Have you ever pondered letting Easter pass by with just a glance? As I approached the week before Easter, I rationalized why this event could go by with nothing more than a glimpse. I concluded that my faith was strong, and God resided in my heart all year, not solely during this extraordinary week. Surely, God would understand if I didn’t focus on “Holy Week.” After all, I was already focusing on my work for Him.
However, I was so wrong to think I could let Easter pass with merely a glance. Share on X
Does God ever grab your heart?
As I sat in church on Palm Sunday—God seized my soul in a way that was so sweet and overwhelming.
Our message at church was fantastic, but the sermon wasn’t what penetrated my heart; God himself did in a quiet moment of reflection.
Quietly and obediently, I bowed my head during communion to connect with God. I squeezed my eyes shut, hoping to block out the world around me. Our message this particular day was not on Palm Sunday, but it had been on my mind since awakening.
I pondered that day of palm branches long ago.
- What did Jesus think as He rode in on a donkey?
- How was He feeling?
After all, Jesus knew what was to come within a short time. Was He dreading what was to take place? Was Jesus afraid? Did He want to go the other way? I would have.
Hailed a King
On that particular day, Jesus was being hailed as the victorious Messiah as He rode into town. People were delighted, thinking He was the earthly King there to save them.

Jesus Didn’t Stop
- Despite knowing the people would soon turn against Him, did He enjoy the welcoming?
- How did He keep moving, knowing that soon He would suffer and die?
Had I known about my unexpected circumstances ahead of time, would I have bailed out or chosen a different path?
Wet, unexpected, salty tears flowed down my face as I held communion in my hand. Aha, a connection with our sweet Lord.
The thoughts which formed in my mind were simple yet complex.
What a Gift!
“Thank you, Lord, Thank you.”
I pictured Jesus sitting on a donkey as palm branches lined the street. Inch by inch, He kept going even though He knew what would come.
“Thank you, Jesus, for continuing.”
For a moment, I interrupted my precious time by trying to wipe away the tears. For a split second, I consumed myself with what others might think.
However, it didn’t matter; this was my time to reflect. My tears were sweet tears of gratitude.
Thank you, Jesus, for—
- Loving me so much, you were willing to die on the cross for my sins.
- Preparing me for a life I didn’t expect.
- Equipping me to embrace life as it is.
- Carrying me through the unexpected.
- The incredible blessings you have brought into my life.
- Giving me the gift of the Holy Spirit.
- Moving forward when you knew what was to come.
- Becoming my best friend.
What does your thank you, Jesus list look like today?
Will you slow down with me to walk with Jesus and ponder the great sacrifice He made for each of us? Let's not let Easter pass with just a glance. #easter Share on XHow about you? Has God grabbed your heart this Easter?

For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16 NIV)

It is so hard when those we expect to trust let us down. I’m so sorry a pastor has caused you pain. I wish I had an answer for you with a detailed plan of what to do. Also, not knowing the injury makes it hard, and my answer might sound insensitive.
Pastors have let me down, but I’m unsure about being burned. What helped me was realizing they are only human and flawed like me and in desperate need of grace. However, it makes it even harder when they don’t recognize the wrong. I urge you to keep taking it to God, which you probably already have, and seek His wisdom as to what to do. He may advise confrontation, conversation, or walking away.
However, one thing is for sure: for your own sake, I hope you will begin the process of forgiving this person. Not because they deserve it but because you do. I once forgave someone who tried to take the life of someone I love. It seemed impossible, wrong, and undeserving. Yet, God kept nudging me and pointing out how He forgave me when I didn’t deserve it. It was a long process and so worthwhile for my sake.
Praying you don’t let one man’s action get in the way of your closeness with Jesus. I’ve done that before.
Blessings, Maree
five days after Easter, I’m still rejoicing in God my Savior. and will forever more.
I love hearing that, Linda. You have inspired me. May you keep rejoicing. Blessings, Maree
This is beautiful, Maree. I know it’s an older post, but I’m going to feature it on Good Friday.
Ahhh, thank you my friend.
Jesus did NOT FEEL like going to the Cross, yet He went because of His great love for us and to obey the Father’s will. Jesus learned obedience through the things He suffered.
Jesus is our only HOPE in this broken, sinful world
Kalyani, Isn’t it amazing how much Jesus loved us. I agree He is our only hope. Maree
What about Jesus’ Father Who is deeply grieved to watch His only Beloved Son hanging on the Cross being tortured for our sins? The Father’s heart in deep agony and pain..
I can only imagine the intense pain for God to see His one and only son in deep agony and pain. And all of our sins not His. What a gift we have all received. One so hard to comprehend.
Blessings, Maree
Thank you, Maree, for sharing such a lovely, personal glimpse into your gratitude for our wonderful Savior.
Thank you, Wendy, for your sweet note. I hope you had a fantastic Easter.
Goodness, this post is timely for me.It’s been a struggle this year to pause and remember, but I know my heart needs the way of the cross.
I think sometimes it is hard to pause and remember, especially when everything is different. We have no fanfare this year; it is solely my husband and me. One would think it would be easier to focus, but in some ways, it seems harder. I’m right there with you and praying you see and feel and see the Easter blessings, Maree
Thank you for the wonderful reminder, Maree, that God is faithful even when we are not. He is there with us, waiting for us to come to Him! Beautiful!!!
It is a beautiful thought. Happy Easter to you and your family. Maree
Interestingly, this past Sunday was a powerful one for me, too!
Donna – I am so glad your Sunday was powerful. Happy Easter! Maree
Your transparency blessed my heart. I found my self in a similar situation on Palm Sunday… a little unprepared for what He was going to do in my heart when I was willing to bow and to humble myself with gratitude. I’ve been letting the burdens weigh deeply and forgetting that there is always so much to thank Him for. 😉
You have been a huge source of encouragement to me, Maree, a kindred spirit that allows me to breathe deep with you. Praying for more and more of His love to flow over your heart.
I think God was working overtime on Palm Sunday. I have heard so many women express how God stirred in their heart this Easter. I love hearing that. I am so happy you too had a similar experience.
I am so glad I have been an encouragement to you. I feel the same about you. I love your posts.
Thank you for your prayers.
I have read so many posts this Easter season of people who have just felt blah about it. I think God is doing something. For so many people to have the same feeling and then realize and acknowledge it is incredible. God is speaking to hearts.
Sheila, I agree. God is speaking to our hearts. Maree
Thank you for sharing this, Maree! Easter grabbed me in a new way as well this year…and as I read your post, I was struck by how our Lord didn’t feel the resentment I feel so many times when I think about my own situation…which is nothing compared to what Jesus did for us!
I am so glad that Easter grabbed you in a new way. It must have been in the air. Maree
Maree, yes, God totally does that whole “grabbing my heart and attention” thing during church all the time LOL … this year, I found that He was drawing me closer than ever before during Holy week, I am sure you read about it on the linkup. He is beckoning each of us in His own way to come to Him, focus on Him, and press in to Him. Blessings to you & Thank you for linking up with #TuneInThursday this last week. I hope to see you again this Thursday at the linkup.
Debbie – That is wonderful he pulled you even closer this past week. Don’t you just love that when he does that? Maree
Maree- I struggle with this too. Am I living and acting in a way that treasures what God has done for me? Is my heart appreciative enough?
Lovely post!
Happy Easter!
Always nice to know I am not alone. I hope you had a wonderful Easter. Maree
This was a great reminder of what the meaning of Easter really is about. As we study the book of John and read about his crucifixion. How amazing it is that he gave up his life so we may live. He is the light and the way.
I agree, it simply amazing what he did for us. Wishing you a wonderful Easter weekend.
Beautiful words! I also had a fresh appreciation for Christ’s sacrifice this week. May we never grow numb to all Jesus sacrificed on our behalf! Thank you so much for sharing with us.
I am so glad you had a fresh appreciation for Christ’s sacrifice this week. It is amazing what he did for us. Have a wonderful Easter.
Thank you for sharing such a personal moment. It’s easier to just let Easter pass without a thought, but you’ve reminded me to take some time to let the events of Easter sink into my heart and mind. Happy Easter to you! 🙂
Happy Easter to you too. I hope you are finding some time to let Easter sink in. I am embarrassed to say even after my wonderful moment with God I still struggle with making the time.
I love your questions about what it was like for Jesus on Palm Sunday. It is amazing to think that he knew what lay ahead and yet he chose to go through with it for us. It is good to slow down and reflect on this- I think sometimes when we are familiar with the story we can become complacent but it is so important to remember all that he did for us.
Lesley –
I agree so amazing that he knew what was to come and was still willing. I guess that is what makes him Jesus and not just one of us. I agree sometimes we are so familiar with the story we don’t pay attention. I know that is true for me. I have to make a point to remember, and when I do, I always learn something. It was nice to chat a bit with you today. Happ Easter! Maree
I too wonder what Jesus was thinking, what were the disciples thinking. Oh me too, so thankful, your list of reasons.
Yes, I wonder too what the disciples were thinking. Thanks for stopping by. Maree
I love your point of view…it’s a great question that requires lots of trust…would we keep going if we knew what was ahead of us? Especially as we chase after Him..it’s in the chasing where trust is made for me…I loved this. thanks!
This is so true it requires a ton of trust. Thank you for your words of encouragement.
So beautiful. He has risen indeed!
Thank you! Happy Easter!
Thank you, Maree! It is sad how easily this life He gave me can consume me to the point where I forget the Giver; the eternal life He promises does not even get considered. Children, jobs, retirement, and what-have-you sneak in and take over until it’s ‘God who?’. Your post today reminds me of Hebrews 10: 24, 25 where we are encouraged to keep meeting so we will not forget. May we continue to support one another in our ‘walk with Jesus’. He is Risen Indeed!
I love that reminder. Yes, we need to keep meeting, so we don’t forget. Happy Easter! Maree
Thank you Jesus, indeed. — Happy Easter, Maree. ((hug))
Hugs back to you too.
This was beautiful Maree… and perhaps the biggest thanks is that we don’t see all that is to come as He did… for how much more anxious would we be if we did know all that we think we want to know?? A beautiful list of things to be thankful for– most importantly for Jesus and his resurrection. God is good. Thanks for the reminder to give glory to him on this holiest of weeks. ♥
Yes, I agree the biggest thanks is we don’t see what is coming. I think I would have run for the hills and I am so glad I didn’t.
God has always been good.
Maree, it’s no coincidence that I found your post linked right before mine on no less than 3 link-ups today. I know that even though I’ve been writing about Easter (even did a devotional about it) my heart is distracted by the many things on my list. God used your words in this post to call me to slow down and pause — to soak in all that Easter means for me and for those who will be touched by my transformed life. Thank you for being his vessel today!
Blessings to you for Easter and beyond.
Marva | SunSparkleShine
How strange that I was right before yours three times. Obviously, God must have wanted us to connect. I love it when that happens.
I found the same thing to be true about writing about Easter and still needing to remind myself today to slow down.
Happy Easter to You!