Unfortunately, life can be incredibly painful and challenging on this side of heaven. No one is immune to the storms of unexpected hardship. We have all experienced hurt, no matter how hard we try to shield ourselves. Here is the good news; we don’t have to wait for the storm to pass or the hurt to fade to find peace. God desires us to experience His peace right now, even during our trials. Read on to discover how to find peace in the storm of unexpected pain and how your faith can empower you to overcome these challenges.
A Hymn of Hope
You might be familiar with the classic hymn, “It is well with my soul,” written by Horatio Spafford and composed by Philip Bliss. Horatio wrote these words not when his life was free of pain but in the wake of unimaginable tragedy. After a shipwreck claimed the lives of all his children, Horatio set out to meet his grieving wife, who survived the disaster. One can only imagine the torment he carried in his heart.
Yet, Horatio didn’t wait for the storm to die down or for his grief to subside. He knew where to turn and who to trust—the Lord. He reached for the only one who had the power to bestow peace amid the storm.
Horatio trusted God and proclaimed, “It is well with my soul.” He knew that God was his refuge, even in the darkest moments.
Where Do We Turn When Life Hurts?
Horatio’s story raises an important question: where do we turn when life feels unbearable? Like him, we don’t have to wait for things to improve before seeking peace. God offers peace that surpasses understanding—even when tragedy strikes.
Have you ever experienced peace in the middle of a storm?
What an incredible experience to stand in the middle of chaos and say, “It is well with my soul.” God wants us to find peace in the midst of our pain. #pain #findpeace #peace #unexpectedpain Share on XI encourage you to watch this powerful video that shares Horatio’s full story and a moving rendition of the hymn:
Do You Long for Peace in Your Life?
Are you struggling with circumstances that feel too heavy to carry alone? Are you desperate for peace amid your pain? When life overwhelms us, it can feel like there is no escape from the torment. But it doesn’t have to be that way. God desires to give you the same peace He gave Horatio—a peace that allows you to say, “It is well with my soul.”
Finding Peace With God
God allows suffering to enter our lives for many reasons. Sometimes, the hardship results from our own doing, though often, the pain is beyond our control and impossible to understand. Regardless of the source, we have a choice: we can either carry the burden alone or turn to God for peace.
When intense suffering arrived in my life, I was a believer in Christ, yet I couldn’t fully embrace peace. I often focused on easing the pain myself—pushing the difficult circumstances aside or masking them with positivity, believing that’s what good Christians were expected to do. After all, God made me strong and capable of much.
To my surprise, day after day, more pain arrived, making me incapable of carrying the burden on my own. Circumstances were out of my human control. God was teaching me I needed Jesus to share my burdens. I finally relented and waved the white flag of surrender.
I then understood God was the only one who would carry me through. However, the ability to persevere and find peace would not miraculously happen overnight. I needed to do my part too. Below are some steps that helped me find peace in unwanted, difficult circumstances.
We must choose wisely to uncover God’s peace that transcends all understanding. #choose #wisdom #peace Share on XSteps to Help Find Peace in the Storm of Unexpected Pain
1. Choose to Trust God
Without expecting God to remove the pain, our trust must be deep and unwavering. We put our faith in Him even when what’s happening makes no human sense. Something that might help is to say, “Okay, God, “I don’t understand. I don’t like my circumstances, but I will trust you.”
We can trust God, even when it doesn’t make human sense, and find peace in the midst of chaos. #trust #peace #unexpectedpain Share on X
2. Choose Acceptance
We don’t have to like our circumstances or God’s plan; however, we must accept them. Sometimes, simply saying, “It is what it is,” can help along this path.
3. Choose to Let Go
Letting go of control is crucial. In reality, we never had power in the first place.
I often imagine placing my burdens in a “Moses basket” and giving them to God. You can read about how a brave mother did this in the blog post “The Best Thing to Do When Life Is Difficult.”
Surrendering our pain to God doesn’t mean the struggle isn’t real, but it does mean we don’t have to carry it alone.
Maree Dee
4. Choose the Present Moment
Living in the present moment is essential. Persevering is more manageable when we focus on one moment at a time, especially when we are in the middle of suffering. We must not take on the imagined future suffering or linger in the past pain. After all, this moment carries enough hurt all on its own. Practice pushing away those thoughts that don’t pertain to the present moment.
We Can All Find Peace
My prayer is that we can all sing “It Is Well “with My Soul” and mean it from the depths of our hearts. We must practice; we will not master this condition of our hearts on the first try. We may even need a reminder or two.
However, when we trust in God, accept our circumstances, let go of control, and live in the present, we open ourselves to receive God’s incredible love. And then, out of nowhere, in the middle of our most painful storms, peace will envelop us in a way that makes no human sense. The feeling is incredible and will most likely take you by surprise.
Of course, this doesn’t signify our pain will disappear or that God will answer our prayers exactly as we hope.
However, in the midst, we can feel God’s love, comfort, and peace no matter what we are going through or where we are.
No, we won’t always understand why we endure so much suffering on this earth. Yet, we know we will find peace when we trust God with the outcomes and believe in His promises.
How have you found peace in the storm of unexpected pain?
We may not understand why suffering comes, but when we lean on God, His peace will surround us in ways that transcend all understanding. #peace #pain Share on X
*This post was initially posted on devotable and has been expanded and updated here.
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Aaah…finally I am in a place where there is calmness and challenges are behind me…
But, I know as long as I am alive, there will be trials and challenges until we all get to heaven..
The worst sufferings are behind me..
The Lord has brought me through over and over again
My son is doing much better than last year where he was in so much mental and physical pain..
Very thankful 🙏!!
[ keeping an eternal perspective like the Apostle Paul helped 👏 and this world 🌎 is not our final home. Sufferings teaches us that this is all temporary and will not last forever! Hallelujah!!
It’s wonderful to hear your news! You are truly an inspiration to me. Enjoy the calm and peace you’re experiencing. I pray it lasts for a long time, although I know that more challenges will come.
I’m also glad to hear that your son is doing well. I appreciate that you are embracing Paul’s perspective.
Blessings to you,
Thanks for the reminder to live in the present moment as you trust God to carry you through.
You are very welcome. I need to remind myself to live in the moment constantly. It is easy to become distracted by the future and the past. The timing of reading your comment was perfect.
Thank you.
I love the image on peace. Thank you!
Thank you for letting me know. It means a lot. Maree
Amen! I love how practical you make this process of finding peace. I tend to need these reminders all over again when new storms blow into my life! Thanks, Maree!
You are not alone. I’m always needing reminders. Thank you for sharing. Maree
To answer your question Maree; Yes I continue to have Peace in the Storm, God is good & I ride the rapids in His boat not my own for I am safe & secure there no matter what the rapids of life throw at me.
Blessings to you, Jennifer
Oh, Jennifer, you made me smile and envision you riding the rapids in God’s boat. I have no doubt you are safe and secure. Maree
Disquiet, pain, suffering – sometimes what causes the pain does not go away. I spent a few years on how to find joy in the hard challenges or giving myself permission to have joy when people I love are in hard challenges. Your post addresses that, too – and oh, what good words you give me/us. It has taken years learning how to trust and lean on our Father – it is well with my soul – even in the hard!
Beautiful! Thank you for sharing. Yes, we must permit ourselves to have joy when those we care about are hurting. That is such a hard lesson to learn and apply. This is something I have to keep reminding myself of. If you are interested, I have a post that addresses this, and I would love to hear your thoughts on that, too. https://www.embracingtheunexpected.com/when-joy-feels-wrong/
I’m so glad you have learned to say, “It is well with my soul.” Praising God!
Trust is the foundation for releasing the “hard things” to God and receiving His peace in exchange, Maree.
Absolutely! Without complete trust in the Lord, we cannot fully let go of what we hold. That is where we must start. Thank you for sharing your words. Maree