Are you someone who works hard? A person who prides themselves on their strength and resilience? Yet the struggle before you seems impossible, and you wish for a different challenge. Perhaps, like many of us, you’ve boldly asked, “God, why didn’t you give me a battle where I could demonstrate my God-given abilities.”
Wishing For a Different Challenge
I remember voicing this very thought to a friend, and the moment the words left my mouth, I wished I could take them back. The pride and ignorance in my statement were glaring, especially considering the battle before her. I had naively assumed I could triumph if given her family members’ struggle. At that moment, I was stuck in the mindset of wishing for a different challenge, thinking that perhaps another challenge would be more suited to my strengths.
Do you ever wish for a different struggle?
Carlie Lake captured this sentiment perfectly in her post, “Looking to God for Help in the Fiery Middle.” She wrote with honesty, “But sometimes, I wish my fire was different. I wish I could choose my struggles.” Her words resonated deeply with me; maybe they will with you, too.
A Natural Response to Challenges
It’s essential to recognize that wishing for a different struggle is a natural response to our hardships. It’s easy to look at someone else’s life and think, “I could handle that better.” But the truth is, we never fully know the weight of another person’s cross. What may seem like a lighter burden from afar could be an overwhelming challenge up close. In these moments of longing for a different struggle, we can lose sight of the growth and transformation that our current battle will bring about in us. Remember, struggles can transform us into the people we are meant to be.
God Will Shape Us Through Our Pain
Now, over a decade into a journey that I once thought was beyond my abilities—one fraught with pain, frustration, fear, and a lot of waiting—I understand why God allowed this particular battle in my life. It’s a testament to the transformative power of struggles, turning what we once thought was beyond us into a journey of growth and understanding.
My family’s struggle brought me to my knees, stripping away my self-reliance and pride and leading me to a place of complete dependence on God. In my weakness, I found Jesus in ways I never imagined.
Faith in God is powerful; He will provide strength and comfort in our most challenging times. We may not always like or understand the pain allowed in our lives on this side of heaven. #pain #suffering #heaven Share on XHowever, even in the midst of our unexpected challenges, if we trust God to guide us, He will not waste our pain. We can be certain, beyond any doubt, that the Lord is right there with us. The Lord knows what He is doing. And through our challenges, He will transform us, shaping us into the people He designed us to be, instilling in us a resilience and strength we never knew we had.

God Will Use Us if We Say Yes
God has led me into spaces I never would have chosen—places where I often feel inadequate, fearful, and deeply aware of the pain others are enduring. Yet, when I stand in those spaces, I know with absolute certainty that I AM NOT ALONE.
Yes, we can step out from the safety of our comfort zones into the places where God calls us. He will equip us for the journey, but we must say “yes” and trust Him in the struggle, not placing our faith in our abilities.
Our pain and struggles can be powerful tools to help others see they are not alone. #neveralone Share on XHave you allowed God to use your struggles to help others? Why? Why Not? Please share your story in the comments.
In Our Brokenness, God’s Power is Evident
In my journey, the struggle I initially wished away has become a defining part of my life. It has taught me humility in ways that success and ease never could. I’ve learned that true strength isn’t about how much we can handle on our own but how much we can lean on God when we are weakest. Yet, I would never wish the pain of mental illness on any family, especially the suffering my loved ones endure. Yet, God has changed me for the better.
In our brokenness, God’s power is most evident. #Godspower #power Share on XThere have been countless times when I’ve felt like giving up, when the pain seemed too much to bear, and the road ahead too uncertain. But in those dark moments, God’s presence has been most noticeable. He has met me in the depths of my despair, not to take away the challenge but to walk me through it. This reassurance of God’s constant presence in our struggles brings a deep sense of comfort and security.
Comfort and Strength
Companionship with the Lord in our struggles is a source of comfort and strength, reminding us that we are never truly alone in our battles. Share on X
Unexpected Blessings
The struggle has also brought unexpected blessings. I have listed a few of them in the article “Blessings in the Midst of My Child’s Mental Illness.” It has deepened my empathy for others who are suffering. Before this journey, I could only offer sympathy, but now I can provide genuine empathy, having walked through my valley of shadow. This empathy has opened doors for connection and ministry I never envisioned. I have been able to speak into the lives of others struggling to care for a loved one with mental illness, not from a place of theory but from a place of lived experience. My words carry the weight of someone who has been there, who has cried similar tears and asked the same questions. The power of empathy can create deep connections and provide comfort in shared experiences.
The Biggest Lesson Learned
One of my most profound lessons is that our struggles will not go to waste if we allow God to use them. The pain will shape, refine, and prepare us for the work he has for us. This truth is hard to grasp amid the suffering, but looking back, I can see how every tear, every sleepless night, and every desperate prayer has been part of God’s larger plan for my life.
As I continue in life, I am learning to embrace the struggle, not as a punishment but as a gift. A present that has drawn me closer to God deepened my faith and equipped me to serve others in ways I never imagined. And while I may still occasionally wish for a different challenge, I am learning to trust that God knows what He’s doing.
So, if you’re in the midst of a struggle and you wish for a different challenge, take heart. You are not alone. God is with you; He will use this battle to bring about something beautiful in your life. Trust Jesus, lean on Him, and know that in your weakness, His strength is made perfect.

Upcoming Talk: Soul Care for Mental Disorders: Ministering Christ’s Hope to Your Loved One
When your loved one is diagnosed with a mental disorder, you may wonder how to encourage them in Christ. In this webinar, Christine considers what compassionate soul care ministry can look like and shares five gospel truths to remember as you help someone navigate a post-diagnosis journey.
Join us for this inspiring session via Zoom on Saturday, April 5, 2025, at 9:00 AM (Mountain Time).
Embracing Faith & Mental Illness Community
Embracing Faith & Mental Illness is a Christ-centered online community for people who care for someone with a mental illness. We have four unique ways for caregivers to participate. You choose what works best for you.
Click here to discover four unique ways for caregivers to participate.

Grace and Truth Christian Link-Up Each Friday
Welcome to Grace and Truth: A Weekly Christian Blog Link-Up! Our mission is simple: to spread Jesus’ message through the power of words.
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Yes, faith in God IS powerful and our companionship-relationship with the heavenly Father is key in this life for the Christian journey. God bless!
Karen, Thank you for your words and encouragement. Yes, yes, yes, our relationship with our heavenly Father is what matters the most. Blessings, Maree
So wonderful that you ‘ll be sharing your wisdom through ZOOM!
Thank you my friend. I hope you had a wonderful weekend. Maree
I never thought of wishing for someone else’s life, challenges, or blessings. Even in the hardest of times. I guess I just accept these difficult seasons as part of being a human being. And have seen God so very faithful and very much present when those seasons dragged on and on which they tend to do. I have begged Him to redeem the pain and He has in so many ways. Yet I still pray He takes away the thorn …
Linda, I’m so glad that you can see God’s faithfulness and that He is with you. It sure shines through in your writing. – Maree
This just overflows with wisdom, Maree. I have certainly asked for “different fires,” but God always knows what we need. Thank you for reminding us that our pain is never wasted!
Oh, Stacey, you are so sweet. Thank you for sharing your pain with others. I loved getting to know you better through your most recent book. I know your words touch so many lives. Maree
“As I continue in life, I am learning to embrace the struggle, not as a punishment but as a gift.” Not an easy thing to do! But, you’ve reminded me the importance of seeing how our struggles equip us to for something God has coming up, too!
Yes, our struggles do equip us for what is coming up. I look at my childhood and see some of those struggles equipped me for what I’ve experienced now. I was so frustrated back then, but now I see how it prepared me for later. Thank you for adding your thoughts. I hope you had a blessed weekend. Maree
A beautiful post Maree! You’re following statement resonates with me;
‘This truth is hard to grasp amid the suffering, but looking back, I can see how every tear, every sleepless night, and every desperate prayer has been part of God’s larger plan for my life.’ I echo this with going through my own Valley’s in the untimely deaths of my daughter, son & late husband.
And; ‘As I continue in life, I am learning to embrace the struggle, not as a punishment but as a gift. A present that has drawn me closer to God deepened my faith and equipped me to serve others in ways I never imagined.’ As do I, I also see this long & continuing season of chronic health issues as a time of great blessing with His presence such a gift.
Blessings to you, Jennifer
Jennifer, I want to express my gratitude for your dedication to serving God despite the pain you endure. Your example is truly amazing, and I appreciate how you openly share your heart with us. It is comforting to see that even in deep sorrow, you recognize God’s blessings in your life. Thank you for also highlighting what resonated with you in my writing.
Blessings, Maree
Thank you Maree 💕
I agree with Lisa Blair…
I have allowed God to use my struggles—asking Him to help me encourage other women who’ve walked through a barren season!
I desire to be used, and I know He never wastes a suffering.
All praise to God!
Thank you, Maureen, for not letting your pain go to waste. I am sure you touch many lives. There is nothing like connecting with someone who understands our pain. Blessings, Maree
So many great insights, Maree! Here are my three takeaway quotes, “We never fully know the weight of another person’s cross.” “I understand why God allowed this particular battle in my life. It’s a testament to the transformative power of struggles, turning what we once thought was beyond us into a journey of growth and understanding.” And “God will use us if we say yes.” Thank you for authentically sharing your struggles, your heart, and the power of God in your life.
Thank you for sharing, Lisa. I enjoyed hearing your thoughts. Praying you have a blessed day. Maree