Is there anything wrong with wanting "Joy" and "Happiness" in your life? Quite honestly I want both! However, only one will sustain us in all circumstances.
Photo by Nina Uhlíková from Pexels

Is there anything wrong with wanting joy and happiness in your life? Quite honestly, I want both! However, only one will sustain us in all circumstances.

What is the difference between Joy & Happiness?


From a biblical perspective, we see joy and happiness as two different things. Joy is a gift from God received when we choose to abide in him. It is based solely on our relationship with God. It will withstand the storms and not be dependent on our circumstances.

Have you ever felt this kind of joy? 

It is incredible and makes no human sense. Our hearts can be full of delight even though our world appears to be crumbling all around us.

Joy is dependent on our relationship with Christ, not on our circumstances.

“I have loved you even as the Father has loved me. Remain in my love. When you obey my commandments, you remain in my love, just as I obey my Father’s commandments and remain in his love. I have told you these things so that you will be filled with my joy. Yes, your joy will overflow!”

John 15: 9-11 (NLT) 


Happiness is entirely dependent on what is going on around us or to us. When things are going well, we are happy, but the minute they take a turn for the worse, our happiness can go away.  However, Joy never has to leave us. 

Please don’t misunderstand, I think both are important, but joy is crucial.

Recently God put on my heart the word “Joy.” for the year, which quite honestly baffled and embarrassed me. Here I am, a woman of faith who shares about embracing life in the midst of the unexpected. I know firsthand what it feels like to have peace that transcends all understanding.  Plus, I smile lots and usually have a positive attitude, doesn’t that count for something?

Why Would God Think I Need More Joy? Do you need more joy?

 Find out over at DEVOTABLE where I am writing today — click here

Is there anything wrong with wanting "Joy" and "Happiness" in your life? Quite honestly I want both! However, only one will sustain us in all circumstances.

Read the rest of this post over at Devotable — click here.   

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Embracing the Unexpected | Maree Dee

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  1. There truly is a difference between the two, isn’t there? Happiness can fade based on our circumstances, while joy remains DESPITE our circumstances. Joy is crucial! So true! Lasting joy can only come from our heavenly Father. Great reminders today! 🙂

    1. Yes, I do believe there is a difference. I believe both joy and happiness are essential, but joy is crucial. Thank you for stopping by to read my post. I hope you have a great weekend. Blessings, Maree

  2. Beautiful post! There is definitely a difference between joy and happiness. I am able to have joy because of my relationship with Christ even when I’m not happy about whatever situation I am in. But the joy can actually lead to happiness, too. Making sure we spend time with God in prayer and the Bible helps to keep our focus where it should be and the joy can be a kind of happiness, too. Blessings to you! Thanks again for sharing with us at the #LMMLinkup!

    1. Gayl, You are so right joy can lead to happiness. I know the best time for me with God is first thing in the morning. When I skip it, I see a huge difference. Hope you have an amazing weekend. Maree

  3. Hi Maree,

    Joy and happiness – I love how you say both are important, but joy is crucial. So often in our Christian efforts at sacrifice, we lose sight of the importance of happiness. And then of course we have the world that tells us happiness is all that matters. But in reality it is a combo with joy being the foundation ♥

    Thanks so much, friend, for always pushing me to ponder and of course for coming alongside me in sharing hope through #MomentsofHope!


    1. Lori, I love what you had to say. Yes, both are important, but “joy must be the foundation.”

      I too am pondering your words as well as why exactly it is God wants me to see.

      Thank you, my friend, for adding your wise words to our conversation.

      Blessings, Maree

    1. I too am a pretty joyful person, but I can always use more too.Thank you for stopping by. Maree

  4. Hi Maree! I agree that there is a difference between Joy and Happiness! I’m not sure if I’ve been able to articulate what that difference is though, so I appreciate your post!!!

    1. Amy – I hope it helped. I do believe Joy is something from God and we can feel it anytime if we tap into him. Although, we do have to choose it.