others lighten the load, enabling us to become who God intended us to be. With Jesus by our side, we don’t need to worry about unexpected burdens destroying the life God has for us.
Are you shouldering your troubles alone? Are you afraid your unexpected burdens will destroy you? I would love to pray for you.

Blog Post Series
Join Maree Dee on a journey through the art of embracing the unknown. Despite the chaos and unpredictability around us, beauty and joy are always waiting to be uncovered. Don’t miss a single insightful moment. Catch up on missed posts and discover even more on our series page. Let’s dive in together.
Grace & Truth Christian Link-Up
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The Most Popular Post in January 2024 | Grace & Truth Link-Up
At Embracing the Unexpected | Maree Dee, we make it a monthly tradition to celebrate our top-clicked post from our Grace & Truth Link-Up. And for January, I’m thrilled to announce Lisa Burgess as the winner with her powerful article. We can’t thank you enough, Lisa, for sharing your invaluable insights with our readers.
Now for our Featured Post
“Take a Closer Look at Your One Word of the Year for 2024” by Lisa Burgess

Embracing Faith & Mental Illness Community
Embracing Faith & Mental Illness is a Christ-centered online community for people who care for someone with a mental illness. We have four unique ways for caregivers to participate. You choose what works best for you.
Click here to discover four unique ways for caregivers to participate.

So much truth and transparency here, friend! Thank you for sharing your experiences and your wisdom.
Thank you for stopping by to read and add your encouragement. Maree
Maree, this brought me to tears. Maybe it’s because we have close loved ones who have walked a similar road, and I know how real the struggle is. Thank you for the hope you share with us all. May the Lord continue to draw you deeper into his love as you walk this out.
Stacey, Thank you for your beautiful comment and for knowing the struggle is real. So many don’t know or understand this. God is good! Blessings, Maree
Thank you for sharing these unexpected burdens you have borne and are continuing to bear. May the Lord continue to give you strength, grace, comfort, wisdom and His peace. I do something similar to your Moses basket, but I lay mine down at Jesus’ feet. The concept of surrender is still the same as we give Him our heavy burden. And I’m thankful for the rest and peace He gives us in exchange.
Yes, laying our burdens at the feet of Jesus is exactly what we need to do. Thank you for your kind words and encouragement. I am counting on God to give me strength, grace, comfort, wisdom, and peace. He is an amazing Lord. Whenever I lack these things, it is usually because I have taken my eyes off of Him. Blessings, Maree
Thank you for sharing your wisdom through practical wisdom.
Thank you, Susan, for your kind words and for stopping by. Maree
It was good for me to revisit this post at this time Maree. 😊
God is good & provides strength & comfort when we come to Him all the time.
You have given some wise advice here my friend. When we’re carers we need to look after ourselves & be open to accepting support, so we can go the distance.
Blessings, Jennifer
I love the word carers instead of caregiver. Yes, we do need to accept support. Maree
My mama heart aches over these kind of stories. I’m sorry. We were never meant to carry burdens of this world, especially alone. Releasing these to the Lord’s strong shoulders and those called to walk along side of us make all the difference in the world.
I’m right there with you. We must never walk alone. Thank goodness God is always with us. Maree
Thank you 🙏
Thank you for stopping by. Maree
So true that we were never designed for solo burden bearing! We need God and we need people!
I don’t know where I would be without God and people. Glad we have both. Maree
I’m sorry your family has had these burdens, Maree. 🙁 They are difficult ones. I appreciate you sharing how you work with them, and acknowledging that it doesn’t make them disappear. Thanks also for sharing my One Word post. My word Curiosity is proving to be an interesting one for me so far.
Curiosity is such a good word. I find being curious instead of speaking my mind does wonders for relationships. It was an honor to share your post. Maree