Do you struggle to hear what the Lord wants for you.? With the hustle and bustle of our fast world, His voice can become distant and hard to decipher. Yet, when I am still, I can hear God. How about you?
I awakened this morning, and I heard God, in my quiet time, say, “Go to the lake.”
So I did. Upon arriving, I gazed out at the beautiful lake. The water was still, not a ripple in sight—perfect skiing water. I thought to myself, that can’t be the draw, can it? I sat for a while, taking in the moment, scanning the lake, the horizon, and the beautiful mountains. It never ceases to amaze me what a wonderful creator we have. I thank God for the beauty, but I still hear him say, “Look.”
My Life Verse
I was a little perplexed because I couldn’t figure out what in the world He wanted me to see. A verse came to mind.
“Be still and know that I am God...” (Psalm 46:10 NIV)
This scripture is my life verse. I cling to this verse, not because I have mastered it, but because I know the power of it. I am a doer; it is hard for me to sit still. So many times in life, only after I have exhausted all possible human attempts to make my situation better, do I then sit still with God? He has never failed me in that time, but imagine if only I had started with that stillness. I would have felt peace, and those difficult, unexpected moments would have felt lighter.
Another verse comes to mind.
“The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.” (Exodus 14:13)
Fascinated, yet I wasn’t in the middle of a fight. Could Jesus still want me to sit still with him? You see, I love doing for God, I love learning about the Lord, I love praying to Jesus, and I love teaching about God. All these things are good, however, I know he wants more.
God Wants Our Friendship
After all, don’t we want more out of our friendships than just one person talking? Relationships are meant to be a two-way street. The Lord loves to listen to us. However, he also has something to say to you and me.
So I gaze again at the lake, and I hear God whisper again, “Look at the water.” I look ever so closely. First, I see it glistens and sparkles from afar as if God is winking at me. He is letting me know I’ve got you, Maree, right where I want you, to solely sit with me, hear me, and let me love you. Your worth does not come from doing; it comes from being a child of God. Let me guide your day and show you what is most important. Let me talk into your life.”
Then I noticed that the water wasn’t completely still. I saw it move a bit, churning underneath the surface, and then I heard God say.
“I am always working; it is slow and steady, but I am working. Enjoy this very moment. Take it all in; you will find peace, love, and joy sitting still with me.”
Be still with me.
I love that!
Hope you have a wonderful weekend!!!!
Love how God reminds us to be still with him. We can let him work away and rest in Him.
Rachel – What beautiful words. Thank you for your comment. Maree
What a soothing post Maree! That verse is one of my top 5 for sure that He has used in my life and continues to press in with me. I’m a doer too so I can automatically start working really hard at something I was supposed to let Him take the lead and responsibility for. I love lake views myself! So wonderful to enjoy such a view and worship Him👍 Thanks for sharing such a peaceful moment with us that was equally insightful.
Thank you for your encouraging post. I too am a doer, and it is hard to break the habit. I have to confess God did not get my quiet time this morning. Now that just might explain why it is 11:47 pm and I have not wrapped up my day. I started it all wrong. I did have some great driving time worshipping him, but it still isn’t the same when I don’t start my day with him. Blessings, Maree
Moments like that are so special!! Thanks for sharing at Literacy Musing Mondays. 🙂
Brandi – Thank you for hosting the link-up. I am so impressed you get a chance to read the posts in the link-up. It means the world to me when you read and comment. Blessings, Maree
Lately, I’ve been “stumbling” upon posts that seem designed to convince me that there’s not a single thing I can do that will make me more beloved by God. He wants my heart, not my continual striving.
Michele – Don’t you love it when that happens. God is so good. I keep stumbling upon verses and posts about “resting.” So far I am just reading not resting. I hope you are letting it sink that God wants your heart. Just thinking about that makes me smile. Maree
“Be still and know that I am God.” For me that means turning down the noise–the radio, TV, phone, computer and etc. It is during a quiet walk or silence as I drive the car that receive insights from the Lord. I enjoyed your reflection on being still.
Thank you for sharing what you do to allow yourself to be quiet with God. You have encouraged me to take a walk with God this morning. Maree
God is always more interested in my sitting than my serving – like our dear sisters, Mary and Martha. And then the overflow of service is actually valuable. funny how that works.
It is funny how that works. What I love about Martha is she changed. She learned how to sit with God. Hope you are having a great weekend.
Such a wonderful reminder. This is right where I was yesterday, yearning for that connection with God that can only come in quieting my soul.
During the worship set that I led that day at a local prayer room, God reminded us that we have permission to just come and be with Him, simply as His daughters/sons. It was so precious and I can feel His refreshing just washing over me. He is so good to us!
Thank you for sharing, you made me smile. I too love it when I feel God washing over me. You have left me yearning to seek that today. Thank you! Maree
This was such an encouraging reminder that God is asking us all to sit at His feet and be still. I loved how you talked about God speaking TO US. So often we focus on what we can do for God, like you said, and it’s so amazing that God is calling us into a relationship with Himself. Thank you for sharing!
Blessings, Sarah
I couldn’t agree with you more God is calling us into a relationship with him. I struggle with sitting still with God. I found journaling to help. Thank you for stopping by and commenting. Maree
Beautiful post, Maree. Sharing on Facebook and Twitter! Glad I found it at #faithonfire this week!
Sarah, I just finished reading your post on shame. I love it. I am so glad you liked my post. Thank you for sharing, I am going to share yours on Pinterest. Maree
Wow, Maree. Love that insight from God. Thank you for sharing it. — Funny, I just wrote a post (unpublished as of yet) about my inability to sit still, too. 🙂 ((hug))
I can’t wait to read your post. I love encouraging words about sitting still. Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment.
I’m totally a doer as well so I can relate to your struggle to be still. It’s been a discipline that I’ve been trying to develop for years, but Oh so important. I this world of too much noise, we must be able to hear what our Father says! thanks for the great reminder! and PS. Wish i had a beautiful lake right outside my window!!
Karen, I too am trying to cultivate the ability to “BE STILL.” One would think by now I would be there, but no that is what God keeps reminding me I need to do. I only live part time by a lake. Water is amazing how it calms the soul. Thank you for stopping by and your words of encouragement.
Dec 24 will mark 1 year since I began my journey into Christianity. In this year my life has changed for the better in so many ways I can not begin to explain. I can’t wait to grow my relationship with God further this next year!
Alex, That is wonderful. Thank you so much for sharing. What a beautiful day to start your journey and one that will be so easy to remember. I love your excitement, to grow your relationship with God. Each year I try to set a new spiritual goal that will draw me closer to God. I can’t wait to start thinking about how God might want me to grow this year. You have spurred me on. Thank you.
Hola. I hope you’re doing well! I want to say Gracias, thank you, for writing this post. I’ve been going through a hard time lately and this is exactly what I needed. Thank you for the reminder that God hasn’t left me. I started crying while reading it. Your words of truth touched my heart deeply.
Lauren, I am so glad that the words of the post touched your heart. I am sorry you are going through a hard time right now. Gosh, life can be so darn difficult at times can’t it? Being still with God helps me in those times. It just sometimes isn’t where I remember to start.
Gracias for your reply. Isn’t that the truth. About life just being hard at times. While I pray and ask God for help, I have trouble just being still with Him. I definitely need to work on that. So do you have any animals? I have a sweet, energetic tabby cat named Rajah. I named him after Jasmine’s tiger in Aladdin. He’s a trip, but he’s taught me many envaluable lessons over the years.
Animals are wonderful. You are so right we can learn so much from them. I love their unconditional love. I have dogs.
I have a friend who was talking with me about the verse, “Be still and know that I am God.” She said to pray the verse. And I said that I do. She said, No, pray the verse – break it down and pray it”
“Be still and know that I am God”
“Be still and know that I am””
“Be still and know”
“Be still”
That’s the way I have to pray it now!
I love that. I am going to have to give that a try.