When you utter the words, “Why God?” do you immediately feel as though you have failed at being a good Christian? Has someone told you it’s not okay to question God? Lately, I have been uttering the words “Why God?” quite a bit.
Many believe questioning God may be a sign of little faith.
But life is hard here on earth. In the moment of hardships, we rarely understand why God allows certain things to filter through his hands. We may even think he is sleeping on the job.
Especially when we know without a doubt, our powerful and mighty God could change the course of our pain. We read about the many miracles in the Bible. We even share when God answers our prayers.
However, many times he doesn’t intervene.
Good people die, great people suffer, illness abounds, and we have pain. So asking him “why” seems like a pretty reasonable question.
So I go to God in prayer, pouring out my heart and asking why-why-why. After a few cries of “Why God?“ the answer is not my concern. My words change to “God, I don’t know why but I trust you.” “I trust you God; with my pain, the plan, and I know you will bring good out of this.”
It is GOD we need.
We need his comfort, his love, his presence. But most importantly we must set our eyes on him and remind ourselves – God’s Got This.
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him,
who have been called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:28
Today our featured post is from Jaime Hampton who is writing over at Candidly Christian. Jaime shares with us four truths that she looks at when she is in a place when things don’t make sense. Then she ends up with two options we must choose when we are faced with “Why God?”
Now for Our Featured Post
What To Do With The Things That Make You Ask “Why God?”
Click here to read our featured post.
Jaime, thank you for linking up with Grace & Truth. Grab a button and link back – I am sure your readers would love to celebrate with you!
Now for this week’s link up! Let’s bless and encourage one another,
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Maree Dee – Embracing the Unexpected
Aimee Imbeau – A Work of Grace
Arabah Joy
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Embracing the Unexpected | Maree Dee
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i’ve been in a season of Why God? myself. But so were the Psalmists. I love their example of asking God why? but then they remind themselves of who God is and how much He loves them. I’ve been trying to do that more often myself.
Thanks for sharing.
Karen, I too love the Psalmists and have found them so helpful. I start out with why God and a little anger and end up feeling loved. Thank you for stopping by. Praying for you in your season of Why God? Blessings, Maree
I try to remember that bad things happening are a way creation is telling us this world is not what it’s supposed to be. That there is a perfect home awaiting us. It doesn’t help ease the pain, but it does point me back to Jesus!
Emily, Yes, I love to rest my thoughts on the fact this is not our home. Our home will be amazing. Maree
So thankful for this truth! “We need his comfort, his love, his presence. But most importantly we must set our eyes on him and remind ourselves – God’s Got This.” We can rest easier knowing that God has this.
I know I am resting in HIM tonight as I close my eyes after a challenging day and week. I hope you have a wonderful weekend! Blessings, Maree
Thanks for featuring, Jaime’s post, Maree!
It was my pleasure to feature Jaime’s post. It was a well-written post full of great wisdom. Maree