Many times in the midst of the unexpected we find it difficult to pray, and it takes us by surprise. Do you ever find yourself at a loss for words when you desperately need God’s help and comfort? You want to pour out your heart, but you can’t quite formulate what you want to say.
I don’t know about you, but I usually have more words than I ever need or another person wants to hear. Most of the time my goal is to make sure I don’t use too many of them at once. I don’t usually find it difficult to pray.
However, when walking through a crisis, I sometimes feel at a loss for words to pray. It is troublesome to know what to ask for when the pain is so deep, and the needs feel endless.
It can feel downright uncomfortable. After all, I call myself a Christian and I talk to God on a regular basis. The first time it happened I was a bit alarmed wondering what was wrong with me. Was I a fraud?
However, then I remembered a critical Bible verse.
“Likewise, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.”
We don’t have to possess words to draw close to God. He gave us the Holy Spirit who will intercede on our behalf. Plus, He already knows what we need, after all, he is God. It is okay when we find it difficult to pray.
Some of our best prayers are when we allow silence. Whispering the name, “JESUS” is sometimes all one can muster up and it is enough. Try it sometime but don’t be surprised if the floodgates open with a bounty of tears.
Do you ever find it difficult to pray?
Diane Ferreira who writes at Worth Beyond Rubies shared a beautiful post last week where she expressed why it is hard for her to pray during a trial. Her article is full of wisdom on prayer which left me feeling confident in our awesome God,
You will want to click over and read our featured post even if you do not struggle with a loss of words while reaching out to God.
Now for Our Featured Post
“Finding Strength in God – Why Is It So Hard for Me to Pray During Trials?”
By Diane Ferreira
Click here to read our featured post.
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Maree Dee – Embracing the Unexpected
Aimee Imbeau – A Work of Grace
Heather Hart – Real Women. Real Life. Real Faith.
Amelia Gilliland – A Healthy Living Blog
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Embracing the Unexpected | Maree Dee
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Prayer is our hearts poured out to God and for me this is not always filled with words. Sometimes it’s tears or worship music playing in the background. Thank you for this reminder.
Mary – I can relate to tears and worship music. Thank you for mentioning both of them. I hope your week has started well. Maree
Maree, hi. Thanks for this gentle reminder that our prayers don’t have to be worthy to matter, to be effective, to touch the heart of God. Often times, just sitting with Him and letting the Spirit do His work are the best prayers of all.
Linda – Yes, I agree with what you said, “just sitting with Him and letting the Spirit do His work are the best prayers of all.” Today, I snow skied and felt like I was in prayer all day with very few words spoken. Maree
Yes, the Holy Spirit has the words when we don’t, so true! Praise Him! Thank you Maree!
Jennifer – Praising Him with you. Maree
The verse you mentioned is so comforting during these times and I loved what Diane had to say. Thank you for sharing both. laurensparks.net
Lauren – I tell you I love that God gave us the holy spirit. Yes, Diane’s words were wise and comforting. Blessings, Maree
Thank you for sharing Diane’s post with us. I sometimes find it difficult to find the right words to say in a crisis situation too. Blessings!
Laurie, You are not alone. But isn’t so nice to know we don’t need to have any words? Hope your weekend is spectacular. Maree
I’m always blessed by Diane’s words!
Yes, she is a blessing. Thank you for stopping by. Maree
Thank you so much for featuring my post!! I loved reading your thoughts and your own experience! You have truly blessed me today!
Diane – It was an honor to feature you. I am sure you will bless many with your post. Thank you for sharing your experience with us at Grace & Truth. Maree