When life is difficult, do you readily ask for and accept help? Recently, I desperately needed friendship as I managed through unexpected circumstances, and when that offer came forth, I backed away. However, after reading Angela’s reasons, she reminded me why we need to invite others to share our burdens.
Please welcome our guest today—Angela Cleary, who writes at Resounding His Love. She is a woman who has experienced tremendous loss in a short duration of time. Angela amazes me with her ability to persevere through unimaginable pain and take the time to share God’s lessons with others.
Angela Cleary is sharing today—“When Life is Difficult, Why You Need to Ask and Accept Help.” Share on XWhen Life is Difficult, Why You Need to Ask and Accept Help
Written by Angela Cleary
When life is difficult, is it hard for you to accept help from others? Asking for assistance goes against our core human nature, doesn’t it? That said, as Brothers and Sisters in Christ when we ask for support, we show strength and courage.
I want to share a portion of what life has been like for me for several months. It started on August 19, 2021, and has been never-ending. I’m not sharing this for sympathy; simply stating the facts.
My precious Mama had been in long-term hospice, suffering terribly for months. My family watched her slowly decline, which was incredibly difficult to watch. Mama lost her battle on August 19, 2021.
We barely had time to mourn Mama’s loss when our baby brother David passed away unexpectedly on September 4, 2021. Saying we were shocked is stating it mildly. Bible verses about grief are what anchored me.
You’d think that’d be enough; however, our grief and loss continued. I lost both my ex Mother in Law and Sister in Law on September 16, 2021. Yes, both of them passed away on the same day, and we were still close, and I considered them family.
Lastly, my Stepdad passed away on March 9, 2022. So, why do you need to ask for and accept help when life is difficult? Simply stated, God’s design is for us is not to carry our burdens alone.
Why Do You Need To Ask for Help When Life Is Difficult?
Let’s explore “why” we need to ask for help first and foremost, ok?
For example, losing so many immediate family members in a short time left me completely mentally, physically, emotionally, and even spiritually exhausted.
Do you think God wants me, or His children, to feel this way? Absolutely not. God places people in our lives who want to help. In doing this, they can come alongside us to offer help in times of need.
Let’s look at why it’s so difficult to ask for help and why we should be willing to accept it when it’s offered to us freely.
“God places people in our lives who want to help. In doing this, they can come alongside us to offer help in times of need.” Angela Cleary Share on X1. You Won’t Have To Face Your Struggles Alone
Why is it so hard to ask for help?
If you’re like me, asking for help may seem like a sign of weakness, and you don’t want anyone to know you’re struggling or possibly feel like you’re burdening them.
For me, especially in the months of grief and loss, you’d rather handle the situations with your strength instead of asking for help from those who want to help.
However, having a friend to share your struggles with will leave you less vulnerable. When you’re trying to go it alone, it leaves the door wide open for Satan to attack you spiritually.
Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.
1 Peter 5:8
2. We Show Strength and Courage
Does asking for help make us look weak?
Absolutely not. I learned this lesson the hard way because of pride. Trust me, sweet friend, asking for help doesn’t mean we admit weakness.
Acknowledging we need help takes vulnerability. However, asking for support simply states we need someone to come alongside us for strength and courage.
3. We Use Wisdom, Not Weakness
Fear keeps us from asking for help.
Fear keeps us from asking for help when life is difficult. Maybe you fear overstepping a boundary or friendship, which holds you back?
It could also be that you don’t wanna come across as needy or imposing on others. More often than not, we struggle with the idea of allowing others to believe we don’t have it all together.
Why We Need To Accept Help When Life is Difficult
Life, in general, is hard regardless of the situation you find yourself in, and we need God’s Grace.
1. God’s Grace Is On Display
God is always working to bring about His purposes to bring Him glory in all things. If you need examples of this look at the lives of two of the following—Joseph and Jacob.
Joseph was one of Jacob’s 12 sons. His father loved him more than his siblings and gave him a coloured cloak. His brothers were jealous of him and sold him into slavery.
However, Joseph saved his family due to the famine in the land. God used what His brothers meant for harm and used it for His glory, serving His purpose.
2. It’s Honoring God’s Design
It’s God’s design to be in a community of other followers of Christ.
More often than not, we suffer in silence, so we don’t bring those around us down or sound like we’re whining. However, we are dishonoring the design God has set in place in doing this.
More often than not, we feel like we should be able to handle the hard times we’re facing in our strength, right? However, this is not the way God designed it.
God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.
Hebrews 6:10
When reading God’s word, it’s clear that He wants us to acknowledge we need help in difficult times. Are you aware God commands us to seek help through tough times? God has definitely been working and softening my heart in this area.

Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.
Galatians 6:2
3. It’s A Blessing For The Giver As Much As The Recipient
When someone wants to help when life is difficult, don’t rob them of their blessing.
Are you aware that refusing the help others extended to us in our time of need reveals our pride? I’ve found this true in my life, and I didn’t recognize my sin when I refused to accept help.
Are you a part of a Life group or a small group? When I encountered such a long season of grief, our life group helped us much.
Our life group offered to bring meals, which I declined because I didn’t want to be a burden. This refusal robbed them of the blessing they tried to give Mike and me.
So, when they offered us monetary donations to help with funeral expenses, I learned my lesson and wouldn’t allow pride to get in the way this time. This giving blessed them possibly more than it had blessed us.
Why is it important that you agree to allow someone to help you?
As was previously stated, asking for help does NOT mean you are weak; it also doesn’t mean you are inadequate or stupid. In all honesty, it merely means you need help for a period of time when life is challenging.

In Closing, When Life is Difficult, Why You Need to Ask and Accept Help
I thought ending this post with a prayer for strength and courage in difficult times would be fitting.
A Prayer
Gracious Heavenly Father,
You are near those who call out to you in their distress. Even in the lowest valley, You are there. In this season, we ask for Your strength and courage. We need the Holy Spirit to bring us peace and comfort. Father God, protect us from the schemes and lies of Satan. We ask all these things in Jesus’ Name.
If people could read your mind, what type of help would you ask for when life is difficult?

My name is Angela. My passion is sharing Christ-centered stories and resources that deal with real-life issues in Christian Living, Bible Study, Prayer Life, and Overcoming Loss, and Abuse. You can find me on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter as well as my Shopify store.
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Angela, I so appreciate your words. Loss and fear are co-mingled in me, and it’s something I’ve been grappling a lot with lately. Your wisdom in how to perceive loss and ways of getting through life’s difficult stretches are some things I’m learning to do. Asking for help and trusting safe people to share my journey has been a hard thing to do, but I’m learning how to trust others with some of my “hard.”
Jeanne, My prayers are with you in the hard. I am so glad Angela’s words spoke to you. Blessings, Maree
I am learning fear devolped during my childhood has held me back from asking for help. When I realized my fear came from not having needs met as a child, I better understood where this fear came from and how it developed. Thing is, I am no longer a child and I no longer need to live in fear. Thankfully I am learning to push back and not listen to fear and its lies and instead ask for help. We can start small and then grow in confidence and make bigger asks.
Thank you for your vulnerability. I love how you are pushing back and not listening to fear. You have prompted me to do the same. Maree
Thank you for sharing your experience here today Angela.
When such loss comes in quick succession it’s difficult to get our thoughts together.
I have some understanding as I lost two of my children within a year of each other. Then my late husband to brain cancer.
And most recently my Mum went to glory on my birthday.
The Lord does carry us through the the valley of the shadow of death & graciously gives us human companions along the way, as you have shared above.
Keep pressing into Him as you traverse the valley He will not let you down.
Bless you,
I can’t imagine so much loss in a short time. I’m so glad you have the Lord in your life. Maree