Maree Dee is the Host for Grace & Truth Christian Link-Up
The Grace and Truth Link-Up exists to point people to Jesus! We hope this blog link-up will be a source of encouragement every week. We would love to have you join us for the Grace and Truth Link-Up each Friday!
The link-up goes live every Friday at 3:00 AM (Mountain Time) on Maree Dee | Embracing the Unexpected. To add your post, navigate to our home page, click the most recent article, and scroll down to the end, where you will find directions to enter our current link-up.
To receive a reminder, subscribe to Maree Dee | Embracing the Unexpected by clicking here.

Maree Dee – Embracing the Unexpected

- Following your hosts via their blog and social media channels is not mandatory, but it is appreciated!
- Leave 1-2 of your most recent Christian Living posts. Please do not link DIY, Crafts, Recipes, etc. We will delete these links. We also reserve the right to remove articles that don’t align with the theme or are deemed by the hostesses to be inappropriate.
- Visit 1-2 other links and leave a meaningful comment! We want to encourage community among us, so please don’t link and run!
- We sort all links randomly – feel free to link as early or as late as you’d like. The playing field is even!
Featured Post Requirements
- Please grab a button and link it back to one of our hosts to encourage new linkers. It is not mandatory to participate but is required to be featured.
- Maree will choose one blog post once a month to feature and promote via her website and social media channels. She will also pick several to feature weekly on her Grace & Truth Pinterest board. Be sure to visit our other hosts weekly to see what they have chosen.
Grace & Truth Badge
Please add our badge to your post or sidebar and link back to one of our hosts.

Grace & Truth Featured Badge
Were you featured by one of our hosts? Congratulations, and thank you for linking up with Grace & Truth. Here is a graphic you can save and display on your website so your readers can celebrate with you!

What is a Blog Link-Up?
A Blog Link-Up is a place to gather with other bloggers. Whether a writer or a reader, you will find value in participating in a blog link-up.
Encouragement for the Writer
As a writer, you can add your post. Link-ups give the ability for posts to reach and grow a wider audience. It is pretty amazing to be able to encourage strangers with our words in faraway places and nearby.
Encouragement for the Reader
As a reader, it is a great place to find topics that interest you—all in one location.
The Value of Friendship
The best part of a blog link-up has been the opportunity to develop remarkable new friendships with fellow bloggers and readers.
I prayed all my life. I started to lose faith and my temper. I pray to St. JOAN my patron Saint to stay chaste and even tempered. I most certainly have got little miracles where I am grateful. I am an empath anf worry about even a lost toy. My grandaughter borrowed a halloween necklace from her brother my grandson. I wondered where it went. My daughter got an apartment where I stayed for five days. For twelve hours over three days I singlrhandedly cleaned my grandaughter’s room…not easy. Amongst many things I found was the necklace tangled up with a few necklaces. I spent a half hour detangling them. Long story short…I am a fixer amd a painter. I have had many small miracles. I took the necklace home with me. It hangs off my doorknob. It was like finding a needle in a haystack. Unfortunately, I had an unhappy life…not terrible but bad. I am divorcrd out of necessity. I got married young to run from my parents. I met a younger man who is a soldier. Not a teen ager…younger than I am. He is a dream husband…but evil doers will not let that he come home. He is in hiding for safety and secrecy…only to me. I have been promised thousands of times he would be home but he is not yet. God gave mr a husband where I was not always respected but he will not bring home my soulmate. Gladly other people are getting their rainbow but not me. Why?
I am so sorry you haven’t gotten your rainbow, and I have no idea why. But I do know God never promised life would be easy here on earth. It helps me to hold tight to the promise that we are never alone and the Lord is always with us. Blessings, Maree