Have you noticed an increase in people feeling offended by words spoken? I know my words are not always uplifting or encouraging, and I fall short many times. Sometimes we don’t mean to offend, and yet we do. And in those times, what we want more than ever is for someone else to give us the benefit of the doubt or at the very least, check it out.
When was the last time you were offended by someone’s words spoken to you? How did you react? Was it a well thought out response or a spewing of words you wished later you could take back? Or maybe you retreated never to mention it again.
We all have our style.
Recently, words were spoken to me, which were intense and felt hurtful. I chose to pull away and catch my breath. Thank goodness! I could have turned a few harsh words into a battlefield and damaged some valuable relationships.
Giving the Benefit of the Doubt
This time around, I chose to give the benefit of the doubt before jumping in with too many reactions. Thank goodness because I don’t always do this. Do you?
Underneath the harsh remarks, I see a deep frustration and love for me. Of course, a conversation still needs to be had, but I am glad I waited.
When we pause for a minute before reacting and give the benefit of the doubt, we many times save a lot of unnecessary heartaches. Share on X
“A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” Proverbs 15:1 (NIV)
In our featured post this week, Laurie Hess shares with us three significant points on how to become less reactive and defensive in our easily offended culture. After you read her post, I hope you will jump back here and share which one you struggle with the most. Or maybe which one you have mastered.
Now for Our Featured Post
No Offense But…
By Laurie Hess
Click here to read our featured post.
Do you think by giving the benefit of the doubt others will be more apt to give it to you?
Laurie, thank you for linking up with Grace & Truth. Grab a button and link back – I am sure your readers would love to celebrate with you!
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Aimee Imbeau – A Work of Grace
Heather Hart & Valerie Riese – Real Women. Real Life. Real Faith.
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Embracing the Unexpected | Maree Dee
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Words can be so wounding but if we hold our tongue in reply it can be a catalyst for change in a relationship or in us!
I found this in a similar situation which I shared in my post, “Ouch! That Hurt!”
Bless you Maree,
Yes, you are so right words sure can wound. I loved your post – “Ouch! That Hurt!” It was full of wisdom. Blessings, Maree
It does seem like people are so easily offended these days and are not shy about telling you. I do hope that if I give others the benefit of the doubt, they will give me the benefit of the doubt. But even if they don’t, I am still called not guard my mouth. So hard, but it does preserve relationships.
Yes, it does preserve relationships. It is sad how many people don’t speak over misunderstandings, Blessings, Maree
So hard to do, but I think it lends us so much more peace to give the benefit of the doubt. laurensparks.net
Yes, I agree with you. Peace is what we need, not discord, especially when we don’t have the details. Maree
Maree, thank you so much for featuring this post. You were wise to step back and take a breath before responding to the hurtful words spoken to you. Giving others the benefit of the doubt is definitely not always the easy path, but, as the verse from Proverbs shows, it is what we are called to do.
Laurie, Yes, I agree. It was an honor to feature your post this week. You have great wisdom and insight. Maree
Laurie’s post was excellent. It’s all too easy to take or unwittingly give offense. We need to be thoughtful of our own words and give others the benefit of the doubt.
Barbara – Well said by you. Thank you for being a loyal reader. I always look forward to seeing your posts and reading your comments. I hope your weekend is fabulous. Maree